33 Things I’ve Learned From Studying Abroad

Hi everyone! I wanted to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained this semester with you, so I created this lovely list. Some of these things apply to France, Europe, or studying abroad in general. Enjoy!

1. If I talk really fast and add the word/sound “ba” occasionally in my phrases I can almost sound like a native French speaker. Almost.

2. Celebrities are a much bigger deal in the U.S. than in France. The same goes for the Olympics.

3. The US dollar/euro conversion rate is painful for my head and my wallet.

4. French people don’t drink a lot of water.

5. Public transportation is a godsend.

7. Public transportation is a nightmare.

8. Trying and failing in French is better than not trying at all and speaking English.

9. French bread is hands down the best bread in the world.

10. The “p” in the name “Baptiste” is silent.

11. Family, politics and religion are off-limits in the work place and casual conversation. Around the dinner table, anything goes.

12. Speaking of dinner tables, French people actually use theirs.

13. French phramacies are full of wonderful, cheap beauty products.

14. Escargot is delicious.

15. French students talk loudly and constantly in class.

16. A surprising number of people think Chicago is in Michigan.

17. The local university is only for taking classes. School spirit and clubs are virtually non-existant.

18. How I Met Your Mother might be the most popular American show in France.

19. You’re never fully dressed without a scarf.

20. Speaking only one language is not normal.

21. Paris is truly magical.

22. Not every European has liberal political views. The West of France is well known for being conservative.

23. Attending mass each week in a 1000 year-old church is as normal as going to the farmer’s market.

24. Some showers don’t have a shower curtain or sliding door.

25. WiFi is faster in the US.

26. Despite the exclusiveness and ticket-only entry of Paris Fashion Week, it is possible to attend a show (or 6).

27. French is anything but a dying language.

28. Driver’s Education in France is more expensive and time-consuming than in the US.

29. The free newspapers given out at tram stops in the morning are good for keeping up on current events and playing sudoku.

30. Political correctness has not yet made its way here.

31. Sadly, neither has Jif peanut butter.

32.The vast majority of people are kind and willing to offer help when needed.

33. Study abroad is life-changing.

Spring Break 2014

The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. It looks deceptively warm outside although it is still relatively cold (with chances of snow this week… Oy!). Spring is coming on Hope’s campus and I don’t think any of us could be more excited. Even the students and faculty like myself who actually enjoy snow and winter are so ready for green grass, the sun, and trading out parkas for rain jackets! I don’t even mind that my allergies are probably going to kick in relatively soon. Yes, I am that excited.

With all that said, one of the places where spring has definitely already sprung is sunny and beautiful Orlando! I went there for just a couple of days over spring break with my parents and had such an awesome time! It was my first trip to Florida without either of my brothers and that part was pretty weird, but we still had a lot of fun together! We went to Disney World and enjoyed lots of our old traditions and a whole bunch of new things, too! Even though it was a short trip, it was great!

Here are some pictures from my trip! It was so much fun!

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What did you guys do or what are you doing for spring break? Leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email kathryn.krieger@hope.edu. I’d love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

-Exodus 33:14

Saugatuck Dunes State Park

Who doesn’t love a good nature hike that finishes with a view of the beach?

Yesterday, my friends Sarah, Delaney, and I drove the 20-minute trek from Hope’s campus to Saugatuck Dunes State Park. We had no idea what we would find… but we discovered it was GORGEOUS. After arriving at the park, we wandered 15 minutes through the forest to the beautiful view. Not only were we enjoying the 60° weather, but we also practiced our yoga skills on the dunes and drawing skills in the sand. I could stay at the beach forever!

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Have you ever been to Saugatuck Dunes State Park before? If you haven’t, be sure to stop by if you’re ever around Holland. Want to keep up with more of my adventures? Follow me on twitter @hopesophie17. Have questions or comments? Shoot me an email at sophie.guetzko@hope.edu.

Dear Abby #3

Can you guys believe it’s almost April? As in tomorrow will be April. That means that we Hope students only have 1 month or less left of the spring semester! It’s pure madness. Honestly, it’s crazy to believe that I’m almost done with my junior year. I registered for classes this morning, and it said that my registration purpose was for “Senior.” Maybe Hope made a mistake? I’m not ready to leave this place. Pretty darn soon, Hope 2018 will be here! SO EXCITING!!

Anyways, here is the third “Dear Abby.” You guys ask great questions, and I enjoy answering them because I can too reminisce!

Dear Abby, food. Is the food good at Hope? What do you do for meals?

Great question. Hope has 2 dining halls, Phelps and Cook. Phelps is primarily for underclassmen, and Cook Hall is for upperclassmen. The majority of the students eat at Phelps. Anyway, I absolutely don’t mind the food. I need to eat! I mean, some days are excellent, and some days are so-so. We also have the Kletz snack bar! Here, you can use Dutch Dollars to get food, of use your meal plans if you have over 70 credits I believe. That’s what I usually do. I find the Kletz very convenient because it’s fast, and closer to my apartment. But for me, I like to change things a bit when it comes to food. If i’ve had a long day, or its the weekend, I will treat myself by going to a restaurant with my buddies (PF Changs, Applebees), cook on my own (I actually do a good amount of cooking), or get fast food, oopsie. Ultimately, the food at Hope is great! It has to be because you are paying good money to be here, so you only deserve the best. Hope also has a great meal plan program, so you have flexibility in meals! Hopefully, this helps!

Dear Abby, during my tour and visit at Hope, they said you can have your car on campus. Should I bring mine?

That is correct. As freshmen, you can have cars on campus, which is really convenient. Here’s my take. If you live a good distance from campus, a car is almost necessary so you can drive yourself home. But, if you know others from your area that are going to Hope, you can carpool with them. That way, you are saving money, and it’s cost effective. When you come here, you will meet a good chunk of people who have cars, so driving in Holland won’t be a problem. But because parking is survival of the fittest here, finding a parking space is always a competition. Sometimes, I get really upset because the same car is parked in the same spot for an extended period of time. If you have a car on campus, use it! I use my car all of the time, whether thats going to Grand Rapids for clinicals, running errands, attending community events, buying groceries, or going out to eat. Lastly, if you have a car, your parents won’t have to pick you up! That was my logic when I told my parents I wanted to bring my car to college, and hey, it worked!

Dear Abby, it’s obviously going to hard to pay for school, so I would like to get a job. What is your take on this?

Awesome awesome awesome question. I totally agree with you with in regard to the difficulty paying for school. My financial aid package deemed eligible “Federal Work Study.” This was great, because these students get the priority for jobs on campus! There is a huge work fair at the beginning of the year, and you can apply to as many as you want, then several departments will be in contact with you regarding positions. From there, all you have to do is pick! If you’re not on Federal Work Study, don’t fret! There are still many job opportunities. During my freshman year, I decided not work. Reason? I wanted to establish myself a student, and take time to establish a great friend group. Those two things in itself is a full time job! I don’t regret not working my freshman year. I am very happy with my choice, otherwise, I wouldn’t have my core group of friends! So, I started working my sophomore year, and my jobs truly have fluctuated just based on availability. Right now, I’m loving my jobs, and can’t wait to continue with them next year! If you feel like you want to wait a year, or a semester, go for it! If you want to get into work ASAP, go for it! Just make sure you prioritize school first, always!

Last but not least!

Dear Abby, it’s obvious that you are very involved in student affairs at Hope. How did you get these student leader positions?

The simple answer to that question is through the grace of God, honestly. Since being at Hope, I have been presented with so many student leadership opportunities, whether that’s 2 years of doing orientation, being an immersion trip leader, or being involved in SAC. I work very hard in what I do because I want it to have true meaning. In terms of these positions, they do not come to me. You have to go to them. One big this college students may have difficulty doing is stepping out of their comfort zone and try something new. In high school, I was one of those quiet kids if you didn’t know me, but if you did know me, I was full of energy. I can tell you for sure that its changed; I’m always the loud one now! 🙂 To get into these positions, I merely applied to them and showed my advisors my potential. I know I have potential, it was just a matter of executing it. By being accepted into these roles, I continue to show my hard work and my potential. It’s always a learning process. Essentially, if you want student leadership positions, work hard and prove to others AND yourself that you are high capable! Be self-aware! Hopefully this helps!

Thanks again for the questions, friends! Keep asking them. I honestly love answering them. You can either send me a direct message on Twitter at @HopeMarvin15 or talk to me on Hope on Facebook! Thanks for reading!!

Dorm Room Decorating!

Alright seniors, if you guys are anything like I was at this time last year, you’re probably super impatient to graduate and head off to college! Part of that for me was being really excited to have a new space to decorate (and to have a justifiable reason to spend money on cool new stuff… I can’t lie!)! One of the things I was most excited to get for my dorm room was my bedding, which I actually ended up getting as a graduation gift! Here are my picks for dorm bedding, and they’re all under $100!

Fresh Pick
$54.99 – Fresh Pick Duvet Cover in Warm from pbteen.com
Boho Boutique
$79.99 – Boho Boutique Utopia Reversible Comforter Set from target.com
Plum & Bow
$59 – Plum & Bow Gossamer Duvet Cover from urbanoutfitters.com
Nantucket Stripe
$79 – Nantucket Stripe Duvet Cover from pbteen.com
Jaipur duvet cover
$79.99 – Echo Design Jaipur Duvet Cover from bedbathandbeyond.com

Those are just a few of my favorites! How are you planning to decorate your dorm room? Leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email kathryn.krieger@hope.edu! You can also check out more dorm room ideas on my Pinterest! Thanks for reading!

“To all who mourn in Israel,
    he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
    festive praise instead of despair.
In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks
    that the Lord has planted for his own glory.”

– Isaiah 61:3

The Crazy Weeks Are Upon Us

You betcha. Crazy weeks are upon us here at Hope, but I’m sure they’re at your high schools, too. For some, it may be your spring break, and for others, this is the homestretch. If you’re on spring break, be sure to take advantage of your relaxing time. After spring break, everything is going to happen FAST.

This week has been hectic to say the least, and unfortunately, the remaining weeks look the same. But it’s okay, the days may seem like they drag on, but the weeks will fly by. That’s usually what happens (I sure hope that happens!) For me, the next few weeks might be stressful and hectic, but I have something to look forward to afterwards that make it so worth it, EUROPE! That’s all I can think about, EUROPE EUROPE EUROPE. Only 39 more days. I merely cannot wait.

In the present moment, this week has been packed. Monday and Tuesday were clinical days. Tuesday afternoon, I conducted interviews with my fellow directors for SAC next year! It was so exciting to get interviews rolling! Wednesday, I had class from 8:30 a.m. until around 4:00 p.m. I had some time to relax before TAing for a nursing lab. From Monday-Wednesday, I also studied for my first Adult Nursing Theory exam. Thursday, I woke up early to conduct more interviews, followed by an exam, lecture, and more interviews. And today, my day was packed with interviews from 10a-5:30p. I know that it may not seem a lot in words, but living that life was just stressful. But now, I am so glad I can chill for a little bit. This weekend is going to be a precursor to my next week, which is as intense. If not, MORE CRAZY!

Here is a prelude to next week: 2 exams, 2 nursing process worksheets and nursing care plans (you have no idea, these take a solid 8 hours for quality), 1 research critique, study guide questions, meetings on meetings, and I have to fit in sleep somewhere. To prevent stress and being overwhelmed, I am mapping out my weekly plan. Yes, I do use my planner, but this next week, my planner simply cannot handle my workload.

Before I finish, a couple of exciting things happened that ended my week well; SAC interviews are complete, and my leadership team will be making decisions soon! AND My flights to Rome and Prague have been booked for this summer so I AM PUMPED! Alright, that’s all for now, but look forward to “Dear Abby #3!”

Documentaries on Documentaries: My take on my recently watched

Lately, I’ve been watching some interesting documentaries. My brain has been going crazy, craving information and stimulation via video.

Here’s a review of some of the top documentaries I’ve watched in the last week:

The Woman Who Wasn’t There

66276cee9db349b79411ed63bbcfb3a2This is a fascinating and captivating documentary. Though the title is quite revealing, we initially get the story of Tania Head. She tells her story of surviving the September 11th attacks being in the second building that was hit, while working for Merrill Lynch. Her husband, devastatingly, was in the tower next to her, and was killed that day. Being thrown against a marble wall and experiencing terrible arm and back burns, Tania stayed in the hospital for quite some time. This documentary covers her involvement in survivor organizations and her enthusiasm for survivors to be thankful to be alive.

OK. So I’m not going to spoil it all for you, because the documentary does a great job of portraying this already, but the title is quite telling. TANIA wasn’t there. Actually her name isn’t even Tania….

Check it out to find out this immigrant’s desperate story to be involved in a new nation’s catastrophe.

Inside Pixar

pixar-w770h330This documentary is quick, witty, and just fun. It mostly follows and profiles John Lasseter, Pixar’s current CEO. Overviewing Pixar’s history and Lasseter’s career, you learn about Steve Jobs’ acquisition of the company, Lasseter’s passion for cartoons and animation, and the overall process of developing a Pixar film. I really recommend this short, even if you’re not that thrilled with Pixar movies. Being now acquired by Disney, Pixar films will continue to evolve, and let me tell you: If you want to make some money – get into Pixar.

Bloomberg Game Changers: Anna Wintour

13905806_oriLooking for a lighter film, I jumped into the world of Anna Wintour, Vogue‘s current Editor-in-Chief. Walking through Anna’s life, her dedication, perseverance, and cutting-edge willingness to make drastic changes characterizes her career. Friends say she always had the goal of being the top of Vogue, but it took her many mistakes to get there. She became the editor of House & Garden on her way up, and guess what she did… She changed the entire format of the magazine and started putting celebrities in the photos to change the focus of each piece. This was a dramatic FAIL and the company even had to give back customer subscriptions because they were all so displeased. But this failure didn’t stop her and eventually she rose to the top.

I think the fashion industry is fascinating, mostly because I don’t understand it, so this documentary was almost a mystical continuation of my misunderstanding of what occurs. I highly recommend it. It’s also pretty short as well.

I also have watched a fair amount of strange singer documentaries, which I also find fascinating. The business side of entertainment is so predictable. Though quite fluffy and lacking information, I’ve also seen Taylor Swift’s Journey to Fearless, Justin Bieber’s Never Say Never (which apparently nobody else liked….I didn’t think it was bad), and Katy Perry’s Part of Me. If you’re looking to get an inside look of what it’s like on tour, this is the genre for you! There’s also a One Direction one… (I don’t know much about them)….So maybe i’ll have to check it out pretty soon for laughs.

Take it or leave it! But documentaries are NEVER a waste of time. LEARN LEARN LEARN.

Dance Marathon… According to the dancers!

Dance Marathon has come and gone! I stopped by while it was going on and it was such a cool event! I am so glad I got the opportunity to stop by and see what was happening even though I didn’t dance! I was so proud of all my friends that were dancers and I was so impressed by the awesome total that they raised for the Helen DeVos Hospital ($165,057.08!)! I asked some of my friends who were involved what their favorite part about Dance Marathon was and here’s what they had to say!

The total!

Jessica W.: “The best part of Dance Marathon was the fact that although the reason I was there was so that I could give something to the kids of the Helen De Vos Children’s Hospital, I really felt that they were giving more to me. I loved the kids’ tenacity and felt I learned a lot about what it means to be strong, courageous, and how hard it can be to fight when it would be much easier to simply give up. Being a dancer was definitely hard but battling a serious illness is even harder and I would be honored to participate as a dancer again.”

Kelly L.: “The families are true superheroes. Dancing all night is a piece of cake compared to what they face everyday. Each time Roar came on and families would take the stage to tell their stories, I realized why I chose to be a dancer. It really is for the kids!”


Dance Marathon

Lauren M.: “Dance Marathon was a truly amazing experience that allowed me to meet inspiring Miracle families and spread hope to the superhero children of Helen DeVos! I loved all 1,440 minutes of it!”

Danae F.: “I do Dance Marathon because no matter how many hours of work I put into it, it is incomparable to the amount of hours and money that those families spend and they shouldn’t have to. No one should be as sick as those kids, so if I can do a small amount of work and get to help make their lives a little better, then I’ll do it. Every minute is worth it!”

Riley Jo
My friends Elizabeth and Lauren with Riley Jo, one of the miracle kids!

Lisa R.: “My favorite part about Dance Marathon was seeing all the miracle families with the kids and getting to interact with them and see the appreciation on their faces. Lots of the parents were crying and it was awesome just to know that we were making a difference.”

Thanks for reading! Dance Marathon is such an awesome cause and I’m so proud of my fellow Dutch for making it such a success year after year! Make sure to leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email kathryn.krieger@hope.edu! I’d love to hear from you!

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

Young Alumni Workshop

This past week, the Hope College Alumni Association, along with Career Services, sponsored two workshops for students and community members to attend. In addition, awards were given to the two speakers for the excellent achievements that have accomplished in their short careers.

The two speakers, Matt Scogin (’02) and Maxine Gray (’04), have both done some amazing things in their lives. Currently Matt is the Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff at the New York Stock Exchange. Maxine Gray, now works for Starbucks as a recruiter. In addition, she manages a Twitter page, LinkedIn site, and Instagram account for the HR department at Starbucks.

Listening to these two alumni of Hope College was extremely encouraging to me. Seeing how successful Matt and Maxine reaffirmed my decision to attend Hope College. It helped me remember that Hope does really prepare students to lead lives of leadership.

The topic that Matt discussed was leadership. It was apparent through everything that Matt said that he truly believes that anyone can be successful if they are willing to work hard. Living in America, we have access to some of the greatest resources in the world. According to Matt, those of us living now are living in an extremely unique time where we can learn about anything and everything; however, many times, we do not take advantage of our opportunities.

At the end of his lecture, Matt left his audience with the following advice, which I really liked:

  1. Dare to be great!
  2. Lead for the right reasons
  3. Find what dissatisfies you, and make a difference
  4. Start now
  5. Have a plan, but don’t be so blinded by the plan that you miss out on great opportunities
  6. Consider the non-conventional path
  7. Follow your passions

Spring Break 2014 in California

Welcome back everyone! As mentioned in my last blog post, we just had Spring Break, which was greatly needed. This year I went home to California and brought my friend Lauren with me. Here’s a run-down of everything we did that week:

We arrived in Southern California Friday night, and boy were we hungry since the flights don’t really offer any food. Therefore, we pounced on the opportunity to go to In-and-Out for a very late dinner. Lauren had never been to one before so we knew we would eventually have to go there for a meal at some point, so why not the night we flew in?

Some late night dinner at In-and-Out!
Some late night dinner at In-and-Out!

Saturday was pretty relaxing since we just arrived and wanted to get adjusted. What better way to enjoy the warmth than go for a nice hike at Peter’s Canyon Regional Park! Little did I know, the sun was stronger than I remembered so I got a pretty ugly tan line—oops!

Hiking in the hills and Peter's Canyon Regional Park
Hiking in the hills and Peter’s Canyon Regional Park

Sunday was quite busy for us. We woke up fairly early since we were on Michigan time still. Regardless, we had to get up early anyway for a 5K my mom signed us up for. Get this—it was called the Leprechaun Leap. Clearly, it was a pretty intense race! After that it was still early in the morning so Lauren and I decided to head to Newport Beach since it was going to be in the 80s that day. Perfect weather for Spring Break!

Lauren and I at Newport Beach after the race
Leprechaun Leap 5K race
Leprechaun Leap 5K race

Monday we decided to go on another hike because the first one just wasn’t enough for us. This time we went to Irvine Regional Park and got to see some horses, ducks and just soak in the beauty of California. Thankfully there were a lot more trees so I didn’t get a nasty tan line again. The rest of the day we spent at my house just relaxing and hanging out near the pool while reading. Nicholas Sparks is always the go-to author when you are lounging around and enjoying life.

Just relaxing near the pond at the park
Entering the park

Tuesday was the most exciting day we had! My mom took work off and brought Lauren and me to Hollywood. First of all, we hiked up to the famous Hollywood sign and sat behind it and took a ridiculous amount of pictures. Just looking at the sign you wouldn’t think it would be difficult to hike up there, but the path was very loopy and took about 45 minutes to get to the top. Let me just say that I was quite sore the day after! Once we took in the scenery we walked down and headed to the Grauman’s Chinese Theater where the Academy Awards takes place, looked at all of the celebrity stars on Hollywood Boulevard and headed to Beverly Hills to tour Rodeo Drive, Sunset Boulevard and all of the expensive stores around there. We were pretty exhausted at this point and there wasn’t much else to do there so we headed back home and rested for the rest of the night from all of the excitement.

Lauren and me behind the Hollywood sign
My mom, Lauren and me at the Hollywood sign
The beginning of the hike
Grauman’s Chinese Theater
Lauren and me in Beverly Hills
On Rodeo Drive

Lauren and I were up for some more adventures on Wednesday so we went to Knott’s Berry Farm. Not many people know about this place but to put it in a nutshell, it’s an amusement park like Disneyland but less commercialized so the crowds are smaller and the rides are more thrilling. Perfect, right? Awesome rides PLUS short lines is the recipe for a good time—and it was!

The entrance to Knott’s Berry Farm!

Thursday consisted of another mellow day of crafting and hanging out at the pool. The past week was pretty jam-packed with stuff so we needed to recuperate for a bit. In addition, we lounged in front of the TV and watched old episodes of One Tree Hill. I’ve never watched the series before but I’m definitely hooked.

Friday was our last day in California so we made it count! My friend Melissa flew home Thursday night from Chicago so we hung out with her all day. The three of us went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants called “Jalapenos” and it was just as delicious as I remembered. After filling our stomachs with some food Melissa, Lauren and I went to Huntington Beach and laid out on the sand for a bit, walked on the pier, went into some shops and had a huge smoothie at Melissa’s beach house. After that (and the traffic getting home) Lauren and I got cleaned up and went to Melissa’s house for pizza and games. Two of my other friends that go to school in the area were able to join so that was an added bonus to the evening. It was so great catching up with them even though it was just for a few hours!

Lauren, Melissa and me at Huntington Beach
Pizza and game night at Melissa’s

Saturday morning approached and Lauren and I had to get up and head to the airport at 5:15 am to catch our flights. It was a pretty dreadful morning just realizing we were leaving the warmth and the stress-free environment of home and heading back to this terrible winter in Michigan. Anyways, it was a Spring Break to remember for sure. I was so glad to be able to bring a friend home with me because realistically, it will never happen again since California is so far from school and everybody else. I hope everyone enjoyed their breaks if they had them as well. Only four more weeks of classes and then this school year is over! Hang in there!!!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.