New Place, New Perspective

A good friend of mine once told me a phrase her dad always use to tell her, and it goes like this: “New place, new perspective”. This couldn’t be more true, especially when the new place is in a new country, culture and language. Getting away from home is a great way to get a …

A Wale(s) of a time

Standing back on solid ground with my hands shaking, a classmate asked me, “Is this what you imagined studying abroad would be like?” I replied, “No, I imagined myself in the library doing homework!,” to which our international student support manager overheard us, laughed, and smiled.  I had just completed the second part of that …

A Weekend in Paris

Wonder what it looks like to wake up in Paris for a weekend? Here’s a video of what a couple of days off are like in the city. Hint: it includes lots of art, music, and skyline views. Song: Day in Paris – LlusionPlaces shot: Le Centre Pompidou, Le Marais, 15th Arrondissement, Third Eye Blind …

The Globe Theatre

In 1613, one spark from a cannon started a fire that burned William Shakespeare’s Globe theatre to the ground. Now, over 400 years later, people from around the world flock to London’s replica of the famous Elizabethan theatre to experience what it was like to watch Shakespeare’s plays back in the day. I have been …

The Best Way To See Paris

The best way to experience Paris is by walking through it. The quiet, quaint streets, lights and cafés filled with people offer up some of the city’s best cultural experiences and people watching, all by just wandering around. Last night, I walked for hours through the city with a new friend of mine that was …

A future sociolinguists take on Brexit

*dictionary definition of sociolinguistics: the study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, and occupational dialect, gender differences, and bilingualism. One of the classes I was very excited to take while abroad was Multilingualism. Multilingualism is simply an individuals ability to communicate effectively in 3 or more languages. I grew …

Making Friends in a Second Language

Whether it’s freshman year of college or kindergarten, making new friends is a challenge everywhere you go. It’s a fluid process mixed with language, intuition, space and time, and there’s not just one way to go about it. Because I’m studying abroad in Paris for a year, I’m focused on getting to know the local …

Food!! (& My Birthday)

Eating is hard. College students everywhere know what I mean. Meal prep, waking up for breakfast, consuming some sort of fresh fruit or vegetable, resisting the very strong urge to order take out every night, all of this is hard. It’s even harder to do abroad where 1) you have to be smarter with money …

Enrolled as an International Student: The Paris School of Business

Options, options, options. One of the most overwhelming parts of studying abroad is choosing where to go, let alone which program to participate in. Let me give you a little secret, though, that might make your decision easier: some study abroad programs let you directly enroll into a university within your city, giving you the …

Ceol Éireannach

In the evening, when you stroll down the cobblestone streets of Ireland, you can hear the strains of fiddles, pipes, and guitars pouring out of the local pubs playing ceol Éireannach (Irish music in Gaelic). Last weekend, I took a trip to Ireland and went on a Traditional, or “Trad,” Irish Music pub crawl. Our …