Your Final Dear Abby Post

Hey friends! I know it’s been a while since I posted a “Dear Abby” post. Here is your last one. Many of you sent really interesting questions, and I had to think hard about these answers, but I know it’s enough to give you guidance. It’s unreal how tomorrow is the closing day of the …

Writing Workshop: Finding God’s Voice

Have you ever taken time to reflect back on your life and see how God brought you through some of the most difficult parts? Are you curious to see how the Holy Spirit is working through your life right now to shape you into the person God sees you to become? I sure am. When …

Ekballo Project: Be the Answer

When God calls you, would you say yes? A few weeks ago, my Bible Study leader invited me to an event on Facebook called “The Ekballo Project: A Night of Testimony + Worship + Prayer. At first I thought, “Oh, that’s cool! Maybe I’ll check it out.” Then today, since all my finals were done, …