Adjustment and Grace

It has now been three weeks since I moved to Chicago, and overall it has been an amazing experience. I am finally used to riding the trains, and feel comfortable getting to and from my internship as well as my classes. One of the things that I have struggled with the most these past few …

Weekend #1!

One word for the weekend: wow. I really did not have any high expectations or plans for the weekend except to finally catch up on sleep, and that is the opposite of what happened. On Friday afternoon I was riding the subway home from Target when I met a guy who claimed he worked for …

The First Few Days

I have now been in Chicago for a few days, and it has definitely been quite an experience. Moving in definitely had its ups and downs, but in the end I am very happy with the room that we got as it is easily one of the bigger ones that we have seen (and that …


*Note: This post was written on December 10th I just realized that less than a month from today I will be moving into my apartment in Chicago. On one hand, it feels like this opportunity has been a long time coming, but on the other hand it feels like it has come way too fast. …

Riverboat Tour

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to see the city from a different perspective. My friend Hannah and I signed up for a riverboat architectural tour of the city. If you are ever in Chicago and wondering what to do, I highly recommend this tour! We were able to sit back, relax, and learn …

Shedd Aquarium

Chicago is starting to open up! This past week I was able to visit Shedd Aquarium with some of my fellow nursing students. This trip was on the top of my list of must-see things in Chicago. Animals make me happy, so this trip was a great break from my homework and internship. To add …

Coffee Please

While I don’t consider myself a coffee connoisseur, I was able to immerse myself in the world of coffee this past week. Upon entering the world’s largest Starbucks off of Michigan Ave. I was immediately surrounded by the comforting rich aroma of roasting coffee beans. Exploring all four levels revealed a restaurant, coffee bar, and …

First Week In the Windy City

After three night-shifts at the hospital, two classes, commuting through a blizzard, and a celebratory pizza run, I’m happy to say my first official week in Chicago was a success! When beginning anything new, there can be a mix of both excitement and apprehension. Earlier this week, I found myself having excitement for the opportunity …

Graduation and Beyond!

Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn’t want to live there. I wouldn’t wanna live there. These words penned by Owl City (or to the true OC fans, Adam Young) have been a sort of mantra for this gal for many years. As an idealist and a *bit* of a perfectionist, I love sitting …

Final Moments in the City

Three days! Three weeks have quickly become three days until the end of the semester. The end of my experience in the city. The end of nursing school. The beginning of my *official* adult life. The beginning of a new start. The beginning of finally contributing to society in a larger way. Don’t get me …