
If you have been following me or any of the other Hope bloggers on Twitter, you are probably aware of what happened on Thursday. If this is sounding new, let me bring you up to speed: it snowed.

I repeat, it SNOWED. In OCTOBER.

This is not what Hope looks like! This is simply a beautiful picture of snow I found

As a Kansas-born, Michigan-bred girl, I am no stranger to winter weather conditions. The word “snow” don’t make me panic or cower, and I even enjoy it when appropriate. Key word: appropriate. Late October is in no way, shape, or form, appropriate weather for snow.

Like I just said, I was raised in Michigan, so this is not my first time seeing snow in October. I even ran a cross country in snow in October once in high school. The difference between then and now is that now I’m in college.

Snow in college poses several difficulties:

  1. Field placements/student teaching. For my education field placement this semester, I am placed at a local high school. Luckily, the high school is not too far away from campus, but snowy conditions means that I have to wake up earlier to allow myself more driving time, and I have to take off whatever mountain of show accumulated on my the day before. Not so much fun to do at 6:45 AM.
  2. Walking. Unlike high school, where the closest you get to snow during the school day is the window, you have to walk everywhere in college. Hope’s small campus means that my walks aren’t very far, but I still spend a significant about of time outside. If I had to estimate, I would say that I spend at least one hour per day walking around campus. With gusting winds, heavy snow fall, and cold temperatures, my enjoyable fall walks become detestable in winter. Also, a snow day in college is as rare as a 70-degree day in November; it almost never happens (in case you were wondering, the last time Hope closed for a snow day was in 2011). So no matter how much it snows or how cold it gets, I still have to go outside.
  3. Mental Preparation. Though I enjoy seeing the beauty of all four seasons, summer is by far the best time of the year for me. After it ends, I go through a mourning and denial period, a.k.a fall, where I still try to wear my summer clothes for as long as I can. The few months of fall allow me to reminisce over summer while preparing for the upcoming winter. The unexpectedly short fall this year has not given me enough time to get myself into the right mindset for snow, which has consequently led me to my current state of shock, confusion, anger, and sadness.

So you see, I’m not complaining over nothing. I have legitimate reasons to be upset over the snow. However, not all hope it lost. As I’m typing these final words, the sun is starting to peak out from behind the clouds and the snow patches are melting into snow puddles.

God really does answer prayers.


P.S.-Feel the same way? Let me know in a comment or on Twitter!

Thinking of Studying Abroad?

Transitioning from last week’s short week due to Fall Break to a full week again is proving to be a lot more difficult than imagined. With the mindset of being stress-free no longer applicable, the second round of tests are approaching. Even on top of that, people wanting to study abroad next year or this summer have applications due within the next month. I am one of those people. A study abroad fair took place in Maas two weeks ago where all of the summer programs and other opportunities were displayed. Some of my friends in the past have gone on the Vienna Summer May Term and absolutely loved it! For me, it would be the perfect excursion because it is only a month long, I wouldn’t be missing any school for it plus I would get an awesome experience that I otherwise would never be able to have. Like I said, the applications are due soon (November 25 for Vienna), which just adds another stressor to your life. Being able to balance homework and intramurals along with trying to get the application finished and in early is no easy feat. It’s easy to just put off since it isn’t due quite yet, but getting ahead on it is really beneficial.

For individuals who are unaware of this program, it takes place in either May or June (or both) depending on which one you sign up for. Some of the courses that you can take include German, Modern Austrian History, Austrian Art/Architecture, Theology and Ethics, Empires of the World and Vienna Music Traditions. Many of them would fulfill Art, IDS and History credits, which is really nice. In addition, you would be staying with a host family and get the opportunity to really live in another culture and out of your comfort zone. Even beyond that, this program allows for traveling to other areas such as Prague, Salzburg and Morbisch (for the May session).

Even if this program does not appeal to you, there are plenty more offered through various study abroad programs. Many of them do not require you to speak the language, which opens even more opportunities to travel places you thought you were restricted from because of a language barrier. Basically, this is the prime time to study abroad and if you don’t take advantage of it now, when will you have the time to later on?

If you are interested in this Vienna program, this is the link to the Hope site for further information: http://www.hope.edu/beyondhope/offcamp/vienna/

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Big School vs. Little School

I know it’s beyond Wednesday, so this week is practically over. But, I just wanted to share with all of you my experiences from last weekend! So, Friday, October 18th, one of my best buddies and I left Holland, MI and road-tripped to Ann Arbor, the home of the University of Michigan main campus. I’m going to be honest, I love U of M. It was in my top 3 choices my senior year of high school. When Joey and I arrived there, it was around 10:00 PM, because we made a pit stop in Howell, MI to do some outlet mall shopping. I was actually disappointed with the selection and even the prices, but that’s what’s not important! We ended up staying the night in Ann Arbor. We needed all of the energy we could reserve for the big football game!

The football game started at 3:30 PM, so Joey and I slept-in a little, and we did a little tour of the HUGE campus. We ended up in downtown AA where we ate at Noodles and Company and shopped at the MDen, the official supplier of Michigan apparel. That store was packed beyond I could imagine, and I even heard from the locals that it’s that way all of the time. Crazy to think, right?

Whenever I go to Noodles and Co., I ALWAYS get the Pad Thai. I would recommend it.
Whenever I go to Noodles and Co., I ALWAYS get the Pad Thai. I would recommend it.

Just touring around South Campus was so overwhelming for me. Although this trip was such an awesome experience, it made me realize how lucky I am to be at Hope College. When you think about, we are very spoiled as students at Hope! We get the attention from our professors, they know us on a first-name basis, they care about our success, and Hope is just a closer, tight-knit community. Of course, the big universities have so many things to offer, but so does a small-liberal arts college. Here are some of the pictures I took from this weekend at U of M. Take a peek!

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Perks of going to Hope College:

For the seniors, and even juniors in high school, hear me out! The size of the college you want to go to will matter! Think about the faculty to student ratio. Glance at the average class sizes. DO YOUR RESEARCH! At Hope College, we pride our faculty to student ratio and class sizes. You will get all of the attention you need. The small class sizes truly enhance your learning. For me, I feel super comfortable asking my profs questions, which furthers my learning.

Big universities do offer financial aid, but for many, they’re only given such a limited amount. Again, Hope College prides itself in financial aid packages, making school affordable for all students. Yes, ALL STUDENTS. Hope College also offers various academic scholarships and grants. Let me tell you, I’m SO glad I came here. This is also what drew me in.

I know you are thinking about college, but it’s also a time to think about post-college education. Hope College prepares all of its students for graduate school. Hope offers many pre-professional programs that can get you in the door. Hope is also very distinct in research. It is ONE OF THE BEST undergraduate research schools in the NATION. Yes, NATION. Want proof? Click here!

Hope has an atmosphere that you won’t see anywhere else. The campus is both small and large. You can cross campus in at least 10 minutes, but the student body is at the perfect size. You will recognize others, but not know them necessarily. I know I keep yapping but Hope just has so much to offer.

As you approach deadlines for applying to schools, consider Hope. Click here to go their admissions website to learn even more. Hope offers many visit-day opportunities, fly-in weekends, and even crossing Lake Michigan on a ferry to accommodate those living out of state! I know I’ve been yapping for a long time now. But consider your options. Hope is here for you. Take the visit days to your fullest advantage. You’ll be glad you did. Seriously, this college rocks.

Tour of Dykstra!

I live in Dykstra Hall, and it’s a little different from all the other dorms on campus because it’s the only one that’s in a cluster format. There are several little living room areas on every floor, all surrounded by dorm rooms. Each cluster either has its own bathroom or shares a bathroom with the cluster next to it. I think it’s a pretty cool set-up! We have a ton of fun in Dykstra and there are so many awesome ladies. There are still a ton of girls I haven’t even had the chance to meet yet, but I’m looking forward to meeting more people as the year goes on. I am pretty close with the girls in my cluster and the one next door and it’s been so great to get to know all of them!

For this post, I thought I would have some fun and give you guys a little video tour of Dykstra! Check it out!

Grace and I had a ton of fun making this video. We were super excited to share it with you guys!

Still have questions about Dykstra? Leave me a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, or follow @hopekathryn17 on Twitter and tweet at me! I’d love to hear from you guys!

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love,
    so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Psalm 90:14.

Fall Break Memories

Last year I thought it would be so cool to only have one class from 12:00 – 12:50 on Fridays. I could sleep in, go to class, and be done for the day in less than an hour. I didn’t realize until last Friday that I probably should have just scheduled more classes on Friday, but having to stay for my one Friday class was a total bummer. Luckily it didn’t take too long though, and by 2:00, I was on my way home.

I only live three hours from Hope, so I made it home at around five o’clock. I unpacked, said hi to my parents and my dog Owen, and then I was off to my best friend George’s house. This was a very special Friday because it marked the release of a new Pokemon game. George and I had our copies pre-ordered well before school even started in anticipation of the release of one of the most addictive and fulfilling games out there. It also just-so-happened that the store where we pre-ordered our games was having a midnight launch event. We piled into my car at around 11:00 and we were on our way to get our games.

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After we got our games, we went back to George’s house to rip off the plastic and get playing. What felt like 20 minutes actually ended up being a few hours, so I got home pretty late that night. Staying up late to play video games with my best friend really brought me back to the high school days where we’d all end up at someone’s house after school gaming until we saw the sun.

I did some productive things like catching up with other friends, playing my drums a bit, reading Carrie in anticipation of the new movie, and helping my mother clean our garage. I’m not going to lie though, basically every other moment that I was awake was spent on my 3DS training my shiny new Charizard.

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Now that I’m back at school, my 3DS is feeling decidedly neglected, but that’s okay. Fall Break was a great weekend for me to just get back into being a kid again, and that was something I sorely needed. A lot of kids think it’s weird that we don’t get Labor Day off at Hope. In all honesty though, I’d much rather have the short breaks that we get each fall and winter than an extra day off at the beginning.

Online Shopping… For the college student’s budget!

In my cluster I am known for my thrifty online shopping… As evidenced by this poster that one of my lovely friends made and hung up in the cluster bathroom.


I love finding good deals online so that I can get new things without breaking the very limited college student’s bank. It’s kind of exciting to me. These are the places I find great deals!

Before I start, one of my favorite secrets is to sign up for online coupon codes. Most large websites have a little box somewhere that you can type in your email address for them to send you information about online specials and sales, along with coupon codes for free shipping or discounts! Free shipping is your friend! I get emails from Forever 21, J. Crew Factory (J. Crew’s cheaper, but just as wonderful, sister store), and Glik’s, just to name a few. You do have to be careful with this though, because it can get overwhelming, and a lot of times the deals aren’t as great as they seem. I try to only take advantage of these if I’ve had my eye on something to order for a while anyway, so it really is a good deal since I was probably going to spend the money anyway. I also have a separate email account that I use for all these stores, just so it doesn’t overload my school email or anything like that.


I mainly buy jewelry from Groopdealz, but a lot of times they have cute clothes and housewares too! Everything is extremely reasonably priced and I’ve never had a problem with the quality. Shipping is free sometimes (it depends on the seller) so that’s something you have to check before you order, but even if you do have to pay for it, most of the time it’s just a few dollars. They add new products every day and usually only sell things for a few days at a time, so there’s always something new to see!


Everyone knows about Amazon, but it’s not always the first place we think of when we want to buy clothes or jewelry. I have learned, interestingly enough, to look for shoes on Amazon. I recently found a pair of awesome Steve Madden boots (last year’s model) for $35 on Amazon. That’s over 50% off the original price. I was pretty excited about them. Amazon sometimes doesn’t have things marked down at all, so you really have to look. Again, this is usually something I check if I know I’m going to buy something anyway and I want to look around for the best price. I knew I wanted to get the boots so I searched them on Amazon and they had by far the best deal!


Again, we all know about eBay, but I don’t think we all realize how great the things on it can be. I got a pair of awesome, super soft and warm, brand new fleece lined leggings on there for $6 with free shipping. I also got a keyboard cover for my laptop for under $3. Sometimes you can also find awesome new brand name clothing on eBay for huge discounts, but there is fake stuff on there so you have to be careful about it. If you’re not afraid of used things, you can often find stuff for almost nothing. I’m a huge eBay fan.


SIGN UP FOR GLIK’S EMAILS. Seriously. Do it. All the clothes are super cool and relatively inexpensive. They carry guys stuff too! When you sign up for their emails they’ll send you a coupon that you can use online or in-store. I bought something online and then they sent me another even better coupon for next time I wanted to buy something online. If you have your products shipped to a store (there just so happens to be one a couple blocks away in downtown Holland), shipping is free!

What are your favorite online stores? Leave me a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, or follow @hopekathryn17 on Twitter and send me a tweet! Thanks for reading! Happy Monday!

Count Chocula Returns To Phelps

Alright, look, I know it’s cool to give Phelps some heat on their food quality, but I think it’s pretty fair to say that they completely deliver for the month of October every year. If you haven’t guessed what I’m talking about yet, it’s the wonderful cereal that is Count Chocula.

Originating in 1971, Count Chocula can most easily be described as chocolate Lucky Charms, but as soon as you taste them, you realize they’re just so much more than that. The way that the smooth marshmallow ghosts counter the rough and crunchy chocolate ghost pieces is something that cheap imitations just can’t compete with.


October is the time of the year when school work really starts to take a toll on students, and if it weren’t for Count Chocula, I don’t think I could make it through even a week. Believe it or not, there are others who need a nice hearty bowl of Count Chocula to get us through those rough days and long nights. It used to be that you had to stock up all through October, because after Halloween, the cereal would disappear from shelves. Now in the world of 2013, we have a magical site called Amazon.com in which you can subscribe to a service that will deliver the incredible cereal to your door on the cheap year ’round.

I know at first it might seem like a cheap ploy to re-brand cereal that we can enjoy year ’round, but I promise that if you decide to give the magic that is Count Chocula a try next time you dine in Phelps, you won’t be disappointed. You better hurry, though! October is almost over, and unless you’re as addicted as I am, you won’t be able to get it any longer.

Fall TV Overload Has Begun!

Even though it seems like homework never ends here at Hope, everyone needs a break at some point. Lucky for us, every year fall brings with it some great new TV shows that are definitely worth paying attention to. Scroll down to see some brief descriptions of what’s on TV this fall!

The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead just started its fourth season, but the other seasons of the show are available for streaming on Netflix if you feel like playing some catch up. The series’ protagonist, Rick Grimes, is starting to break under the pressures of leading a group of survivors through the apocalypse at the beginning of this season. A lot of characters from the comics are starting to make their television debut as well. You can catch this show Sundays on AMC at 9:00 PM.



For those who don’t have time to catch up on three seasons of The Walking Dead, you should definitely give the first season of Arrow a try on Netflix streaming. If you like it, you’re in luck because the second season of the show just started. It follows the classic DC superhero, Green Arrow as he hunts down various enemies from the comics he originates from. You can watch Arrow on the CW Wednesdays at 8:00 PM.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Marvel’s The Avengers was so commercially successful two summers ago that it saw a release in theaters. Fans of the film will absolutely love Marvel’s new show because it not only brings back the fan-favorite Agent Coulson, but it’s also written by Joss Whedon, the guy who wrote and directed The Avengers. While the superheroes themselves haven’t made an appearance yet, things are off to a great start with this one. You can watch it on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

Sick at school.

Hi everyone! I got sick over Fall Break and, unfortunately, have carried that over into this week at school. I have spent most of the last three days back at Hope either napping in my bed or sleeping on the couch out in my cluster… Usually during the wee hours of the morning. I like to think it’s a nice surprise for people to see me sleeping on the couch when they get up for their early classes. Since I’m not at home with my parents to take care of me while I’m sick, it has been kind of weird, but my friends have been really helpful, so that’s really cool! Here is my list of must-haves if you get sick at school!

Health Center

There is a health clinic in the Dow Center on campus. I finally went to it yesterday and they gave me some antibiotics that I think are already helping me, along with some other throat lozenges and stuff to help get me through! I should have gone earlier but I can be a little stubborn at times and kept telling myself I was already getting better even though I wasn’t. I ended up being glad I went. After starting some antibiotics yesterday, I was able to stay in my room for the whole night last night instead of going out to the couch. This was a first since I’ve been back from break.

Comfort Food

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While I’ve been sick, I haven’t had too much of an appetite at all, but these are easy to eat. Luckily, before I came back to school, I went and bought a few of each of these, not realizing how glad I was going to be that I have them. My friend Kelly also went out and picked up some more soup and medicine for me yesterday. I really haven’t felt like going over to Phelps to get dinner (not that I could tell them my order anyway because I still don’t have a voice), so it’s been nice to be able to run down to the basement of Dykstra and make these quickly.

A Favorite TV Show

I’ve been watching Boy Meets World again from the beginning since I got sick and I am loving it. I haven’t seen most of the episodes in years (if ever) so it’s fun to watch them. Basically when I wake up from a nap I just watch one episode and then I’m ready to nap again for a while after that. Just like I’m going to be ready for a major nap after this blog post.

By the way, I took five naps yesterday. I consider that a pretty great achievement.

Water Bottle

Having a water bottle by my side at all times has been an absolute must while I’ve been sick. It makes me feel so much better. I have a YoungLife Camelbak water bottle that I love because I don’t have to tip it upside to get a drink or anything. It has a spill-proof straw in it so I can just grab it in the middle of the night and take a drink without having to unscrew anything or worry about spilling. There’s a water fountain right down the hall that I’ve been using to fill it up, so that’s been convenient too.


I don’t think anyone would argue with the importance of naps while you’re sick. I’m planning on spending pretty much this whole weekend sleeping with a little bit of homework mixed in so I will hopefully be feeling way better by Monday!

What are your must-haves when you’re sick? Leave a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, or tweet and follow me on Twitter: @hopekathryn17! Thanks for reading! Hope you have a great weekend!

A Fun Fall Break!

Hello all 🙂

I was fortunate enough to go home to Iowa over fall break, which started last Friday and ended on Wednesday morning.

My first activity at home was going to my sister Priscilla’s high school football game on Friday night. She had told me earlier that there is a superstar player on the team. I was reluctant to trust her, but after he scored SIX touchdowns and helped the team to win 77-0, I had to believe it.

Priscilla and I at the Ugandan party

On Saturday night, I went with Priscilla, my brother Elijah, and my parents to a celebration for Uganda’s 51st independence day which was on October 9. My parents grew up in Uganda and lived there until 1991, so Ugandan culture is a big part of our lives. We spent the night in Ankeny, a suburb of Des Moines, talking and dancing with about 40 other Ugandans. Even though my family has lived in Iowa for only two years, I already feel like I have found a family in our Ugandan community.

On Sunday, I was blessed to participate in a volunteer activity with my church. Each year since 2009, we have set aside one day to bag 100,000 meals as a congregation for people in Zimbabwe, a country hit hard by poverty and AIDS. In Zimbabwe, there are 1,000,000 AIDS orphans under the age of 18, and 68% of the general population earns $1 a day. Using 1 John 3:18 as a guide, my church decided to show our love to the people there by feeding them.

Dear children, let us not love with our words or speech but with actions and in truth- 1 John 3:18

The meals we packaged contained rice with vitamins and spices. We poured the ingredients into little plastic bags and had to make sure that each bag weighed the same amount. After filling and weighing 36 bags, they went into a large cardboard box. Over the course of an hour, the group I was in filled six large boxes. Since each plastic bag held six meals, and a large box held 36 bags, my group made over 1,200 meals! All 100,000 meals will be shipped to an orphanage for children and adults who have lost parents to AIDS and/or have AIDS next month, along with clothes and books.

Break is always a great time to catch up with family and friends. I’m so glad I got to do that, and help out some people in Zimbabwe!
