Week Two Complete! Park Güell, Tarragona, and so much more

Hello everyone! Week number two is complete here in Barcelona and I could not be more excited to share my recent adventures with you. Just yesterday, I visited Park Güell, a masterpiece of the famous Catalonian architect, Antoni Gaudí. His work primarily was created around the early 1900’s, when Barcelona was flourishing after expanding rapidly through …

Barcelona: First Thoughts

What’s up guys! I have finally made it to my study abroad destination, Barcelona, Spain. The time change has taken some getting used to, as well as the lifestyle of Catalonians. For instance, mornings last until 2 pm, dinner is at 9 pm, and the daily dose of tapas is a bit overwhelming. Tapas, for …

Packing Up

I take a quick break from studying and packing to write one final time from my new home in Spain. This is it! The bag is almost packed and the number of days left is withering. This week has already been such a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts and I don’t even hop on the …

An Italian Weekend.

It was the first time that I, personally, had left Spain for another European adventure within these months abroad. Many of my friends had left multiple times, but with there being so much to do and see in Spain, country hopping was not something I had much time for. Or money if I’m completely honest …

Adventures, Thanksgiving and Thankfulness of the Adventure

¡Amigos! I’ve now been stationary in Alicante the past three weeks and wow, has it been busy! Last week we finished up our last week of normal classes at CIEE as the next few bring presentations, paper writing, review sessions and final exams. I write, now, with the knowledge of exactly 3 remaining weeks. I …

Sevilla y Más

¡Amigos! ¿Qué Tal? So I have one last Spanish city adventure to share with you. This one again, provided and hosted by my CIEE program. The last trip they organized was Valencia, this time Seville! The bus ride was quite a bit longer (8 hours compared to 2), and with lots to do in the …

Another Weekend Trip in the Books

After spending time in the northern part of Spain during the Camino de Santiago at the beginning of October, and a full week of midterms at the end, it was time to visit the southern part of the country. Last weekend, myself, a friend and her parents, who were here visiting, took a trip down to …

Happy to be Home- Here in Spain

¡Hola amigos! I cannot believe that my time here is more than half way through! Time is flying by! I’ve now spent three full weekends stationary in Alicante! And for those days I am incredibly thankful. The first I spent recuperating from El Camino de Santiago, the second, a bit more rest for my aching …

El Camino de Santiago

What a fun filled week with great friends, lots of laughs, many blisters, and even more memories! This past week my program had a Fall Break allowing for extended travels and also an opportunity to walk the last five days of the Camino de Santiago (The Way of Saint James), from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. …

A Quick Visit to the Capital City

Hola a todos! This past week has been such a blast! Like always my Monday and Wednesday class-filled days have been quite long, but I never seem to dread them. I suppose the pure fact that I am able to be in Spain while attending school helps with that aspect. On Thursday, after their week …