New Adventures

Another week down, and one week closer to warmer weather (hopefully). I think that the overall trend of this week was exploring new places, as I was able to visit the community of Pilsen, attend a play at Goodman Theatre, and finally walk on the Chicago Riverwalk. For my Social Justice class this week we …


And so here we are on another Sunday. This week absolutely flew by, and I think that is due to how busy I have been the past few days. I typically only go into my internship once a week, but this week I was able to get out of my room three out of the …

One Month In!

Time really does fly. I’m somehow ¼ of the way into my semester here, and it still feels like I just got here last week. I was so worried that I wouldn’t be built for city life, but I absolutely love being here and have even begun to look into graduate school options within the …

Adjustment and Grace

It has now been three weeks since I moved to Chicago, and overall it has been an amazing experience. I am finally used to riding the trains, and feel comfortable getting to and from my internship as well as my classes. One of the things that I have struggled with the most these past few …

Weekend #1!

One word for the weekend: wow. I really did not have any high expectations or plans for the weekend except to finally catch up on sleep, and that is the opposite of what happened. On Friday afternoon I was riding the subway home from Target when I met a guy who claimed he worked for …

The First Few Days

I have now been in Chicago for a few days, and it has definitely been quite an experience. Moving in definitely had its ups and downs, but in the end I am very happy with the room that we got as it is easily one of the bigger ones that we have seen (and that …


*Note: This post was written on December 10th I just realized that less than a month from today I will be moving into my apartment in Chicago. On one hand, it feels like this opportunity has been a long time coming, but on the other hand it feels like it has come way too fast. …

Chapter 4: The Simple Things

“Only boring people get bored.” – Sofi Byrum These are words that I have been trying to live by throughout this semester. Sometimes it is really easy to get stuck in the routine of the week, and only live for the weekends. A typical week for me looks like Monday- Thursday working at my social …

Chapter 3: When Worlds Collide

My Hope friends came to Denver! It was such an exciting weekend full of all the Denver necessities! It brought me so much joy showing my people my home for the semester. We ate some delicious food, saw some incredible sights, and listened to way too much Adele. On Saturday, we explored a farmer’s market …

Chapter 2: Hikes, Hikes, and More Hikes!

These weekly mountain adventures have quickly become my favorite part of Colorado. Don’t get me wrong, I love channeling my inner main character by staring out of the window on the bus, driving through the heart of the city, while listening to some Taylor Swift, but something about the mountains makes me feel like my …