My New Home in Paris

Last weekend, on a cold and windy afternoon, I went ice skating. I’ve only gone ice skating a few times and I’m not the best skater around, but seeing as it is winter here in Paris, I decided to go anyway. I met my friends Jess and Amaya and we rode the metro together to the Eiffel …

My Greatest College Experience

One of the greatest influences on where you attend college is hearing from other students currently attending college. Listening to their experiences and stories tells you about the culture of a place. Today, I want to share my greatest college experience with y’all: studying abroad. Now, I know you’re all thinking that you can study …

Thoughts About My Classes in France!

As much as I would love to post only about my fun adventures I have had (and will continue to have) here, I do have classes to attend and homework to complete. But, it isn’t bad at all! I only have classes Monday through Thursday (Hello three-day weekend!). On Mondays and Tuesdays I only have one class …

Château de Fontainebleau

This weekend was the first of several group trips that my program, CIEE, planned for us. On a bright and early Saturday morning, we got on a bus and headed towards le Château de Fontainebleau, located in the southeastern part of Paris. Driving by and seeing fields upon fields of grass made me smile because it is so different from …

Exploring On My Own

Bonjour again from Paris! I have surprised myself with how well I have adjusted, from not feeling the effects of jet lag to not getting lost on the metro. I think I am starting to fit in after all – especially after being asked for directions a few times already! The past two weeks have been …

Day Trip to Versailles

It’s only been a little over one week since I arrived in Paris, yet I feel like I have seen and done so much! Last Saturday, some of the other students and I planned a day trip to visit Versailles. We all met up at one of the metro stops and from there, took a …

Reasons to Study Abroad!

Welcome back from Christmas break! Since I went home to California over the break, I didn’t get to see how much snow Michigan got. Hearing from my roommates that there was hardly any really surprised me and once I flew back, inches upon inches piled up and were blowing very aggressively. I’m currently writing this …

Studying Abroad in College

Prior to coming to Hope, I knew, just knew, that I was going to study abroad. I told my friends, family, and even teachers about it long before I even applied to colleges. I planted that idea of studying abroad in my head because I was following my well thought out plan: Apply to college. …

Euroadventure 2

Ok friends! So a while back, I posted about some of my European travels and said that I would post them in differing sections, almost like a series! If you haven’t read my first one, click here so you can get all caught up! Anyway, for this second post, it’s all about Budapest, Hungary and …