Denver Memories to Last a Lifetime!

Denver has been one of the biggest adventures I have ever taken on. From being 18 hours away from home, living in a big city for the first time, to having an incredible internship. Nothing could have prepared me for this!

Final Adventures

 The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you are the pilot. Michael Altshuler These past couple of weeks have been crazy trying to get homework assignments finished and turned in while still trying to make the most out of Denver. Last weekend was filled with sitting in coffee shops for hours on …

Why I Packed My Hiking Boots: Discovering the Heartbeat of Britain

Bueñas Días from Barcelona! I’ve had a fantastic week travelling Spain with Megan Barta, a fellow Hope study-abroader wrapping up her semester in Barcelona. We shared many memorable experiences as we explored the stunning Andalusia region of southern Spain during Semana Santa. From exploring the Sacromonte district in Granada, to visiting La Mezquita in Córdaba, …

Easter Weekend

The Manitou Incline is a staircase that goes up the side of the mountain and consists of 2,768 steps and goes up about 2,000 feet in elevation. This was not an easy thing to do by any stretch of the imagination.

Adventures From the Last Few Weeks

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your Mountain is waiting so… get on your way!” Dr. Seuss When I told people I was spending a semester in Denver most people told me that I should plan on moving here after I graduate because of all of the cool opportunities that are here. …

(Mis)adventures in a Dresden bus station

Last Friday, I decided to spend a day in Dresden, Germany. The city is about a two-hour bus ride from Prague through the scenic Czech countryside. Ever since reading Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Slaughter-House Five, which chronicles Dresden’s fire-bombing, I wanted to visit the city. So, I boarded my bus at 8:25 am and pulled into …

Hello Again

Hello. It has been a little while. Let’s catch up. Here is a quick little update. I roasted my first pan of vegetables, and I really enjoyed it. I then roasted my second pan and liked them a little less. I traveled to Ireland to meet up with some amazing friends. Then traveled to Zürich …

A Day at The Zoo

Since coming back from being up North, I have had some time to rest before preparing to head off to Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka for a couple of days (a jam-packed couple of days!). However, that doesn’t mean I have been without some soft adventures. I recently went to the zoo with a friend. Despite …

Wait, a month already?!

February 19, 2023 was the day that I embarked on a new journey to study abroad in Santiago, Chile. Excited, anxious, nervous; I really can’t describe the ball of emotions I felt leading up to that day. It wasn’t my first time leaving the country but it was my first time leaving the country for …

Quick Trip to Paris

Traveling while abroad Thursday: After my culinary and cuisine course I dashed from my classroom to the Cadorna Train station to hop on the Malpensa Express to take me to the airport. Fighting the clock, we quickly navigated our way to the Gate and even had some time to spare. Soon we were off to …