Living Away From Home

In my four years at Hope, I have met only a handful of people that are more obsessed with their hometown than I am. I’ve been more and more aware lately of how early in my first conversation with someone I tell them, “I’m from Petoskey!” The love I have for the little laketown I …

My Top 5 For Hope

Why did I chose Hope College? What lead me to making this final decision that would control where the next four years of my life would go? I have personally done some self-reflection and came up with 5 reasons as to why I chose Hope. Size As someone who loves meeting new people as well …

Dear Parent of an Incoming Freshman

Dear Parent of an Incoming Freshman,  Whether you’re on your tenth college visit or you’re on your very first one, I’m confident you’re rolling through a number of emotions–the excitement for your son or daughter to undertake new adventures of their own, a slight awkwardness realizing that you feel older than you hoped to feel …

Transformed By Hope

As I approach my last semester at Hope College, I have spent more and more time thinking about my experiences at Hope, what I’ve learned in my classes, and what I’ve learned about life. The other day I was at chapel and the speaker said, “Guys, I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but college …

Making the Decision to Choose Hope

Big Decision When you are a senior in high school the last thing you want to worry about is where you are going to go after you graduate. You are more worried about graduation itself, what your friends are doing after school, and your grades. Why worry over next year? Yet, there is a tug …

Student Life Experiences

An Outpouring of Life Hope has an overflow of opportunities for students to get involved on campus. The Student Life office at Hope College continually provides opportunities for students to grow and have fun. Centered at the Bultman Student Center (BSC), the Student Life office at Hope College is an inviting space where individuals can …

Looking Back on my Faith at Hope

I distinctly remember my first class at Hope College. Dean Frost, my professor for my Freshman Year Seminar said, “What you seek to find at Hope, you will find.” He elaborated that if you seek to further your faith, you will have the opportunity to do so. If you want nothing to do with a …

What to Expect for First Year Advising

Freshman advising is an incredibly laid back experience. The process depends on whether you declare a major your first year. Not sure on your major yet? If you don’t declare a major your first year, your advisor won’t change. Your First Year Seminar professor will be your advisor until you declare your major. There’s no …

From the East to the West: What the Across-State Transition Is Really Like

Sometimes you don’t know there are better places for you other than the one you grew up in until you’re thrust into them. I’d never lived anywhere but the suburbs of Detroit, whether it be Birmingham or Troy, MI. These places were comfortable to me. I’d been on vacations, but those places never felt like …

Be Still, My Ever-Wandering Heart.

I quickly find that in the midst of my daily life, there is an insurmountable peace that exceeds understanding running upon a parallel path. There’s a lot I know; but even more, I do not. And I believe that is okay. As humans I think we spend a lot of time thinking that if we …