The Traditions of Hope College

Beginning first with its establishment of the Holland colony’s Pioneer School in 1851 and then later gaining its official charter in 1866, Hope College holds ages of timeless tradition. This is manifested in a variety of ways throughout the College. From the College’s historic architecture to its pursuit of its Christian identity and the liberal …

A Filling Weekend

Hello! I hope your Mondays are going well and aren’t as stressful as mine is (Three exams in one week?! Crazy talk. But it’s happening.) I can’t complain much though, because instead of locking myself in my room this weekend and studying like I should have, I went to a lot of events. On Friday …

The Pull.

This past Saturday, September 27, was The Pull. If you are a current or former Hope College student you exactly know what I mean. But for those of you who do not know about The Pull tradition, here is what is it from the international student perspective. The Pull is an unbelievable tradition that started …

Even Year Wins!

Well, readers, the title says it all. Even Year won the Pull yesterday, and it was intense. As an Odd Year student standing on the odd side of the Black River, the Odd Year Pull team gave it their best, but was outdone by even year. For those of you that don’t know what The Pull …

Cue “The Weekenders” Theme Music

Readers, I’m so sorry. I feel like I’ve been living for the weekend lately in my posts, which I generally try not to do because each day is a wonderful gift from God, but sometimes there is just so much good stuff to look forward to on the weekends! So here I go again. Talking …

My First Pull Experience

This weekend I had the unique Hope College experience of attending The Pull. It’s one of those things where everyone tells you, “You don’t understand it until you’ve seen it.” I thought I got it; I thought I knew what awaited me as I grabbed my water bottle and took off for the bus with …

We’re Odd.

Odd (adjective): strange, weird, peculiar. We’ve got that covered.   Odd (noun): every sign pointing closer to the Black River. Have you seen them?   ODD (verb): lifestyle. It’s more than ending with ’17. It’s more than the three hour strife of the pull in the pits. It’s Odd Year Pride.   Today, Hope College …