No Meat, No Problem

I have been a vegetarian for most of my life. I’m not sure why—no one is—but it always seemed to suit me. In the last decade or so, as the diet has become more popular at home, being a vegetarian has become incredibly easy. Still, there are so many unnecessary stereotypes about vegetarians in the …

My First Assignment: Getting to Class

  Before I left for Hyderabad, India I did everything I could to brace myself for a good deal of culture shock. I was prepared for the food to be different, I was prepared to wear more conservative clothing, and I was even prepared for the wild traffic. What I was NOT prepared for, however, …

The Harley of Seville

Never again will I underestimate public transportation. It has saved me from being late to class on numerous occasions and from the dreaded shin splints. Normally, it takes 30 minutes to walk from my homestay to the University of Sevilla and 45 minutes to walk to the CIEE study center. In total, that is 1 …

Study in study abroad?

Wait, what? There’s studying in study abroad? Yes, there is! Let me assure you that school does not go away. However, even though I still have homework, projects, and exams, it is definitely different from Hope College. To begin, all of my classes are in Spanish. This was a big transition for me. During the …

The Time I Felt Like a Prince

I was on a balcony. I had a view. There were gardens, mountains, and pieces of art. A cool breeze was passing through. The only thing that was missing was my princely clothes and my crown. My visit to the monastery of El Escorial was like a fairy tale story. This giant monument is located …

Zoom Out

What is the best way to capture the life and grandness of Spain?” I would ask myself. I can almost visualize the days flying by to my departure from this treasured land. How can I make it last? How can I portray a general overview of this place that greets me with a load of …

Es una Broooma

I’m anticipating that when I get home, people will ask me what my favorite thing about Chile was. My answer for them will be this: the sound that Chileans make as they’re waiting for you to get their joke. It’s a very specific “aaaaah,” and it’s shared by basically everyone I’ve met! I love this particularity …

The Artsy Giants

Attractive people, efficient public transportation system, surprises at every corner, and cool-sounding colloquial words are just some of the things I have liked most about my study abroad experience here in Spain. However, one of my favorite things has been the architecture. Even though I am not an expert that can identify the different kinds …

What does it mean to be mujer?

Today I let myself cry about the gender inequality I see in our world. I felt a little silly sitting on a park bench with the tears streaming down my face, but I think this issue is something that needs to be recognized and deserves to be cried about. My tears were spurred by an encounter …

A Recycled Cathedral?

Click on the photos below to view as a slideshow and descriptions! I do not think I had ever heard the words “recycled” and “cathedral” together like this until CIEE, the program through which I am studying abroad, sent out the cultural activity invitation. Out of curiosity I registered for the event and waited to …