Rain, Rain, Go Away… at least until I get to class

When we arrived back on campus (most of us on Tuesday night), we arrived to cold, rainy weather and the heaters turned on — leaving us with warm and cozy dorms. In fact, my dorm room was a little too warm and cozy for comfort, and my roommate and I reopened the windows and cranked up the fans, trying to push off fall just a little more!

Regardless of our attempts to keep summer alive, fall is here at Hope. The leaves are beginning to change and the weather has certainly turned into the chilly weather we’ve all been expecting but haven’t experienced yet. Once the rain disappears, I’m looking forward to all the photos I’ll be able to take of the leaves changing colors — and I’ll be sure to share them, too!

This is me, contemplating my rain gear choices. Side note: my shoes are soaking wet and that's not even my umbrella. My umbrella was being borrowed at the time this photo was taken.
This is me, contemplating my rain gear choices. Side note: my shoes are soaking wet and that’s not even my umbrella. My umbrella was being borrowed at the time this photo was taken. 🙂

The walk across campus really isn’t that bad, but learning how to prepare for the elements is a necessity at Hope. Over the past few days, it hasn’t been uncommon to go to class in cloudy weather — no rain — and return from class in an absolute downpour. So, I’ve compiled a “Rain Recovery Rig” to help you survive the crazy weather that sometimes develops while you’re in class.

1. Hooded Sweatshirt. For the quick walk to class, a hooded sweatshirt might be your best bet. Also good for days when it might rain but you can’t tell and want a safety net so that you won’t be soaked if you’re caught in a downpour.

2. Umbrella. Although I love the big, fun umbrellas, a “pocket umbrella” is perfect for traveling to and from class. You know, those little ones that will fit in the pocket of your backpack? Plus, it won’t drip water everywhere during class because it folds up nice and tiny, too. 🙂

When we're trying to get our umbrellas to dry out, it's nearly impossible to keep them in our rooms... so we stick them in our hallway until they're dry.
When we’re trying to get our umbrellas to dry out, it’s nearly impossible to keep them in our rooms… so we stick them in our hallway until they’re dry.

3. Rain coat. Although they may not always be the most stylish of clothing choices, if you’d like to walk into class not looking like you just took a shower, I definitely suggest investing in one. I found a really cute Target one over the summer (and it was inexpensive, too!) Any jacket with waterproof capabilities will do.

4. Shoes that dry fast. I am currently making the same mistake of wearing my Sperry boat shoes to class and end up stepping into a puddle that goes up to my ankle, leaving me with soaking wet shoes that are squeaky and sloshy when I go to class. I’m not necessarily suggesting buying entirely plastic shoes, but some flip-flops or rain boots might come in handy to avoid an unwanted predicament of accidental puddle jumping.

5. Friend, classmate, or acquaintance with any or all of the above. Find yourself on campus missing these items? Have no fear. Today, I exited Phelps Dining Hall after lunch in the middle of a downpour and proceeded to fit four people under my umbrella. We’re all willing to share around here, and although all four of us were pretty drenched by the time we got back to Kollen, it was still fun trying to synchronize our steps to avoid one of us getting “more umbrella” than another.

Although I “Hope” you never get caught in the rain, these survival tips are bound to help you get through the dreary days. Next “Recovery Rig”: Snow.

Looking for weather updates, fun, and the all-around “what’s up?” on campus? Follow me @hopesophie17 on Twitter. Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to email me at sophie.guetzko@hope.edu or comment below or tweet at me or if you have any other ideas, such as sending me a message in a bottle, I’m sure we can work something out.

Stay dry!

Fall Break

How crazy is to think that this semester is halfway over? Well, believe it or not, Fall Break marks the halfway point in the Fall 2013 semester. As the halfway point, Fall Break is the perfect time to go home, relax, and spend time with family and friends.

I was no exception to wanting to go home to relax and see family, however, I had another reason to be excited for Fall Break.

On Friday, October 4th, my mother sent me a text with a picture of a puppy. I was shocked when I got the picture because I have been encouraging my mom to buy a puppy. Well, a little over a week and a half ago, my mom decided to purchase a 9-week-old Malti-Poo.

When I found out that my mom bought a puppy I couldn’t wait to arrive home for fall break. Well, let me tell you, taking care of a puppy isn’t too relaxing, but it is a ton of fun.

For her small size of 2 lbs. and 15 ounces, Maizey (no she is not named after University of Michigan) has quite a bit of energy. We would play from 9:30 AM-11:30 PM almost every day. I taught Maizey a few tricks, but I’m most proud of teaching her to give me a hug.

Even though she’s crazy busy and loves to chew on my shoes, I am so happy to welcome this four-legged creature into my family. And, I’m looking forward to Christmas when I see the puppy again!

While babysitting Maizey was a large portion of my Fall Break, I also got the opportunity to see family and friends. It’s crazy how much can change in such a short time period. I enjoyed catching up with people back home, especially my mom!

All in all, I can say that it was a great break! I am happy to be back at school but I look forward to the next time that I can go home!

Enjoy the rest of your week and stay dry in this cold rain! Make sure to check back later in the week for another blog and remember to follow me on Twitter at @hopechelsea15.

Go Hope!!

Fall Break with Maizey

Instead of homework…

It’s my first night back from Fall Break and I am done with my homework relatively early, which is great since I am a little sick so I need as much sleep as I can get. But instead of going to bed right away, right now I’m finding myself a little distracted by the huge time-wasting temptation that all college students face on a daily basis: YouTube. Since I’m probably going to end up watching all of these videos tonight anyway, here’s a little taste of some of my favorite videos in case you’re done early too, or you just need a fun study break! A lot of them are pretty well-known, but they’re still great and it never hurts to watch an old classic one more time!

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is constantly quoted and referenced in my family. It’s one of my favorite videos ever. I even have the book. There’s also a second part here and it’s awesome too. “Guess why I smile a lot. ‘Cause it’s worth it.”

Uh. One of the most adorable things on the planet.

Same comment as above. This little boy warms my heart.

This is also adorable. I love grandparents. One of my favorite videos ever. What a good sport.

This video is perfect. Am I the only one who didn’t know Joseph Gordon-Levitt could sing? I don’t care what time of year it is. I could watch this video all the time.

Hope you enjoyed your little study break! What are your favorite YouTube videos? Leave me a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@yahoo.com, or tweet me @hopekathryn17! I’d love to hear from you!

Fall Break

Fall Break came at a much needed time this year. The previous week was rather stressful, but fall break came to the rescue at just the right time. On Friday night I saw All Sons & Daughters perform in Grand Rapids. I really enjoyed the concert and love their music! I ate at Marie Catrib’s in Grand Rapids with some friends before the concert. The whole night was very relaxing and rejuvenating.

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Enjoying Roast & Toast on the Pier

On Saturday I embarked with 6 other girls to Petoskey, Michigan. We originally planned on visiting Pictured Rocks, but with the whole government shutdown we had to change our plans. Petoskey was a great option! We enjoyed a beautiful scenic drive up north with viewing the trees change into beautiful colors. When we arrived in Petoskey we stopped at Roast & Toast, a local coffee shop and brought our drinks out onto the pier. We also had perfect weather! The sun shined down on the lake and reflected the fall colors perfectly in the clear blue water. It was a perfect day where we walked around downtown and explored some of Petoskey. In the evening we set up our tent at Petoskey State Park. Once we were settled, we brought our dinner to the beach and watched the sunset.

It obviously isn’t camping without a fire, so we made a fire and then proceeded to laugh and sing worship songs around the fire. On Sunday morning I drove to Roast & Toast again and read my Bible and journaled. When I returned back to the campsite my friend Kimberly and I ran 8 miles along a bike path, and the scenery was incredible!

On Sunday afternoon we drove to Walloon Lake and explored Boyne City and enjoyed walking around in the middle of nature. Sarah and I found an abandoned lake cottage and swung on a swing and hammock in the middle of the woods.

Our group bonded together the second night around the campfire and had great discussions. I am so blessed with such wonderful friends at Hope! I’m

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Ran 8 miles on this trail

glad I was able to camp with some of my best friends and enjoy God’s creation together. We only camped one night so that we could catch up on sleep and work productively on homework today.

This weekend was the perfect time for relaxation, and I’m so thankful for more memories made with great friends!

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Enjoying the Hammock and swing

An Amazing Fall Break

Welcome back, everyone! I hope those of you who had a Fall Break enjoyed your time off and got to either go home or visit friends and family somewhere. I know our Fall Break is not over yet, but this weekend was such a great time that I just have to share it with you right now! I originally was not planning on leaving campus for break, but I got a generous offer from my friend Lauren to go to her house in Illinois, so that’s where my story begins.

After class on Friday, I made a mad dash to my apartment to grab my duffel bag and Lauren and I made our way onto the road. During the 3-hour car ride, some seriously terrible singing (on my part) occurred and some solid laughs were had as well as some awkward eye contact from other drivers. Besides that, it was such a beautiful ride staring out the window at the fall trees and beautiful colors. Once we arrived at her house, we got settled in and then headed to restaurant called Champps. We met up with a high school friend of hers and watched the Blackhawks game, which was a lot of fun. Even though I’m not a huge follower of the Blackhawks, it was fun to be in such an exciting atmosphere. It was especially fun meeting her friend from high school because now I can put a face to a name and be able to understand who she is referring to. It’s always fun meeting friends of my Hope friends, just for that reason! After a win for the Blackhawks, we were pretty tired so we pretty much just bummed-out and watched Gossip Girl until we fell asleep.

On our way to Chicago!!!

On Saturday, we just hung out for a while and then went to the mall. No break is complete without going to the mall for some quality girl-time with one of your best friends. However, the highlight of the day was going to Fright Fest at Six Flags Great America! Surprisingly, there were a lot of people there, but we managed to only get scared once the entire night, which was pretty successful in my opinion. Going to Six Flags was even more special to me because I had not been on any roller coasters since third grade, so it was fun being flipped around and feeling like a kid again. Once we got tired of standing in line, we decided to go to Walgreens and pick up some chocolate to splurge over. We only meant to buy a bag, but those darn cheap deals forced us to buy two instead. Oops! I’m slightly ashamed to say that I ate about ten pieces just on the ride back to her house, but hey, it’s Fall Break! You’ve got to take advantage of those fast metabolisms while you can.

Finally, on Sunday Lauren and I took the train into the city of Chicago and luckily, were able to meet up with my brother! We went out to lunch and then went to the Water Tower and walked through stores until my friend Shannon came. It was such a treat to see my brother plus one of my friends from home that I haven’t seen in a few months. After an eventful day in the city and walking what felt like 50 miles, I took the train back to Holland and met up with some friends that were on campus. It was the perfect way to end the weekend and finally get to unwind and relax without thinking about schoolwork for a few days.

Lauren and Brian with me in Chicago

Even though Fall Break is so short, there are so many things you can do in that amount of time. I am so thankful that I have friends that welcome me into their homes and who are willing to put up with my craziness and terrible singing in the car. Now that Fall Break is coming to a close, we only have half a semester left until the first semester is over! How crazy is that? I cannot wait for Thanksgiving and getting to have another break before finals and everything. Well, that’s all I have for you now, but I hope everybody had a safe and fun weekend!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

First Two Months of School

The title may sound like I am a freshman, but actually I am trying to review my first two months as a freshman. Everything is like before. I like this small town. Sometimes I might think it is a little boring, but I have to say that I like this kind of peaceful life without hassle or worry about life in a big city.

There was something cool during the past several weeks. Sorry I am a procrastinatory so I did not write a blog every week. Anyway, let me see what I did.

On Sep 28, we went to a leadership retreat in Allegan. It was organized by Office of Multicultural Education, who always makes some cool events for us. I went to that retreat last year, and I liked that so much. Thus, I did not hesitate to sign up. Things are different from last year. The leadership orientation was not a boring lecture this time. We followed an elderly sir and did many interesting games. I think they were way better.

I love the baby bear!
I love the baby bear!
This is hard.
This is hard.
With Colin ;)
With Colin 😉

That day was so great. We then rowed the canoe on the lake in the afternoon. It was a cool experience. From the leadership retreat, I learned it is important to keep calm even if the situation is out of hand. Your teammates may lose their direction just because you are nervous.

After the retreat, life came to school. I am still doing my researches with professors. The stuff is not easy, especially there was no one around me who does the same thing. I have to figure everything out by myself. This is probably the cool point of science.

On October 14, there was an inauguration of our 12th President, Dr. John Knapp. I knew that there was going to be a new president last semester but I did not know too much about our new president. The inauguration was very awesome. I did not attend it but I watched it online for about 30 minutes. The online version was even cooler than live, I guess. It was HD. I thought it was just like the speech of a president on graduation ceremony. I watched some before on the Internet, and I never imaged there would be such a fantastic even in my college! The inauguration was complex, and I think it was the most formal and important event I know since I came to Hope.

Credit to Hope College Photography.
Credits to Hope College Photography.

We are having our Fall Break now. I enjoy my break! A new post will be here about our fall recess soon 🙂

Follow me: Twitter: @HopeXavier16

Website: www.xavierlab.com

Fall Break

I’m so glad to be on Fall Break. School has been so hectic, and being away from school is just what I needed. When I came home last Friday for break, I went to my mom’s new café she opened up (her actual opening day was on Saturday). I was so shocked to see how quaint it was. It’s in a little town outside of Traverse City, called Kingsley. The community is tight-knit and welcoming. I’m very glad this is where she put it.

ANYWAY, I started working for her that Friday getting things prepared and ready for the opening day. And guess what, MY BESTIE AMANDA also worked! Vee (my mama) loves her. She’s the Caucasian daughter she’s never had. Anyways, we worked on publicity and logistical needs for her café. We even made this menu. It took us a while!

This menu literally took us forever.
This menu literally took us forever.

As you can see, she was working hard.

Working hard, or hardly working?
Working hard, or hardly working?

On Saturday, Amanda and I reported for duty at 7:00 AM. That’s early, we know, but we were getting paid! It was so cool to see the community and my mom’s friends and family come together to support her. She was SO excited. She’s always wanted a little café, and she worked hard to get it! Here are some pictures from opening day!

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Practically, I’ve been working for my mom and studying during fall break. I have to study for my first standardized nursing test! It just shows how ready I would be regarding Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. I’m nervous for this exam, but I’m studying hard! I’ll keep you all posted about the rest of my fall break and what’s coming up this week.


Amanda’s Twitter: HERE | My Twitter: HERE | My mom’s Facebook page for her café: HERE. Make sure you like her page too! 🙂

Bring on the Future….

One thing I absolutely LOVE about Hope College: Professors CARE.

Going to smaller school really allows you to get to know your professors and your fellow classmates a lot better. There are always new people to meet, but I can always return to my same group of people. Also, because we are liberal arts, you are bound to meet a non-major in your classes. For example, I’m a biochemistry major, but I am taking a cognitive psychology class this semester for my psychology minor. I am in a class with almost all psychology majors that I have never interacted with academically (I have seen a few around socially). This has really allowed me to branch out.

BUT, not the point of this post. Back to professors caring: a lot of the time, students finish their undergrad degree and have no idea what is next. Talking to a few of my high school colleagues who have finished their undergraduate degrees, they don’t always have a next step. However, ALL of the professors that I have had throughout my three years at Hope have prepared me in some way or another for life after Hope College. Here are some examples:

Example 1) Dr. Aaron Putzke (a Bio Professor) offered a trip to Van Andel Institute a few weeks ago. I jumped on the experience because I have presented at VAI a couple of times and really wanted to learn more about their doctoral (PhD) program. My plans currently are to go for a MD-PHD, but plans can always change, right? (BTW – VAI does have a joint MD-PHD program with MSU). So, I was able to go with 8 other Hope students, accompanied by Dr. Putzke, to explore VAI on a Tuesday morning.

Now, let me tell you, field trips in college are never convenient. Whether you do a job shadow, you participate in an athletic event, or you look at grad schools, you will most likely always miss a class or two. I was going to miss my cognitive psychology class, which only meets twice a week. Example 2) I emailed my professor, Dr. Lorna Hernandez-Jarvis (also the chair of General Education at Hope), and apologized that I would have to miss her class to visit VAI. She replied these exact words: “Great opportunity! Enjoy it! Dr LHJ”

WOW. I shouldn’t have been surprised, because professors are always over-the-top compassionate here, but I was still shocked.

When I returned to her class on Thursday of that week she pulled me aside after class and asked how my visit had gone. After I had told her that although it was a nice facility, I couldn’t see myself in their joint program with MSU, she instigated further conversation. Example 3) She asked where I’d like to go to school, what was I looking for in a school. She proceeded to offer a few suggestions of schools I should check out for my MD-PHD. This conversation and interest in my future would NOT have happened had I gone to a big public school, and probably wouldn’t have happened at even some smaller schools.

Example 4) That Thursday afternoon I had a midterm art review in my Basic Drawing class (another liberal arts ability — to take art classes as a science major). I sat down one-on-one with Bruce McCombs, my professor, and we went through my pieces. Before he commented on my work he asked, “What are you planning to do after Hope?” After telling him my plans, he told me of a few MD friends he had had in school and where they went. Though he tried to persuade me to be a medical illustrator (and tried to steal my artwork), he still offered great advice at finding the next-step school that would be right for me. THIS WAS MY ART TEACHER. – mind boggled to say the least.

Example 5) My research professor, Dr. Fraley, is always poking at his lab students about what they will do after Hope. He was actually the one to SUGGEST an MD-PHD, before I had even told him my ideas. He offered to connect me with a few students who had been in his lab and had successfully completed an MD-PHD program. So, soon I will be in contact with them to get the inside scoop!

I have a hundred trillion other examples of this, but this was just the past two weeks of professor-future interaction. Looking back at deciding where I would go to undergrad: it was a HUGE decision. I didn’t have helpful high school teachers who took the time to introduce me to possible schools that would fit me and meet my individual needs. But here at Hope, I DO. I am blessed to have chosen such a great institution with faculty that always have my needs and future as their top priorities. Now to find a medical school-graduate school that can do that as well……….

Walking up the steps to VAI with Devos looking on.
Walking up the steps to VAI with Devos looking on.

Questions about your Hope Journey? Science-major probs? What a day at Hope looks like?
Check me out on the Twitter, hopeamanda15, or email me at amanda.porter@hope.edu



Home Sweet Hope, Home Sweet Home

I’ve been 28 hours into Fall Break so far, and I can say, it’s been an awesome 28 hours.

Although my hometown is actually Manchester, Iowa, a small town in the Northeastern part of the state, I’ve recently taken to calling Hope my home. Someone around campus might say, “Hey Sophie, what are you up to?” and I’ll reply “Aw, I think I’m just gonna head home for a while” (in reference to my dorm.)

But Fall Break came around, and I was actually headed back home to Iowa to see my family for the first time since Orientation.

My mom drove the 6-7 hours it takes to get from Manchester to Holland and picked me up yesterday afternoon and then we proceeded to drive the 6-7 hours it takes to get back home as well. Not to get all mushy and stuff, but I’m so grateful that she traveled over 12 hours in one day just so we could get in an extra six hours of talk time in the car together. We had a blast catching up face-to-face with all of the fun happening in both of our lives.

Upon returning back home, I found the same house, same family, same dog, essentially same everything that I left here when I came to Hope. There was even the same fruit snacks I left behind in our pantry because no one eats fruit snacks in my household except for me (although I can’t quite decide yet if I should eat them or not. That’s still to be determined.)

The 1am selfie my brother Harrison and I took just because we were so excited to see each other. :)
The 1am selfie my brother Harrison and I took just because we were so excited to see each other. 🙂

Today I’ve seen a bunch of people all around town who are super excited to see me, and I’m super excited to see them, too. It’s fun to catch up with them and see how things are going.

Sometimes people ask me, “How does it feel to be so far away from home?” and I’ve often answered that “Hope feels like home to me”, which couldn’t be more true. I do feel like I’m home when I’m at Hope.

But now that I’ve returned to my usual stomping grounds, I’ve gotten a little bit of a different perspective.

No matter where you go to college, how far away you go, or what type of school you choose, you’ll still be farther away than you’ve ever been to the ties you had when you were growing up and throughout high school. That’s what is truly awesome about college. When you go to college, you open a door that leads to new relationships, new perspectives, and new experiences… then you come home and find what you left back home is still waiting for you when you return.

Enjoy the time with your family this weekend — I know I will be!

Want to keep up with Iowa events this weekend and what’s going on at Hope? Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @hopesophie17. If you have any questions, comments, or just want more information, definitely send me an email at sophie.guetzko@hope.edu.

Happy Fall Break!

It’s here!

Fall Break is finally here! In about half an hour I will finally get to go home. I am so excited to see everyone, sleep in my own bed, and finally get to drive my car again! It’s going to be so great.

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Yesterday after I finished my class and exam appointment, I went back to my room and decided to tackle my number one priority first: Finally finishing season 9 of The Office. I had to take a couple of breaks, but by 11 PM, I was done. It was very bittersweet and I’m not going to lie about how much I may or may not have cried (too much). It was such a great show all-around though and I loved watching it. What should I watch next?

Yesterday I also decided to go out to Subs N More for dinner. I’ve been there a bunch of times before, but not since I came to school, so it was really good to get to have that again. If you have never been there, I highly recommend it, and Hope students get free medium drinks! I also walked around downtown for a while and got some amaaaazing cappuccino chocolate chip ice cream from Kilwin’s.

Later last night I did my laundry, which was an adventure. The washers and dryers at Hope only let you pay with a laundry card that all the students have, not with cash or quarters or anything like that. So just imagine my distress when I put all my laundry in the wash, paid, and then LOST MY CARD before I could switch it into the dryer. This was also at about 9:30 PM, and there was no way all that stuff was going to air dry before the night was over and I left for home. I texted my friends. I looked for someone, anyone, in my cluster or the one next door whose card I could borrow, but they were all already gone for fall break. I took apart my entire room. I took the blankets off my bed and everything off my desk. I even looked inside all my shoes. After several minutes of searching and even calling my parents, although I knew they couldn’t really help, I found it in my printer. In the paper tray. Way in the back.


Magic. Spontaneous combustion. God’s providence. Christmas miracles.

Call it what you will, but I was way too excited. God really does answer our prayers, even when they’re as random as needing to find our laundry card.

Today I am looking forward to going to my favorite pizza place and an apple orchard about 40 minutes from my house with a couple of my friends. It’s gonna be great! Tomorrow is my lovely grandma’s birthday and I’m excited to celebrate with her and the rest of our family.

Grandma and I at my senior homecoming. She is the cutest woman on earth.
Grandma and I at my senior homecoming. She is the cutest woman on earth.

Monday I get to watch my best friend run cross country! I miss it so much and I’m so excited to go watch. By the end of last season we were trying to beat each other in every race and it was so exciting to have someone to push me like that (even though she beat me almost every time).

Katelin and I at my first meet of the season last year. She beat me.
Katelin and I at my first meet of the season last year. She beat me. But I love her anyway.

Monday I think my parents and I also going to go up to my favorite Asian restaurant in the suburbs and maybe do a little shopping. It’s gonna be so great to spend time with so many wonderful people!

Make sure to leave me a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, tweet at me @hopekathryn17, or send carrier pigeons to Illinois. Whatever you’re feeling. Thank you for reading! Have a great fall break!