Cesar Chavez Lecture Given by Hope College Dean Alfredo Gonzalez

On March 31, I went to the Cesar Chavez Lecture given by the Dean Alfredo Gonzales in the Maas Auditorium. The lecture was about 1 hour long and Dean Gonzalez made a very interesting point. I did not write down every single word of what he said, but here is a paraphrase of one of …

Roommate and Housing Selection

I think everyone knows a person who is very competitive. Luckily for me, I roomed with one person the second semester of my first year, who is extremely competitive. It is very unfortunate because I am highly competitive and we both hate to lose. It was on Tuesday during the Spring Break, when I, my …

St. Augustine, Florida

During our Spring Break we did a lot amazing things. One of them was a trip to the city called St. Augustine. The City of St. Augustine is considered as the oldest city in the United States of America. It was founded in September 1565 by Spanish colonists and it is truly beautiful. It was …

Long Car Ride to Florida.

My friends and I went to Florida for Spring Break, but we drove. It was about 16 hours, 1110 miles long drive from Holland to Jacksonville. For us it was better to drive because we needed a car in Florida, so we could visit different places. On the other hand, the ride was very long. In …

I Finally Got My Driver’s License

The day I was leaving for Spring Break I took my final driving test. Not like in Europe it had two parts in the U.S.. During the first part, I had to park the car in three different positions at the parking slot between the cones. In order to move on to the next part, …

The Dance Marathon

Over the past weekend the tradition called Dance Marathon took place in the Dow Center. As a freshman I had no clue what should I imagine under the dance marathon. Should I imagine a lot of students running? Should I imagine a big dance performance? Nevertheless, it was neither of it. For those who do …

Learn to Skate and Skills and Drills

Last Monday, I and my two other friends volunteered and we were coaching children and adults to skate and play ice hockey. The first hour the children from ages 5 to 12 had lessons. It was great to give back to the community, but also I realized how hard learning to skate and play hockey …

Nutella in the Phelps Dining Hall

Today, with the help of my friends, I made a great discovery in the Phelps Dining Hall. I found out that they serve Nutella at the sandwich counter. I think everyone loves Nutella, so here are top 5 recipes that one should try with Nutella. You will be very surprised how creative you can be …

How Much Time Does It Take to Apply for Study Abroad at Hope College?

The answer is: it takes only couple hours. A lot of students assume that applying for the study abroad takes a lot of work. Well, I have a good news. I just finished my application and it does not require that much work as one would think. Firstly, pick a program. I do not count …

Which Dining Hall Is Better – Cook or Phelps?

My first semester, I lived in Scott Hall, which meant I had to eat in the Phelps Dining Hall. Phelps Dining Hall is mostly for freshmen and sophomores. The second semester I moved to Cook Hall, so I gained an access to Cook Dining Hall. In order to be able to eat in Cook Dining …