A Thanksgiving to Remember

Last Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving at SIT. We each made a dish and we planned to have everything ready by 4pm (we moved the time up from 6 because of the curfew). It was nice to sit down with everyone and just relax, instead of sitting around the table typing out ISP’s. On Sunday I …

That Day

It was November 24. The air inside the cafe was cold. It had been raining all day and winter had finally arrived. We sat around the table. All nine of us a bit quiet, not quite knowing what to say. Rhiana spoke up and asked Mounir if he was alright. His response almost brought tears to …


One of my favorite things about traveling is being able to meet people from all over the world. This past Saturday I was able to do exactly that through an organization called InterNations. InterNations is a website deigned to connect people who are living abroad. In a sense it provides a space for expats to …

One night on the beach

One night I was on the beach It was a dream but I was in reality and You were speaking to my reality You said, “I am sovereign Look at the waves, my galloping horses of the sea See how mighty they come but they cannot surpass Me They cannot cross the line that I …


I love dreadlocks!                I wanted to lock my hair since I went natural four years ago. So when I arrived in South Africa and saw all the people with dreadlocks I figured why not get locks in Durban. Therefore on Saturday November 14, 2015 I woke up at …

Southern Excursion: Part 2

On the fourth day we left Tozeur and headed towards Douz. along the way we stopped at the Chott el Djerid Salt Lake. It is the largest salt span in the Sahara and it 160 miles long. We had some fun walking around and exploring. We drove for several hours through the desert and wide …

Southern Excursion: Part 1

Last week we spent eight days traveling all around southern Tunisia. We learned about water in the desert, rode camels, and visited Star Wars sets. We left Monday morning and headed to Kairawan where we visited the Grand Mosque. It was a beautiful structure. Next we headed to Sidi Bouzid. I have been waiting to …

An Introduction to the ISP

These past few weeks have flown by. I can’t believe it is already time for a second excursion! We will be leaving Monday morning and returning next Monday. This time we will be heading South and hitting many different towns and visiting parts of the Star Wars set! We are all very much looking forward …

Mozambique there and back again

September 20-23rd, my peers and I drove to Maputo, Mozambique from Durban, South Africa in order to get an on the ground look at the relationship between South Africa (ANC) and Mozambique (Frelimo) during and post apartheid. In order to get to Maputo we crossed the South African border into Swaziland then from Swaziland into …

Hiking in Hammam Lift

I have only been to downtown Tunis twice during my time in Tunisia and have been wanting to return. The two times I visited downtown were to visit some NGOs as part of one of my SIT courses. So last weekend two of my friends and I decided to explore Tunisia a little bit. We left …