You do you boo.

middle part
My Friend, Sayde and I, doing Middle Part Friday.

So TODAY, Friday October 24th, my friends, is MIDDLE PART FRIDAY. What is Middle Part Friday? Well, it is a day where you middle part you hair. What’s the reason…just because. My friend Sayde wanted to do it, so we did. If you think “Middle Part Friday” was good, just wait until “Toga Tuesday” happening on the 28th. Not only do you get to wear a toga, but it is for breast Cancer Awareness Month!


Party Shirt
This is my friends, myself, and my “party shirt.”

Something that has come from being in college has been and still is a lot of discovery. And some of the discovery deals with ME. In college, I have completely and fully embraced my “inner-weird.” And I love ever minute of it. In high school, it came out at moments, but I was too concerned about what people would think of me and was controlled by a fear of being judged. Well, NO MORE. The phrase, “You do you,” that is how I live my life now: “I do me.” I am weird by the norms of society, and guess what, I proud of that fact because it is a part of what makes me, me!


Homecoming Hoedown. I came prepared.



Now that I know more about myself, I am truly happy and comfortable being my weird, goofy, and silly self. This year for school, I came prepared. I brought the right clothes in order to express my goofiness as you can see in the pictures. These clothes are more important than the clothes of normal day. They are a necessity in my closet.





All in all, I have learned that it is so important to be yourself. When you are yourself, that is when you can find joy. You do you friends, you do you.

Graves Hall Vlog!

Hey friends! Leslie and I made a new vlog for you! This week, we focused on Graves Hall, one of the older buildings on campus. We also interviewed a fellow Hope College student who happens to be my best friend, Joey Grahek! He gives us insight about his experiences here at Hope and what its like to be a student. We hope it helps you all!

If you haven’t already, make sure to watch our other vlogs on our channel, called Marv “O” Leslie vlogs (sounds like marvelously, haha). And if you haven’t already, make sure to follow us on twitter at @HopeMarvin15 and @HopeLeslie15. Thanks for all of your time and support!

Make Waves. Change the World.

What do you think a leader looks like?

While you ponder that question, let me tell you something about Hope. It is a liberal arts collage, which means it is quite the mix of majors and minors. It offers a slew of pre-professional programs while also holding true to it’s heritage and offering a Dutch major. It is the only school that I know of with the mascot “The Flying Dutchmen” and the only school that has crazy traditions like The Pull and Nykerk. The word I would really use to describe Hope is UNIQUE.

Another thing that makes Hope so unique is one of the minors it offers. The minor is Leadership, and you may be asking: “What could I possibly do with a Leadership minor? What’s the point of tacking it on to my schedule if I’m going to be a ____?” Well let me tell you, there are so many good reasons to do so! For example, I’m in Leadership 201, the first of the classes to fulfill my Leadership minor, and I’ve already learned so much about myself, my peers, and the world around me. The readings assigned give me insight, the assignments are meant to better myself, and the activities done in class keep me thinking outside the classroom. It is truly an eye-opening class.

Although I’ve only been in the class for a week, I’ve already learned a very important detail that life forgets to tell everyone. Do you want to know? It’s this: everyone’s a leader. Everyone! Not just your professor, sports coach, or people in positions of power. Indeed, even YOU have the power to lead your peers. It might not always be by how many words you speak, but the actions you choose to portray. I myself used to think I could never be a leader. I was too quiet, too much of a follower, and too introverted. But I’ve learned through this class, and this minor, that in order to be a leader, you have to play to your strengths, have huge dreams, and know how to work well with different types of people that will make those dreams come true. Anyone, including myself, can be a leader.

So in answer to the above question, all you need to do is go look in a mirror, because what does a leader look like?

A leader looks like you.


Go change the world, readers! Until next time. Much love.

Merch for a Mission: Serengetee!

Two things I love that are very different from each other:

1. Helping others

2. Clothing (Yep, typical.)

So, I was pretty pumped last year at Hope when I found out that there’s a super cool company that combines both of these things. Serengetee purchases unique fabrics from around the world and uses them to create pockets on shirts. 5% of the proceeds from each sale go to one of 32 charities, each of which are connected with certain fabrics. Whether you’re passionate about ending human trafficking, providing clean water, reforestation, or something else, Serengetee can help you support that cause, and at the same time, you get an awesome shirt that can act as a conversation-starter to tell more people about the cause you care about! 5% might not seem like much, but it adds up over time. Serengetee was just founded in 2012, and they have already donated far over $100,000 to these great causes!

Wear the world, change the world!

Another great thing about Serengetee is that each shirt is made to order, and you can get exactly what you want. They have options from sweatshirts to v-necks and button-ups, and many more. They also sell hats, backpacks, and headphones. They have so many options, and there is definitely something for everyone!

Here I am wearing a black long-sleeve with the pattern Jalapa on the pocket! This fabric supports Mayan families, an organization that helps people in Guatemala gain access to life’s basic necessities through education and community development!

If you want to wear the world too, you can use this link for 15% off your order at! For more information, contact me at I would love to talk with you about this great company!

My friend Tommy and I were all about our Serengetee shirts when we worked at camp this summer! Both of these fabrics donated to causes that fight human trafficking!

Thank you for reading! Let’s change the world together! Let me know what you order on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or via email at!

Classic Hope College.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.

– Colossians 3:14

Recap of #HopeHomecoming 2014!

I can’t believe #HopeHomecoming was about a week ago! It seems as if it was forever ago because time just flies! Anyway, Homecoming was such a great time. I was able to be present and even participate in some of the events that happened, which was a lot of fun!


So last Friday, Student Activities Committee (SAC) had their annual Homecoming Hoedown! Even though the weather was wet, windy, and cold, students came and it was a great outcome. There was so much cider, donuts, and fall foods. The line dancing was also pretty awesome, no doubt. Check out the slideshow below for some awesome pictures!


I started off my morning early by volunteering for the Flying 5K Hope College hosts. It was a lot fun because I volunteered with Kristen, a great friend of mine. Although it was very chilly, it was fun to see the runners and being part of the help was also satisfying. Later that afternoon, I participated in the Student Life fair where there was a table for SAC and my fellow directors and myself shared information with students and alumni about our organization. Following that, the Taste of the South: Memphis Blues & BBQ was happening, so I also ate the food and boy was it great!!! Saturday, although gloomy, was made a joyful day because of the outcomes of the events!!


Sundays are for homework, right? Anyway, that’s what I did a bunch of. No surprise there for ya. But another highlight to last Sunday was The Gathering service. Let me tell you, the worship music was on point, and the message was also very eye-opening. I love Gatherings such as those. It just refreshes and reminds me of how great God is and how amazing Hope College is. I’m truly blessed to go here!

I can’t believe this was my last Homecoming as a Hope student! It’s crazy how fast time flies during your time here. Stay tuned friends, fellow blogger Leslie and I have a new vlog surprise waiting for you. If you haven’t seen our other ones, make sure to check them out! CLICK HERE to see awesome vlogs about Hope!

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Hope College Homecoming was last weekend, and it was tons of fun! As a super senior, homecoming was a little more important to me than what it’s been in previous years. It was great to see so many people that I started college with back on campus.

Homecoming started off with a great volleyball game that the Flying Dutch came out victorious. After the game, I was going to head to the Hoedown with some friends, but I ended up being sick over the weekend.  Going out in the wet weather with a cold didn’t sound too appealing. However, I did hear (and see from pictures) that people had tons of fun at the farm doing all the great things that a hoedown can offer… such as: line dancing, hay rides, hot apple cider, warm doughnuts, and a petting zoo.

Saturday was a crazy, but totally fun day! I went to the football game to cheer for a friend on the homecoming court, and to watch some classmates play football. The football game was great! Hope came from behind, and took the game to overtime, and ended up winning! After the game, I met up with one of my roommate’s from junior/senior year (my first senior year). We ate dinner at a new restaurant downtown Holland called Hops. Because it was so cold out we decided to grab coffee and our favorite place, JP’s, and then headed to cheer on the Hope College soccer team. Even though Hope didn’t win, it was still fun to watch.

After the soccer game, Hope sponsored a great fireworks show! It was so much fun to be sitting alongside classmates, professors, family, friends, and alumni celebrating this great school.

Finally, we finished Homecoming weekend by grabbing dessert at CityVu downtown Holland. It was great to catch up with friends, laugh about good times, and just enjoy being in one another’s company.

It’s crazy to think that I have experienced my last homecoming weekend as a student; however, so encouraging that I have many more homecoming memories to make in the future as a proud alumni of this school.

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The Invisible War

One of the reasons why I joined my sorority, Theta Gamma Pi, is because it states in our purpose: “[we] will be active in the community through leadership and service. While upholding respect for our own unique differences, we will work to educate our fellow students to ultimately promote the growth of diversity on campus.” This really stood out to me because I think it should be something we ALL should be doing in our own lives. Wherever you are, it is important that you get up and get active in your community. Here at Hope, getting involved could mean joining the many diverse organizations like the Latino Student Organization, Black Student Union, or Hope’s Asian Perspective Association! You don’t even HAVE to join if you don’t want to, just go to their events! Or, getting involved could mean educating others on an issue that effects a large group of people.

This year, we wanted to raise awareness of sexual assault by showing the documentary, The Invisible War, which exposed the epidemic of sexual assault in the U.S military among females and males. Throughout the documentary, female and male survivors of sexual assault told their stories and how their cases against their perpetrators were repeatedly covered up by their commanders. It shows the struggles these men and women face on a  daily basis as they try to rebuild their lives while also speaking out to fight for justice. Personally, I had little knowledge of this serious issue within the military. It was an eye opener for me to hear these women tell their stories of how their assault not only broke the bond that was formed between their “brothers,” but how it affected their family and friends around them. It made me angry to see how their perpetrators were not punished for their crimes because the evidence was not reviewed or simply covered up. This documentary raises serious questions about how the military handles these claims of sexual assault and what needs to change so that these survivors do not have to spend their entire lives fighting for justice.

Following the documentary, there was a group of panelists that included:

  • John Koch – VA in Grand Rapids
  • Dr. Rita Kenyon-Jump – Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator at Battle Creek VA
  • Sara Duhr – Policy Educator at Hope College
  • Holly Seymour- Program Director at Center for Women in Transition
  • Kelly Daniel – Attendee at West Point Military Academy
  • Dr. Carrie Bredow – Psychology Professor specializing in Romantic Love

Panelists answered questions and offered their insight on how important it is that this issue of sexual assault is addressed not only in the military, but here at Hope as well. While the documentary is focused on sexual assault in the military, sexual assault happens right here on our very campus. Often times we as students turn a blind eye to the bad that goes on at Hope, but the fact of the matter is that it should be our responsibility to educate others about this issue.  STEP, or Students Teaching & Empowering Peers, is a group on campus that is committed to educating others on interpersonal violence as well as empowering students to be active bystanders, thus positively effecting social change on campus. I first heard about STEP my freshman year when they held a presentation about how we as students can act as active bystanders if we see someone who is unable to give consent or is in an alarming situation. If you would like to know more information about STEP and what they do, here is the link to their Facebook:

For more information about The Invisible War and how YOU can take action against the epidemic of sexual assault in the military, go to:

Thanks so much for reading!

College: A Never-ending Balancing Act

I’m wiping my brow as I type this. Okay, not really. I’m sure you get the point, though; the last week has been absolutely busy. College, it’s crazy. I must say, however, that it’s an enjoyable busy if you’re able to divide your time evenly between the things you have to do.

1. School – This is a no brainer. I mean you’re at college for this reason, right? But, while studying is so important, so are the rest of the things on this list.

2. Work – I work two jobs on campus, one in an office and this one! Both are really cool jobs, but I do have to find time for both! I believe work is important in cultivating work ethic for future jobs!

3. Friends/Social Life – While school is important, it’s really important to form relationships with the people around you and not devote all of your time to studying! I find that especially at a place like Hope, people really want to find time to learn about each other and each other’s lives. There’s also so many extracurricular activities to take part in.

4. Hobbies – Whether it be a sport, reading, writing, photography, art, etc. everyone wants to find time to do something they love; it gives us happiness from inside ourselves.

5. Exercise – To many, this is a priority. In a busy college lifestyle, it can be hard to find time to exercise, especially when you have a huge exam the next day and your friends want to go walk around down town…which do you choose?

(Tip for 3, 4, and 5: Take study breaks by reading a chapter of a book you’ve picked out, going to the gym, joining a bible study, or hanging out with friends! Right now, Nykerk Song practice is my fun break!)

So you have all of these things, and maybe even more, to figure out in college. I wondered exactly how I was going to balance all of these tasks coming into college, and even last week when I began doubting my abilities as I faced the exams and projects of the middle of the semester. Yet so many people are in college and doing it all. So while there’s no definite answer to how everything gets done, it all gets done. Stress will only make it worse, so try to remain calm and…

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7
1 Peter 5:7

Brooke – email me with any questions, or follow my twitter @hopebrooke18!


Top 5 Times You Should Listen to Ben Rector

Ben Rector’s music happens to be pretty popular here around Hope College, and who can blame us? His songs are chill, beautiful, meaningful, beautiful, interesting, beautiful, great, beautiful, fun, beautiful, relatable, and beautiful. Here are the top five times you should listen to them!

5. Health Dynamics class

Health dy is kind of like the college equivalent of P.E. class, and it’s a general education requirement here at Hope, so everybody takes it. Per doctor’s orders because of my back, I’m not allowed to do most of what my class does, so I usually end up walking around the track or riding a stationary bike for an hour. Perfect time to listen to some BR.

4. In the car

Ben Rector was a huge part of my playlist for the drive from Illinois to Holland in August. He’s also the #1 played music in my car as I travel throughout West Michigan. It’s great windows down, singing along music.

3. Homework time

Since Ben’s music is pretty chill, it’s not too distracting to listen to while I do homework! His songs are great background tunes for studying or paper writing.

2. When he comes to Hope College

Most perfect concert I could have ever dreamed up. I loved Ben’s show at Hope in September.

Ben Rector
Ben’s concert was so perfect!

1. All the time.

There’s never, ever, ever a bad time to listen to Ben Rector. He’s great. If you aren’t familiar with his tunes, you should definitely change that. Your whole life will probably change.


What’s your favorite Ben Rector song? Let me know on Twitter (@hopekathryn17), Instagram (@kathrynekrieger), or via email at!

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

– Colossians 3:16


Presentation at University of Michigan

This weekend was short for me because I spent a day in University of Michigan. I did not have any chance to attend the homecoming events and that was a pity. On Saturday, I got up at 5.30 AM and took a ride with Dr. Smith. There were other engineering students, and Dr. Jianhua Li. When we got there, it was around 8.40. We had a quick breakfast. This event included a lot of presentations, from both professors and research groups/students. We came back at 7.30. I sat by Dr. Smith and we had a great talk. Dr. Smith was my mechanical professor in my sophomore year. His courses were really hard frankly. He is a very knowledgeable man. A talk with him makes me understand what I should do as an engineering student.

University of Michigan is a great university. We have graduates going there every year. Their engineering school is one of the top in nation. It is great that we have the research and presentation opportunities as undergraduates at Hope.

The fall in Michigan is so pretty. I think photos work better than words.