Transformed by Hope College

What does it mean to be ‘Transformed by Hope’? Being ‘Transformed by Hope’ is the idea that Hope itself can bring profound changes to an individual’s life and worldview. I find this definition to be very fitting for my time here at Hope College. When a student is transformed by Hope, they experience a shift in …

Transformation at a College Level

How have I changed as a person due to the college that I chose? Have I been transformed at all? What is transformation? Tackle the Big Question Have I changed at all? Without any self-reflection I would have said “no.” I might have laughed too. Similar to high school, I am who I am and …

Senior Experiences

Whenever I see visiting students walking around campus or in chapel, I always make an effort to welcome them or help them with directions, etc. I remember my visit days oh too well–trying to mask how freaked out I was, unsure about how to hold the massive orange folder on my campus tour, and sitting …

Transformed By Hope

As I approach my last semester at Hope College, I have spent more and more time thinking about my experiences at Hope, what I’ve learned in my classes, and what I’ve learned about life. The other day I was at chapel and the speaker said, “Guys, I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but college …

Looking Back on my Faith at Hope

I distinctly remember my first class at Hope College. Dean Frost, my professor for my Freshman Year Seminar said, “What you seek to find at Hope, you will find.” He elaborated that if you seek to further your faith, you will have the opportunity to do so. If you want nothing to do with a …

Mentorship at Hope

One of the biggest things I have learned the past couple of years is the value of mentorships. Hope College has thankfully provided me with some really awesome opportunities to seek the wisdom of others. Coming into college and moving away from home, it does not take long to notice the lack of older influence …

My Faith Journey at Hope

My time at Hope college has been transformative for my faith. Growing up, I was enrolled in public school so my spiritual intake for the most part was limited to church on Sundays. I had a desire for a personal relationship with the God I heard about in church, but I did not understand how …

Once in Your Shoes: Reflections from the Harveys to Prospective Hope Parents

Feel like you’re swimming in questions about searching for the right college? You’re not alone! In this series, “Once in Your Shoes,” four Hope families share their wisdom about the college search process as they were once in your shoes. We’ve asked these families some admissions-related questions, with the goal of letting their experiences help …

Once in Your Shoes: Reflections from the Zobecks to Prospective Hope Parents

Feel like you’re swimming in questions about searching for the right college? You’re not alone! In this series, “Once in Your Shoes,” four Hope families share their wisdom about the college search process as they were once in your shoes. We’ve asked these families some admissions-related questions, with the goal of letting their experiences help …

Once in Your Shoes: Reflections from the Goszkowiczs to Prospective Hope Parents

Feel like you’re swimming in questions about searching for the right college? You’re not alone! In this series, “Once in Your Shoes,” four Hope families share their wisdom about the college search process as they were once in your shoes. We’ve asked these families some admissions-related questions, with the goal of letting their experiences help …