Practice the Pause

Now that I’ve wrapped up midterms, I’m noticing some changes within myself and my worldviews. Of course, like any other semester, this first half has not been entirely sunshine and rainbows. However, the moments in which I’ve paused, reflected, and appreciated the world around me have provoked such rewarding feelings that any challenges are outweighed. …

Welcome to Venice

An early morning on Saturday last weekend consisted of empty buses and train station cappuccinos. My LA native housemate Vahna and I had a 9:30 train to catch, and we were determined to do so in a calm and collected manner. (Like women of class, okay? No more running through Roma Termini for us! Those …

Leftovers for a Week

Spanish word of the day: cocinar Translation: To cook! When I first was planning my semester in Argentina, one of the first things that I looked into was the cuisine: what are some common Argentinian dishes, anyway? To my delight, there were so many food items that sounded delicious. Not to mention, there’s a lot …

Skiing with JP2

Hello everyone! It’s been a little while. Last weekend I was on retreat again, so I wasn’t able to write a blog post. (Disclaimer: none of my pictures are cooperating to be uploaded for this post, I’m so sorry! Hopefully I’ll have this problem fixed soon for the next post!) Here’s a little update on …

Tips for Weekend Travel

I remember reading off-campus student blogs from years prior who shared how easy it is to travel on the weekends. They would sit in a café on a Monday and plan where in the world they’d like to visit on that upcoming weekend. True, I’ve found myself doing the same thing— enjoying a chai while …

About Time!

Spanish word of the day: VAMOS Translation: LET’S GO! Wow. I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I keep on having little moments where I realize that I’m here. Walking to the park, sitting at a bar, watching the sun rise in a sky scraper. I’m here! But it hasn’t sunk in that I’ll be staying …

Tea Time!

The pace has slowly started to pick up, and I’m coming up on my third week in Krakow! The Sunday after returning back from Czestochowa was a free day, so most of us slept in before heading downtown for Sunday Mass. Krakow has so many beautiful churches, and I’m hoping to go to Mass at …

A Rooftop Epiphany

Last night, two of my friends and I sat on the rooftop of my apartment building, looked up at the stars, and had a long talk. We shared about what our lives looked like before departing for Spain, our career choices, our goals and dreams for the future, and more. Before leaving for Spain, I …

Recent Excursions in Spain

In my first post, I shared how my host sister gave me a list of places that were must-sees while I am here in Spain. I have only been in Spain for a month and I’m already starting to check some things off my bucket list. This weekend and last weekend, I’ve gone on a …

The Beginning of a Beautiful Adventure

And just like that, I’ve been in Poland for over a week now. The last ten days or so have been busy, beautiful, exhausting, exciting, and so much more. I arrived the night of February 10th at the Krakow airport and was picked up by one of our program directors, Joe, and we took a …