Play Outside!

IMG_6830If you have lived in Michigan this winter you know it has been a long snowy winter. I have never experienced a winter quite like this one. I’m from Springfield, IL, where it is rare to get six inches at once. Even though there have been days where I thought the winter would never end, I know spring is right around the corner. I have learned the importance of enjoying the snow and embracing the weather. Although it has been bitterly cold, I have still enjoyed being outside. The snow is absolutely gorgeous as a white fresh blanket covers the ground.


A couple of weeks ago my friend Lydia and I braved the 7 degree weather and decided to go on a hike at Riley Trails. The trails are about a 15-minute drive from Hope. We maneuvered our way through the trees and explored new paths. When we walked off the paths we would sink into the snow above our knees.


We even thought it would be a good idea to climb a tree and look out at all of the trees gleaming with sunlight. I felt like a kid again climbing trees and enjoyed being carefree. After we finished our long hike at the trails, we made our way to a school’s playground and played there for an hour. We swung on the swings as the bitter cold wind swept across our faces. However, the wind did not seem too daunting because the sun’s rays were beaming fully. I truly appreciated winter that day and was thankful I took time to be carefree and just enjoy my surroundings exactly as they were. I encourage everyone to embrace winter and bundle up to spend some time outdoors.

Lydia and I enjoyed our time at Riley Trails
Lydia and I enjoyed our time at Riley Trails
Climbing a tree
Climbing a tree

My Vacation Bucket List

Now that Spring Break is around the corner and most people are traveling home or to Florida, it made me starting thinking: If I could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would I go? Therefore, I thought I would dedicate this blog to the places that I would absolutely love to visit, even if it’s just for a brief amount of time. Here we go:

  1. England—Ok, so there are so many places in England I would want to visit. For instance, of course I want to visit Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. However, I also want to go to Wiltshire and see Stonehenge because I’m in complete awe about how that thing even got there. It would also make a pretty awesome Facebook profile picture!
  2. New York—This is the most doable destination because it’s still in the US, but I have no idea when I would actually be able to make my way over there. I think it would be awesome to go to Time Square and see a Broadway play and just walk around. I could really feel like I was experiencing the hustle and bustle that people are always talking about and feel like a cast member in Gossip Girl or Sex and the City.
  3. France—I’ve heard both good and bad things about France. From friends that have visited, they said it’s pretty grimy and the people are rude. Regardless, I would love to go to the Eiffel Tower, no matter how cliché and stereotypical that is.
  4. Thailand—This is a location that is new to my list over the past year. I had never really thought about Thailand before but I’ve seen pictures and it seems like such a beautiful place. I would love to visit either Phang Nga Bay or Ko Phi Phi because it looks gorgeous and they have caves and cool islands that would be a blast to explore. Pretty much any location that is tropical like this such as the Bahamas or the Great Barrier Reef would be such a great experience!
  5. Peru—Who doesn’t want to visit Machu Picchu? I’ve had family members visit and I’m completely jealous they got to visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I definitely want to visit one of these wonders in my lifetime. In addition, Peru would be amazing, but anywhere in South America such as Brazil would be really cool to visit. I’ve only been there once and it was very brief so I think it would be an excursion of a lifetime if I was to head south of the equator!

Well, that’s my list as of right now! I’m sure I’ll be changing my mind throughout the years and my availability may cause me to put things in perspective, but I can dream, right? I hope everyone who is going on Spring Break has a relaxing and safe break and enjoys getting away from school for a while!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

My Spring Break Plans

I’d be hard pressed to think of a Spring Break trip that topped last year’s to Soaring Eagle Casino with my mom and dad (sarcasm!). I guess it would’ve been more fun if my parents were big gamblers, but they aren’t so we all just hung around the Blackjack table. I know, I know. I’m fortunate that I got to go on a trip at all, but to a Casino!? At least I won some money.

This year, I’m going to my family’s condo in West Palm Beach, Florida, with my parents. We’ve had the condo all my life, so we usually find the time to go once a year, but its been a while since we’ve been able to go for Spring Break.

After this year’s long winter, I don’t think there’s a better time to go. The reason it worked out so well is because my brother, a freshman at Kalamazoo College, is going down to Orlando, FL, for his break the week after ours because he’s on the baseball team there. Luckily for me, my parents had the grand idea to go down the week before during my Spring Break. I remember the conversation because of how funny I thought it was.

“Hey, Jimmy. What are you doing for Spring Break?” Said my Dad.

“Uh… nothing?” I said timidly, hoping that we wouldn’t be making a return trip to Soaring Eagle.

“Cool. We’re going to Florida!” Said my Dad.

“Oh, sweet!” I yelled back.

For once I felt like my parents and I were on the same wavelength when it comes to winter weather. I can’t wait.

American University vs. French University

Hello dear readers!

Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last couple of weeks. Contrary to what you may think of study abroad, I am not on a four-month vacation. I take classes at the IES program center and also at the local university here in Nantes.

At the IES center, I am taking classes of art history, religion, and French language. The professors come from the University of Nantes and are used to teaching American students. They understand a little bit of how universites work in the United States and, more importantly, that we Americans are learning French and can not be expected to rattle off lengthy, well-thought out answers on the spot. All of the classes at IES consist of one mid-term, one at-home assignment and one final exam.

My classes at the University of Nantes are very similiar, except that I do not have mid-terms and both of my professors are not used to dealing with American students. My two university classes, psychology and biology, are difficult but enjoyable. Yes, enjoyable. There is something humbling and satisfying about the experience. For starters, both of the courses are what we in the U.S. call “upper-level” courses. My psychology class is for students in L3, the last year of undergraduate in France, while my biology course is for L2, or second year, students. In both of the courses I am the only American student. This has been tough at times but also extremely rewarding. I understand most of the material just as well as the other students and have improved greatly in my listening skills. The real test will of my knowledge will come during the finals, which are in a little less than a month.

Luckily, I was able to take a little pause from all my school work during our winter break which was last week. I went to Rome, Milan, and Paris for Fashion Week. Check back soon for details!

Until next time,


Greek Orientation and a Splash of Spring

Hi guys!!

Guess what! I ran outside for three days in a row. Can you believe it?? It has been warm enough (above freezing) to somewhat enjoy the sunshine in Holland. I feel blessed that I am able to run this season, as last year I was still recovering from hip surgery.

Anyways, on the school-front just the same-ole same-ole… Tests, assignments, etc. However! My biochem lab was only a half semester class, so now I have 5 extra hours in the week! WOO HOO.

Also, I was the Greek Orientation assistant for my sorority, Theta Gamma Pi, which took up about 20 hours per week.So, I’m glad that is over. What is Greek Orientation, you ask? Well. it’s an alternative to new member education, or pledging, a sorority or fraternity. Hope College came up with this new system this year to help easy new members into Greek life a bit easier and much nicer. This system eliminates the temptation for active members to haze new members and demand tasks from them. Nobody wants to be tortured to get into an organization!!

I am so proud of our pledge class, 8 girls that I am proud to now call my sisters. They worked really hard for all that they accomplished, and although it was a long and busy 5 weeks of Greek orientation, they will be great assets to our organization.


Part of their final initiation was a stroll, a dance that was performed together. They completed this stroll with masks on to “mask their true identity.” Then, they introduced themselves based on their talents and attributes, and finally were able to say, I am a member of Theta Gamma Pi! And they got to take off their mask and REVEAL their identity, to show us our new sisters.

It was actually REALLY REALLY cool, even if it sounds a little dorky. It’s a very formal process and it really helps to put on a show for the alumni and active members to show what our new members have been working on for 5 weeks! They also get to show off their sorority knowledge and information they’ve learned.

1779046_683552715024970_283187546_nANYWAYS. Just a tidbit about what has been happening in my life over the last weekish.

I hope you’re weeks are going well! If you have sunshine, enjoy it!!!

Also, enjoy the SPRING FORWARD. Maybe this will mean No more Snow?

Life’s Simple Pleasures

This semester in my Leadership class, my professor has been challenging each student to reflect on a simple pleasure in life. He’s motive for encouraging us to reflect has been that everyone has a way to relax and recharge. Over the past week I’ve spent some time thinking about some of my simple pleasures and I thought that I would share them with all of you.

1. Friday chats with my mom. Since I’m from Texas, I don’t have a ton of opportunities to see my family during the school year. But, my mom and I have started talking on Friday afternoons. I love catching up and getting advice from her – she always knows just what to say and is so encouraging.

2. Friday dinners with Chris. For those of you who don’t know, Chris is my boyfriend. He’s really something else! The great thing about Chris is that he always have something funny or encouraging to say. I really enjoy going to dinner and talking each Friday night – it really is a simply pleasure in life.

3. Mac & Cheese. One of my awesome roommates, Hilary, loves Mac & Cheese. Twice a week we come home after classes and enjoy a good chat and yummy Mac & Cheese. Even though it’s really simple, talking with Hilary and hearing about her life is something that I look forward to – again, it’s the simply things in life that make a difference.

4. Life chats with L-Fall. You name it, we talk about it! From books, tea, clothes, guys, food, shopping, and music, Larissa always has something interesting to share. She also has been a great roommate and someone to I enjoy spending time with. Hearing her contagious laugh while listening to her reenact moments from her day are another simple pleasure.

5. Bible study. To the girls in my Bible study, you and your words are a simple pleasure. I love meeting weekly and discussing the BIble with Megan, Meg, and Hannah. They always are full of encouraging words, and they are good friends who just help you along the way when the days of life get hard.

So I challenge you, after reading this post think about what the simple pleasures are in your life. No matter how silly or unimportant they seem, it really is the little things that make life great.

Songs Against Slavery

Last Thursday night, Songs Against Slavery hosted a concert with Judah & the Lion and Andrew Ripp! It was so cool and such a blessing to experience the whole evening. In between the two musical acts, they had a woman who is a survivor of sex trafficking share her story. It was super powerful and definitely made me want to do something to make a change! It was a super awesome event and I’m so glad I got to go! Songs Against Slavery is a really awesome ministry and one of its founders is a Hope student! Hope is so blessed to have awesome students putting on events like this that aren’t only for other students to enjoy, but also for such greater reasons like this one. This is definitely one way I have truly seen people live out the love of Jesus!

Here are some pictures from the event! It was such a blessing!

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Make sure to check out Songs Against Slavery’s website and follow them on Twitter at @sas_endslavery! You can also follow me at @hopekathryn17, leave a comment, or send me an email at! I’d love to hear from you!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

—Matthew 25:40

My Birthday Week

It’s March! You know what that means, right? Spring is almost here and maybe Mother Nature will realize that it should start warming up and start melting all of this snow. Also, March means that my birthday is here! Usually birthdays aren’t a huge deal for me, but it was my 21st birthday this past Tuesday, so that was really exciting. It was even more important to me because it was the sole thing that was motivating me through this week. Midterms were last week, so having something to look forward was really nice (and the fact that Spring Break is only a week away helps too!).

Anyway, at the stroke of midnight on Monday my friend Lauren came to my apartment and made everyone aware that it was my birthday by yelling “Happy Birthday Les!!!” Sorry to those who live in my apartment complex and were woken up by this! That brief moment was pretty much all that happened because I had an 8:00 class the next morning so I needed to get some sleep, especially since it was an exercise-based class. As the day progressed, people continuously wished me happy birthday! I typically don’t draw attention to myself, but having people acknowledge me was surprisingly nice and special. It was still a bummer that I had to go to all of my classes but afterwards, by friends took me out to dinner at a place called Crazy Horse. I had never heard of this restaurant but it was SO GOOD! I suggest it to anyone that enjoys chicken or southern food at all. I think the restaurant knew it was my birthday because they threw in an extra piece of chicken and a celebratory kid’s sundae that my friends and I inhaled within probably three minutes.

Audrey wrote "Happy Birthday" on a dollar that was hung up at the restaurant
Audrey wrote “Happy Birthday” on a dollar that was hung up at the restaurant

The only downside to that evening was that I had a review session later so I unfortunately had to celebrate a chunk of my night doing that. However, once that was over, I had the chance to talk to my brother and Skype my parents as well as my friend from home! I had received a care package from my parents earlier that day and when I opened it up, they spoiled me with cookies, my favorite candy, a new scarf and sweater. It’s never the same celebrating my birthday away from home, but it was pretty darn close by talking over the internet. This had to be the highlight of the night because I don’t get to Skype my family very often and being able to was definitely special! Being able to see my family definitely made me feel so much more excited for Spring Break and going home to California. All we have to do now is get through the next week and then we have freedom for a week from stress! Hang in there!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Dear Abby #2

Hey Hope 2018! As I promised, here is my second Dear Abby post. I hope that I answered your questions well! And remember, if you have any more, shoot me a direct message on Twitter at @HopeMarvin15.

What was the transition like from high school to college?

Well, I remember after high school graduation, I felt free. I finally had a summer that I did not need to worry about high school stuff. Anyways, that summer before college was busy and hectic, though. I was constantly with friends because we knew we would all split up because we chose different colleges. On top of being with friends, I was working, too. So that took up a good chunk of time. Also during that summer, I had to do some last minute things for Hope.

Back when I was a freshman, housing and class sign-up were a little different. I got my housing card in the summer and also signed up for my classes at that time (I think….it’s almost been 4 years). Anyways, being with friends, working, and doing last minute “college” things made the summer itself busy. But remember, although you may not be going to college with your best friends, it’s important to keep on open mind. I had a friend, who was already in college, and told me that piece of advice. 1) Keep an open mind and 2) It’s a new way to start clean. Keeping an open mind will make your transition so much easier. If you are stuck in your old ways, meeting new people and immersing yourself in the college culture will prove somewhat different. And college is a great way to start anew. Don’t worry about the labels you had in high school. If you carry this baggage with you to school, it might be rough at first. Just remember, college is so much better.

How on earth are you paying for Hope? I want to go so bad, and it’s my top choice, but I don’t know how I am going to pay for it!!

Great question. I asked the same question when I was in incoming freshman. Let me tell you this first, paying for Hope is possible. Don’t let that tuition number scare you. Like with any school, there’s a reason why they have their tuition established as so. Anyways, Hope offers many scholarships. Many of the popular ones include the academic scholarships and fine arts scholarships. Not to mention the great financial aid packages they tailor to you. Another thing you can do is apply for jobs throughout campus. This will definitely help. Some advice for you freshmen out there, go to your high school counselor’s office and locate any scholarship opportunities in your area. Different clubs and organizations, and schools themselves have scholarships available for you. You will definitely regret not taking advantage of that. Ultimately, what I’m trying to say is that paying for Hope is feasible. Don’t fret and take a deep breath. God will makes things work out!

From the Hope 2018 page, it seems as if everyone knows their major already. I don’t even know what to study. What should I do?

Another great question. That’s the benefit of Hope. They have many established programs that draw students, including but not limited to nursing, engineering, education, and education. For some students, they’ve known what they wanted to do since they were fetuses. But for the majority, people are unsure of what they want to do. Including myself! I had the intention of doing the pre-med track with a major in biology or chemistry. Even though I really enjoyed those classes, it just did not feel right. I am so glad that I found the nursing route. I could implement my interest in the health science with the caring aspect. With that being said, Hope is a great place, especially with those students who are undecided. Because of its root in the liberal arts, students are introduced to many disciplines of learning. There is just so much exploration in each field. And from here, students make their decisions on what they want to do. And because of the liberal arts mindset, many people change their majors, sometimes more than once! Don’t fret my friend. You will find your calling.


I am a straight A student at my high school. Will college be like this?

Honest question, I like that! Let me be honest with you. Many students have the intention that they will do as well as they did in high school. That’s just not the case. Just because you got all A’s does not mean the same will happen in college. I know, I sound mean. But I also was a honor student in high school, but just the context and difficulty of college classes made me work even harder for a better grade. It is possible to get all As in college. You just have to be super committed and timely. Although doing well is always a plus, it is important to know that just because you don’t do well in a class or an assignment does not mean its the end of the world. There is a purpose for everything. My biggest advice for you, and everyone, is that you should study, read, and work hard. Getting an A is much harder in college.

There you go, folks. Keep asking questions, I would love to answer them!!

It’s Been A Long Week

Hey Friends! I’m so happy I’m finally posting. It’s been a long week to say the least. But now that “humpday” is over, I can truly recuperate from the busy-ness and the stress. I just want to share with you al what happened last weekend and this week!

WEEKEND: My weekend wasn’t really eventful until I had last minute plans. But before those last minute plans, all I did was homework. I was doing it for “prophylactic” measures. In nursing, prophylaxis for something means prevention. So, I did homework to prevent massive piles of it later on. And boy did it pay off. Right now, I would be drowning in an ocean of papers. But on Saturday, my friends Joey, Erica, and I went to an Asian Fusion restaurant in downtown Grand Rapids. Let me tell you how delicious it was. It was delicious. There. This was totally worth the 30 minute drive. Here are two photos from the excursion!

It's Joey, Erica, and myself!
It’s Joey, Erica, and myself!
Ok. This is the best Thai curry out there. Massaman Curry. If you haven't had it before, go get some NOW!
Ok. This is the best Thai curry out there. Massaman Curry. If you haven’t had it before, go get some NOW!

After our Asian food, we drove back to good ol’ Hope and went to OrangeLeaf, the best FroYo joint in Holland. Although it was like -10 degrees outside, this froyo was worth it because 1) I was with some of my best friends, and 2) it was pistachio flavor. If you haven’t had pistachio flavor, GO TRY SOME! Then on Sunday, I woke up super early, as in 7:30 AM to get even more work done. I am so glad I did. Because now, I have put myself super ahead on all of my work. I truly wish I had this motivation like, Freshman year? Anyways, I did homework with Joey for a while.

Once Joey and I had a good amount of homework done, we planned our weekend excursion in Europe! We are both going to the Vienna Summer School, and because we are attending both the May and June session, we get a free weekend! So, we decided on visiting ROME, ITALY! It’s quite exciting because we have our hotel booked, and our flights determined. This is just super exciting! (PAUSE: Time to jump up and down).

On a side note, after Europe this summer, I have another trip planned down my sleeve. This time, it’s CANADA! I am going to visit my family and Canada’s natural beauty, of course! This summer will be fun for sure. Here is a picture that is my main motivator for the rest of this semester! How can this picture not get you stoked for an adventure of a lifetime?

Top: Vienna, Austria Bottom: Banff National Park, Calgary, Canada
Top: Vienna, Austria
Bottom: Banff National Park, Calgary, Canada

Just last week, we, Hope College, had midterms. Now, we only have 8 weeks of class left. Time is seriously flying by. This last half of the semester, I also started a new clinical, ADULT NURSING! I am so stoked because I get to perform so many nursing skills and I get to observe really cool things. Nursing in general is just great. But with the start of this class comes with all of the extra work! But hey, its what I signed up for. In the end, its going to be worth it! Now, I am just cursing until Friday. I have great plans for this weekend. More homework, hanging out with some friends, and I’m going to Ann Arbor to watch a University of Michigan basketball game! I’m so STOKED!

Anyways, that’s it for now. Expect another blog post coming up – I am going to answer more questions from my “Dear Abby” question bank! It’s a good one, I promise!