The First Week’s Experiences

Hello all! It has officially been a month since I’ve landed in Spain and moved in with my host family. I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by- and that I only have 3 months left in this beautiful country. The week before my program’s normal class load began, we had a few days …

The Beginning of a Spanish Adventure

I’m here! I made it! And it has been just over a week since I moved in with my host family. I am a participant in the CIEE- Liberal Arts program and here in Alicante, so my fellow program participants and I attended a three-day orientation before moving in with our families. Orientation was just …

It’s Almost Adventure Time!

“Are you excited?” “Are you packed?” “Are you nervous?” “Are you ready?” The four questions I don’t seem to mind responding to. The answers? “Do you want this week’s or last?”  Truth is, my emotions about leaving for Alicante, Spain are all over the place. I am thrilled, nervous, confused, worried (a little), happy. All of those …


Saludos! So who doesn’t like to talk about food? Now that’s a good question, considering that we LOVE to eat in Spain :). Our schedules are practically run by lunchtime and followed by the famous siesta. Absolutely everything- cafes, pharmacies, and clothing stores- shut down approximately between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. and everyone goes home …

A Family-Filled Weekend

Oh hi again 🙂 I have decided to write another post about my weekend at home in Granada! Carmen and Fabi’s grandkids stayed with us and I spent a lot of time with them. Their names are Cásper, Laurenzo, and Paulita. It was a special weekend because it was Laurenzo’s 8th birthday :). Now, I …

The American Girl in Spain

Hey everybody! And of course, Happy Homecoming, Hope!! Over the past couple weeks, I have noticed that I’m starting to see Granada as my new home. Maybe it’s because I found my new favorite drink for breakfast hahaha (see picture)?? Or that I found a solid group of girl friends, who encourage me to be …

Finally.. My First Post!!

I can’t believe I have been in Granada for almost two weeks already!! My journey started in Chicago on September 2nd, where I sat on a seven hour flight directly to Madrid. Surprisingly, I wasn’t sad about leaving my family or friends back home and I sat in my seat smiling. I was counting down …

Morocco – a Country in Transition

Three weeks ago, I traveled with a great trip organized by my study –abroad program to Morocco. I have waited to write about it for this long so I could process the trip a bit more before sharing it with y’all. The reason it was so great was because they were very focused on us …

Spain Surprises

My parents visited me here in Spain, and there are a few things that surprised/entertained/ shocked them, so I thought all y’all might be interested too: Wee- fee: This is how Spainards say wifi. In the eloquent words of my mother, “It sounds like pee pee!” Table heater:  Because of the lack of central heating, …

A Cross Section of Class (Part Two)

Antropología de la Diferenciación y la Estratificación Social (in Spanish at Universidad de Granada): This is by far my most intimidating class. I can say without a doubt, I have the lowest level of Spanish of anyone in the class. However, I am keeping up and learning a ton. As you can tell by the name …