Shredding the Pyrenees

From the beach one day to the mountains the next, Catalonia is full of surprises. Earlier this week I travelled north to La Masella, a Catalonian-Pyrenees Alp that stands just above 8,000 feet tall. With bluebird skies, stunning panoramic views, and solid company to ride with, this trip could not be any better… Then again, …

24 Hours in Slovenia

Most SIT programs limit to students to traveling within the country they are studying. The reason for this is so students can focus on learning about that specific country and also so students can focus on their coursework as well since SIT is an academically rigorous program. This was never a problem in Tunisia and …

“You Need Dirt”

This past week, I and 20 other CIEE students had the great privilege of touring the East Side gallery with the amazing artist and co-founder, Günther Schaefer. The East Side Gallery is the largest remaining portion of the Berlin Wall. What differentiates the East Side Gallery from all the other graffiti covered areas in Berlin …


My first two weeks in Belgrade have flown by. I am constantly discovering more and more things I love about this city, country and the people who live here. Before coming to Serbia I did not really know what to expect. This isn’t a region of the world we learn about in school. And if …

The Many Sites of Spain

2/8/16 Hello again from Spain! I cannot believe that I have only been here for two weeks. To justify my shock somewhat, I have been to a total of 8 cities in 13 days. Two such places are La Alpujarra and Ronda. In the region of Spain where I am living, called Andalusia, there is an …

Getting to Know Belgrade

This city is amazing. And I know I say that about every new place I visit, but Belgrade really is a unique place. I was surprised by how “hip” the city is. It has a large number of cultural cafes featuring poetry readings, film festivals, and performances by local artists. I have already stumbled upon …

An Insider look into CIEE Open Campus-Berlin

CIEE’s Open Campus Berlin program is a brand new program; they just opened their doors last semester! It’s pretty cool to know that I am a part of one of the first groups of students to participate in this program. Throughout the semester, I’ll be referencing different aspects of the program and I wanted to …

First Impressions

Wow the time has finally come; I’ve made it to Deutschland! It’s Friday and I arrived in Berlin on Monday and it has been quite a week to say the least. Studying abroad is crazy because everything is new; the country, the school, the language, my luggage (thank you Macy’s Black Friday sale), my roommate …

The Adventure to Spain Begins

1/26/16 Well, folks, after many delays and some time travel-I am in the future now-I am at my final destination of Spain! Air France worker strikes and record-breaking winter storm Jonas certainly called for some traveling gymnastics. Thank you, Jonas. That’s two strikes against your name: excessive snow and the Jonas Brothers. (Apologies to anyone …

Fútbol, Football, Soccer

Camp Nou. The vibrance erupting through the stadium, the echo’s of yelling fans, the articulate yet free flowing style of Barcelona football, is all simply magnificent. A few days ago I had the pleasure of experiencing this firsthand as Barcelona FC played Athletic Bilbao in the Copa del Rey quarterfinal. Barcelona triumphed Bilbao 3-1, winning …