Irish Adventures & Deep Thoughts

I know, I know. It’s been a while.  But I have to be honest I have not have time!  I barely have time to sleep let alone take a few minutes to write about these beautiful experiences I’ve been having. Ireland has been making me fall in love more and more with it as each …

Failing and Singing

I am bound to fail and I am going to make mistakes, but that is absolutely okay.  This is something I’ve had to constantly remember during my first week of classes that began this past Monday.  Part of creating something or being artistic or just being a person even is failing.  We have to make …

We are all fools

First day of school is finally finished.  I can’t believe everything I have learned in the matter of 24 hours.  After meeting all the Irish students some of my classes will be integrated with I couldn’t be happier.  I felt an overwhelming amount of welcome and warmth from everyone.  Our first day we went straight …

Falling slowly for Dublin

1/11/2015 Aside from jet lag and my most recent state of food poisoning, I’d say Ireland is working out well for me.  Honestly, I immediately fell in love with the lights and warmth of the city of Dublin.  As soon as I saw the city coming into view from my airplane window I knew this …

Packing Up

I take a quick break from studying and packing to write one final time from my new home in Spain. This is it! The bag is almost packed and the number of days left is withering. This week has already been such a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts and I don’t even hop on the …

Tschüs, Germany!

With two short weeks left in my program, I can’t help but feel great sadness to be leaving a place I’ve really started to call home – knowing that this experience will never be able to recreate itself. Although I traveled extensively during my study abroad experience, some of my favorite moments have been those that …

An Italian Weekend.

It was the first time that I, personally, had left Spain for another European adventure within these months abroad. Many of my friends had left multiple times, but with there being so much to do and see in Spain, country hopping was not something I had much time for. Or money if I’m completely honest …

Adventures, Thanksgiving and Thankfulness of the Adventure

¡Amigos! I’ve now been stationary in Alicante the past three weeks and wow, has it been busy! Last week we finished up our last week of normal classes at CIEE as the next few bring presentations, paper writing, review sessions and final exams. I write, now, with the knowledge of exactly 3 remaining weeks. I …

Sevilla y Más

¡Amigos! ¿Qué Tal? So I have one last Spanish city adventure to share with you. This one again, provided and hosted by my CIEE program. The last trip they organized was Valencia, this time Seville! The bus ride was quite a bit longer (8 hours compared to 2), and with lots to do in the …

Travels around the EU!

Since my last post we’ve have traveled to Luxembourg, Paris, and Brussels, gone to the Swiss Alps, Lucerne, little towns in northern France, castle ruins in southern Germany, Munich, Strasbourg, studied the inner workings of the EU by visiting the institutions, conversed over problems in the Middle East and the way immigrants are integrated (or …