Liberal Arts at Hope

I didn’t choose Hope because it’s a liberal arts school– in fact, I didn’t really know what liberal arts meant at first. Now, as a sophomore (almost junior!) it’s so easy to see the benefits of such an education in my life. The liberal arts curriculum at Hope requires a number of general education courses …

Choosing a Major

For the majority of high school, my heart was set on being a political science major when I got to college. I had big dreams of getting my degree, working in DC, and eventually running for political office. Then I changed my mind. About a month after getting to college, I realized that I actually …

What Is the Best Way to Declare a Major/Minor?

Yesterday, I had really busy day. Before taking the written driving test, I declared a major in Political Science and a minor from Philosophy. I will be still declaring a second (double) major from Management and a second (double) minor from Economics this Friday. Eventually, I am hoping to bump my Philosophy minor to a third …

Defeating the College Major Label [Part 1]

Hello again! We’ve officially survived our first week of classes here at Hope! I’m writing now about a very personal experience that I had over winter break. I find this topic relevant to most college students, which is why I’ve decided to be vulnerable and share it. Among the oodles and doodles of time I …

“Major”-ly Confused (and Embarrassed)

A few weeks ago you may have read a blog post I wrote, raving about how excited I was to be a teacher and how good I felt dressing for my future job. Which is why I now feel embarrassed to admit that I don’t think I want to be a teacher anymore. I mean, I …

Tip of the Day: Double Crediting

Picking a major is a big decision for all students. Currently, I met with my academic advisor and I will be declaring a triple major in Economics, Political Science and Philosophy next semester. It sounds fancy, but in reality doing a triple major is much simpler than most students think. After speaking with multiple professors …

The Nursing Program: How To Be A Competitive Candidate

This one is for my prospective nursing students from the class of 2019! I have been getting several emails and messages on Hope on Facebook regarding applying to the nursing program, so I thought I’d blog about it! It’s all in a Q & A format. At the end, I also have some advice from …

Confession: I Like Doing My Homework

If you’re a prospective student, you just read that title, and you’re already closing the window, I understand. You could keep reading, though; that would be cool. Alumni and others may understand what I’m about to say. I finally think I know what I want to do with my life, and how can I tell? …

What Am I Doing With My Life?

To answer that question in short, I’m going to school and I’m learning things. To answer that question in the more complicated form…I don’t know. The truth about me is that I have no idea what to major in or what I want to do with my life after college. And according to other people, …

The Plan

Well readers, it’s happening. I’m growing up. Because guess what happened this week?? The four year plan was made. That’s right. My major? English with a Creative Writing Emphasis. My future? Decided. Well at least for the next four years. It’s crazy isn’t it? Last year, I was just a freshman, trying desperately to find a …