A Christmas-Themed Study Playlist

Studying is hard. Studying at the end of the semester is really hard. Studying at the end of the semester right before Christmas is really, really hard. To make the task a little less painful, I made a playlist of some mellow, festive tunes that you can play in the background while you study in …

I’m Going to France!!!

Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA the last couple of weeks. My life has been crazy with classes, extracurriculars, and getting ready to go abroad. That’s right! Next semester I will be in Nantes, France!!! Nantes is about two and a half hours away from Paris by train, and is the 6th largest city …

A Semester in Review

WOW. I cannot even believe that it is DECEMBER already! Where did the semester go?? It would be impossible for me to sum up three months in one blog post, so instead I will focus on some highlights! My Field Placement My education classes this semester required a field placement, which I completed at a …

Nykerk Odd Year Coach Pictures

A few weeks ago, all of us Odd Year coaches had a mini-reunion for some laughs and pictures. The following are what came out of our time together. Taking coach pictures is an Odd Year tradition, and I was so happy to continue it with the wonderful Song and Play coaches. Shout out to the …

Review of “Modern Vampires of the City”!

Hi Everyone! For my post, I’m going to review a recently released album by one of my favorite bands, Vampire Weekend. Vampire Weekend formed in the mid-2000s when the four members met at Columbia University. Their earlier albums, Vampire Weekend and Contra, have a distinguishable up-beat, afro-pop sound coupled with witty, intelligent lyrics. They keep …

The Class of 2017 wins Nykerk!

As many of you know, the annual Hope tradition Nykerk occurred last weekend. I know that my words could never completely describe Nykerk, so take a look at some pictures, all of which, and more, can be found on Hope’s website! Winning was awesome, but I was more proud of how everyone performed. Both songs …

Questions for a Nykerk Coach

Hi everyone! One of my favorite posts last year was answering a bunch of questions that people asked me about bring the Nykerk orator. I thought that once I became a coach the questions would stop, but they have actually increased! So here again are the most frequent questions I have been asked since the …


If you have been following me or any of the other Hope bloggers on Twitter, you are probably aware of what happened on Thursday. If this is sounding new, let me bring you up to speed: it snowed. I repeat, it SNOWED. In OCTOBER. As a Kansas-born, Michigan-bred girl, I am no stranger to winter …

A Fun Fall Break!

Hello all 🙂 I was fortunate enough to go home to Iowa over fall break, which started last Friday and ended on Wednesday morning. My first activity at home was going to my sister Priscilla’s high school football game on Friday night. She had told me earlier that there is a superstar player on the …


I can barely contain my excitement. After almost a year of waiting (I started counting down the days the day after it occurred last year), my favorite time of the year is upon us. NYKERK TIME. Nykerk is a competition between the freshman and sophomore women in three categories: song, play and oration. It was …