Stressed about Scheduling? Have No Fear!

It’s that time of year again for all current Hope students – the exciting (and sometimes dreaded) scheduling for next semester. Class of 2018, this isn’t anything to worry about until the end of your first semester. Regardless, here’s some tips to get ahead of the crowd when it comes to beating the stress of writing, re-writing, and editing your schedule when the time comes later this fall.

I do feel as though I should mention this before beginning: being a Communications major, I have a relatively flexible schedule in order to complete my major requirements. Many of my classes do not have prerequisites, and therefore it makes my scheduling significantly more stress-free in that I have many options to complete the classes required for my major. Prior to registering, be sure you are informed about the requirements of your major and look up prerequisites that may apply. Many math, science, and some English courses require lower-level classes be taken prior to some higher-level ones. Other majors also apply for completion of prerequisites, so again, definitely check this out before scheduling your classes.

1. Check out the email that Hope sent out a couple of days ago. In it, there’s a link for the class scheduling paper we had last semester (if you can’t locate the email, you can find the link here.) This makes it easy to compare your first and second choices as well as write them on a daily schedule to ensure you’re not overlapping classes!

2. Meet with your advisor or “someone who knows something” about your field (suggestion: department chairperson or a professor you really like from your major.) They’ll be the most knowledgeable to assist you with deciding which classes to take. Your First Year Seminar professor is also a good resource to have, but it is also essential to meet with someone from your field of study as well if it is possible.

3. Choose a good amount of second, third, and sometimes fourth choice classes. If you have a lot of General Education courses to take, organizing these as second options is the best way to complete requirements if you cannot

3. Look at your time to register WAY before the actual dates begin. This way, you can prepare yourself to know the date and time of your registering date. Although you cannot miss class to submit your schedule, if your class happens to overlap the time of your scheduling, try to be organized prior to class in order to schedule for next semester immediately after your class is over.

4. Seriously, don’t worry. It may seem like a stressful process, but there are always other options if you don’t make it into the classes you want following your registration time. There are times you can email the professor to enter the course if it is already closed. Also, the registrar’s office does a great job of helping out students in need of more credits if many courses are closed at the time of registration.

Best wishes to current students as this process begins on Sunday! Personally, I’m looking forward to getting these classes scheduled for this fall. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes on Monday. Check out my Twitter feed @hopesophie17! If you have questions, comments, or want to learn more, please feel free to email me at

Spring Break Recap

Although the phrase “Spring Break” tends to imply warm weather, I must say I unfortunately avoided the opportunity to experience the warmth. With Iowa reaching into the mid-forties, I can’t complain that I got a taste of warmer weather than we’ve had around Holland lately… but I’m secretly a little bit jealous of all of the tan people on Hope’s campus post-break.

Regardless of missing out on the warm weather, I still had an amazing spring break with friends and family. I spent the first five days in Chicago with my friend Sarah, where we followed the same pattern every day: Wake up, eat some food, take a nap, shop, eat more food, drink some tea, watch a movie, and go to sleep. It was a great way to recuperate from the work we had put into our midterms from the weeks before!

Sarah and I in Chicago
Here I am with my best friend, Sarah! She welcomed me into her home for a few days, and we had a blast!

Next, I traveled home to Iowa. I spent most of my days sleeping, eating, and having solid chats with my family and friends. On top of all of that, I got in a sweet session of yoga! I’m psyched to continue with it here in Holland. Besides that, hold on… drum roll, please – the Spring Break fave: a dentist appointment (yuck!).

On the plus side, no cavities, and I left with a gleaming smile (mostly because I won’t have to see the dentist again until October.)

I also had a chance to visit my friend Taylor at her school, which was a blast! Little did I know, my friend Megan was there too, and I hadn’t seen her since summertime – can you believe that!?

Megan, Me, and Taylor at Taylor's college
Here I am with my friends from home, Megan and Taylor! It was great to spend time with them and catch up with everything they have been up to.

And as always, family time is the best time. I was blessed to be able to spend time with my younger brother and best friend, Harrison!

My brother, Harrison, and I together
Here I am with my brother, Harrison! We always have so much fun when we’re together. I love attending his Speech and Show Choir competitions when I’m at home!

Overall, it was a great break to be home! Now, it’s crazy to think I won’t be home again until June. I’m psyched to be staying here for May term.

Hope your Spring Break was awesome, too! If you have any questions, comments, or just want to chat, feel free to tweet at me @hopesophie17 or email me at Take care!

Making This Semester Worth It

When we, students of Hope, return from Spring Break, there’s a limited amount of time left in the semester. It’s simply crazy. There are 5 weeks of class left, followed by exam week, which means there are 6 weeks to make the semester count. As long as 6 weeks may look, time just flies after Spring Break. It’s a crazy phenomenon. Pretty soon, there will be a new freshman class coming in, I’ll be a senior, and the rest is history. But really, let’s make the rest of the semester worth it.

There are going to be so many events happening between now and summer vacation! Fellow blogger Kathryn Krieger mentioned some of these events on her recent blog post. Read that here! These events, such as SAC’s Spring Fling is the grandest of them all. It’s definitely a great way to finish off the school year strong! Another awesome event coming up is The Really Big Talented Show. It is hosted by SAC, and features some of Hope College’s best talents. You should probably go to SAC’s Facebook Page to learn more! And last but not least, ADMITTED STUDENTS DAY! This day is so awesome because accepted freshmen an those who have committed get a taste of what a day at Hope looks like. I know most of you have gotten tours and all, but here, you’ll meet key players, get stuff situated for your freshman year, and your student bloggers will be there! WE CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU! Ok, so other than these events, there’s so much more in making the semester last.

6 weeks is adequate time to improve your grades. Take the time to meet with your professors, invest some extra time in homework and studying, meet with your peers, and before you know it, your grade will go up before the end of the semester. Take advantage of these last 6 weeks; they matter!

The weather is slowly but surely clearing up. Another great way to take advantage of this semester is by investing some time outside. Whether that’s running, just laying in the Pine Grove, or playing frisbee, use this time to de-stress while getting some sun. It’s been an unrelenting winter, and we’ve been inside. LET’S GO OUTSIDE and enjoy what is underneath all of the snow! Trust me, the last weeks of school are stressful, so get rid of the stress!  Plus, it’s healthy to get some vitamin D!

Make a countdown. Yeah, this is always a great motivator for me. This makes my work so worthwhile, because I know if I finish those little things, I’m one step closer to the larger things! Whether your countdown is simply for summer vacation, or some grand trip, find purpose in the rest of your semester and make your work worthwhile!

I just wanted to share some of my thoughts with you all. To those attending Admitted Students Day, I can’t wait to meet you. I’m am so stoked for the Class of 2018!!

6 Things – 6 Weeks

Spring Break is drawing to a close, and after we all get back to campus, there are only about six weeks of classes left for the semester! Crazy, right? I can’t believe how fast this school year has gone and it’s so weird to think that I’m already almost a quarter of the way done with college! However, there is still a lot of stuff going on before classes end! Here are six things I am looking forward to in the next six weeks!

Spring Fling

I have heard such good things about Spring Fling from upperclassmen! It’s right at the end of the semester and I’m excited to hang out and have fun with a whole bunch of Hope students before finals! It will be such a nice way to take a quick breather before hitting the books!

Working at Glik’s

I recently got hired for the summer at Glik’s in downtown Holland, so I’m super excited to start working there! I think it’s going to be super fun and an awesome experience! If you’re going to be around, make sure to stop by and say hi! They’re opening a new location downtown, so there will be both a men’s and a women’s store on 8th Street!

Admitted Students Day

Admitted Students Day is on April 12, and I’m going to be there! I’m super excited to meet a bunch of you guys who are hoping to be here at Hope in the fall and get to talk to you a little bit! It’s going to be an awesome day!

RA Seminars

We start RA training next week and I’m really excited to get to know the girls I’ll be working with a little better! I’m so excited about the group of RAs that we have for next year!


There are still a ton of events happening in the music department before the end of the year, and I’m excited to get to experience those and listen to some beautiful music! I also get to perform in one of them! Hope has such awesome and talented musicians, and it is always a joy and a blessing to listen to the final product of all their practice!


It is finally starting to warm up and melt in Holland and that means spring is coming! I have never been more excited about spring! We have had such an awful winter that I don’t even mind all the allergy attacks that are about to be upon me! Spring will be wonderful!

What are you excited for before the end of your school year? Leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email I’d love to hear from you!

“Look, the winter is past,
    and the rains are over and gone.
The flowers are springing up,
    the season of singing birds has come,
    and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.”

-Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Spring Break Happenings


Haha, I’m just kidding. I thought I was funny there for a second. Anyways, yes, Hope College is on spring break! Very very very exciting for all students around. Why? A break from all of the school work! Although I may not be in sunny paradise enjoying the beach or sand, I am in Holland getting ahead on my school work and preparing for the rest of the semester. Because when we do come back, there are only 26 days of class left. Holy cow, that is not that much at all. OOOOOOO I am getting so pumped as I type this!! Ok, kept it together Marv. So another countdown reminder for myself here. I only have 48 days until Europe! Eeeeeek, I cannot contain my excitement.

This spring break hasn’t been really “spring,” but it has been break for sure. When we got out last Thursday, I stayed in my apartment because I had some last minute work to do. I left for home Friday afternoon, after the Michigan v. Illinois basketball game of course. Let me tell you, that was one close game. Good thing Michigan won! So, I drove home, and as I continued to climb north, the temperature kept going down, and the amount of snow I saw kept increasing. Go figure. By the time I arrived at my house, it was literally 39 degrees, and when I left Holland 2.5 hours ago, it was 55. #notimpressed.

Well, I decided to only stay home for the weekend because I had a lot of work I wanted to tackle, and it is so hard for me to focus on my work at home. I end up doing nothing. But Hope’s library is open from 9a-6p, so it is absolutely perfect. Anyways, at home, I merely relaxed and did nothing because I deserved it. My weekend was full of basketball. I could not complain at all. I returned to Hope Sunday evening, just in time to watch my favorite TV show, Revenge. After, I headed to sleep.

Since Monday, I’ve been doing school related work. Doing homework due the week we get back from break, and work due throughout various times in the semester. People may call me insane, but it’s for my benefit!! I will have a smooth rest of my semester, and can look forward to Europe! My spring break hasn’t been really eventful compared to my friend’s, but I’m okay with that.

But, there are some exciting things that did happen during my week of break! Yesterday, it was warm enough to run outside. YES! So of course, I took advantage of this weather, because it can literally change at any minute.

I ran throughout downtown Holland and to Kollen Park!
I ran throughout downtown Holland and to Kollen Park!

I thought it would be a good idea to start running to get back into that groove. I can tell you for sure that compared to this past fall, my running stamina has decreased a little bit. Time to incorporate running back to my life! Another exciting thing is that Foster The People came out with a new album! I was super stoked because their last album, “Torches,” came out in 2011, so they were due. It’s on Spotify and iTunes. I already bought it. It’s super good, and highly recommend you listen and download it! Last but not least, I figured out my schedule for my fall semester of my senior year. CRAZY! But what’s more crazy is that for the first half of the semester, I only have class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays! How is that even possible!? I definitely got lucky, because that does NOT happen to nursing majors! I am super excited to say the least!!

There you have it! That is what is happening so far. If you don’t already, make sure you follow me on Twitter at @HopeMarvin15! Otherwise, have a great night and rest of your week!

Another Trip for the Books!

Hey everyone!

Well, March has been a crazy month packed with trips and still has more to come! A couple of weeks ago my friend and I drove down to Chicago where she dropped me off at the airport and sent me on my way to Juarez, Mexico. I met up with my friend Sam at the airport in El Paso, TX, and from there we crossed the border into Mexico. I always love visiting Mexico. I have been traveling there since I was 8 years old. The people there are like family to me, and it definitely feels like my second home.

The summer after my freshman year at Hope I did a program called HEI (Hope Entrepreneurship Initiative). I spent time that summer helping to start gardens in Juarez, Mexico, at some community centers and orphanages. It was great to be back there this past week and not only see the gardens in full bloom, but to see two more start as well. The people have really taken ownership of the gardens and use the produce to feed the children that attend the after school programs.

This past May I was in Juarez with two other Hope students where we helped start a small business to generate profit for the ministry there. This was an update I wrote about our trip from May…

This trip has been such a blessing, and all praise goes to our loving Father, who has been working in the lives of the people here. Our group (3 Hope College students) came to Juarez with the hopes of starting a Mexican candy-making business to help Amigos en Cristo be more self sustainable. The profits of this business would go back into the ministry to help pay for children’s education.

The idea originally came from Doris as her family has been long involved in the Mexican candy business. Jamoncillo is a popular candy in Mexico that is basically made from milk and sugar, similar to American fudge. The candy has a high markup price and is a popular delicacy here in Juarez.

When we first arrived here at the beginning of May, Doris and her family had already prepared Jamoncillo samples for us to try. We began looking into this by conducting market research by visiting different candy stores both downtown Juarez and in Anapra. When we brought samples to the stores in Anapra, we found that the store owners were very excited about the possibility of selling the product.

While we are here we are working on assembling a budget and timeline to help start the business. We met with the Amigos en Cristo staff for their ideas and to conduct a branding workshop. We are still in the process of determining a name but currently the staff has come up with the name “Amistosas Deliciosas” (Friendly Delights-translates better in Spanish) and the slogan to accompany it is “Diseñado para compartir” (designed to share).

While we have been here we have gathered data of the supplies and materials needed and are currently working on assembling Excel sheets. We are so excited to see where God leads this project. Please join us in praying for God’s blessing on the ministry as well as this start up business.”

When I was in Mexico this past trip it was amazing to see the transformation taking place in the lives of people who worked at Amistosas Delicias. There are 3 young men (ages 17-20) who work there and used to be on the streets dealing drugs and involved with gangs but now they have a job and are living at the community center together. The kids love these guys and they have put a lot of work into the business. They had a pivot in their business where they changed from making jamoncillo to cookies now. They have a great process worked out now and are continuing to improve the business. The best part about continuously taking trips there is seeing the transformation in people’s lives. I also learn so much from the people there, and they continue to challenge and teach me. I’m excited to head back to Mexico in 3 days :]
I love her!
I love her!
New garden
New garden

IMG_7006 IMG_6879

Making the cookies
Making the cookies

Lessons in Trust

One thing that God has really been teaching me lately is what true trust in Him looks like. I’m sure that if you had asked me sometime throughout the past few years if I was trusting God in my daily life, I would have said something along the lines of, “Well, I’m not doing it perfectly, but I try every day.” That sentence definitely still rings true for me, but I think I understand a lot more what trust looks like now. I definitely believe that God knows exactly what we need and puts us in situations to learn and grow and become the person that he wants to shape us into. For me, that was learning not to rely on myself, but fully in Him.


I have definitely always been a person that tried to plan out as much as I possibly could. In a way, it was comforting for me to always know what I thought my next step was going to be, but I’m learning that God calls us to a radical faith in him. He wants us to step out and do whatever he is calling us to, even if that isn’t a part of our plan. I have definitely not always been the greatest at doing this. In general, I think I have pretty good plans and I want to follow them as much as possible. It’s easy to get caught up in this and think that I know exactly where my life is headed and exactly what I need to do to get there, but it’s so important to remember that God’s plans are always so much greater.

To be specific, God has not been shy about the way he is working in my life lately. To be honest, a couple of months ago, I had completely given up on dating anyone, and I was okay with it. Then God boldly and evidently stepped in and put a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time back into my life, and God made the plans that he has for us right now pretty evident. We don’t know what God’s plan holds in the future, but I do know that it is good. My boyfriend Jesse has done so much to encourage me in my relationship with Christ before my relationship with him, which is a huge blessing in itself. God has just worked in so many ways and has been so evident throughout everything with Jesse. God has made it clear to us that if we trust his plan and boldly step out in faith to do what He asks of us, He will work things out for our benefit and His glory. What could be better?

I have also been thinking a lot about what I am going to do after college. I had always thought that God was calling me to be a music teacher, but as I have been praying and pursuing His will and learning how to step out in faith, I have realized that I think I’ve always been listening to my own plans. I am still praying about what His plans are, but whatever they might be, I know that they will be so, so good!

I have gotten the privilege recently to talk to several people who boldly, faithfully, and fearlessly trust in God. It is so awesome to see people who truly believe in and rely on the promises that God has shown them in the Bible or in other ways in their lives. I am so blessed to get to witness the incredible things that God does for these people who endeavor to trust Him so fully! It is such an awesome and inspiring thing, and it makes me want to learn to be even more trusting in God! His blessings are abundant!

What is God doing in your life right now? Leave a comment, send me an email, or tweet @hopekathryn17!

Those who know your name trust in you,
    for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.

-Psalm 9:10

My Experience at Paris Fashion Week

If you read my last post, or if you follow me on Twitter or have talked to me in some other capacity, then you probably know that during my vacation last week I went to Paris. My four days in the City of Lights coincided very purposefully with one the biggest events in the fashion world, Paris Fashion Week. The eight days of designers presenting their collections for the Fall/Winter 2014 season comes at the end of a month filled with other fashion weeks in NYC, Milan, and London. Paris Fashion Week is arguably the biggest in terms of importance and attracts fashion editors, buyers, reporters, photographers and bloggers from all over the world. In other words, it’s kind of a big deal.

Paris Fashion Week
Paris Fashion Week

For those who find themselves wanting to score a ticket to the hottest shows, I’m afraid I have some sad news: you can’t. Tickets are given, not sold, and only go to those who play some kind of role in the fashion industry (see list above).  So how did I, a person with no connection to the fashion world, get into six shows? Simple: I waited for the standing queue.

Every designer wants to have their Fashion Week show so packed that the only floor visible is the runway and the only ones with a decent view are in the front row. For brands like Louis Vuitton and Elie Saab, world-renowned superstars, this dream is a reality. For a lot of the smaller brands, this is not case. After everyone with a ticket is seated, often times there is space in the room. The solution? A standing queue where people can stand in the back and still watch the show. Almost every show has a line for a standing queue but not all of them let people in. Elie Saab and Chloe have standing queues but the chances of getting in are 0% because everyone in fashion shows up. The only shows left to see are the smaller ones. The best way to get a spot inside is to go to the show 30-60 minutes early and stand in line. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t; of the 16 shows I waited for, I got into 6. The waiting was probably the worst part of the whole experience for me. I spent literally all day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday standing. I didn’t have time to eat because I spent all of my time waiting or walking to shows. This method is really exhausting but is definitely worth it. Good things really do come to those who wait.

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Watching the fashion shows was beyond incredible. Each collection is like a very cohesive collection of art pieces. The designers write programs that spell out their inspiration and how it is seen in the collection. For example, Amaya Arzuaga’s theme for her Fall/Winter 2014 collection is “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” To interpret this in clothing, she used gold and black colors and reflective, bright fabrics. The lights, music, set up or the catwalk, and even make-up and hair on the models create an atmosphere that enhances the designer’s vision, much like a frame for a painting. The whole show is actually very short; the longest one I saw was around 15 minutes. The length of time depends on the size of the collection. More pieces=more models=more walking=more time. The models walk out one by one and at the end they do a final walk. After the show, the models, photographers, and other important people leave as soon as its over to rush to the next show. The most annoying part about the shows is that they all start at least 30 minutes late.

My pictures above are from some of the shows I saw. They aren’t the best due to lighting and my shaking hands but I hope they give more insight into what I’m trying to explain!

The final walk at Amaya Arzuaga

A very chic woman acting natural while everyone takes pictures of her
A very chic woman acting natural while everyone takes pictures of her

Aside from the actual shows, street style was another spectacle. Most people looked like they either just stepped off the pages of Vogue (chic) or had their three-year-old cousin dress them (crazy). There is literally no in-between. Some photographers didn’t go into the shows. They stayed outside and wait to get the best pictures of these people. They stood around and talked until someone, famous or otherwise, came along wearing something so outrageous or fashion-forward that the person would be stopped and the photographers swarmed around her until they got the perfect picture from every angle. This typically started around 45 minutes before a show and ended after everyone left the show. I was never photographed but did manage to photobomb a lot of pictures. That must count for something, right?

The back of Grace Coddington
The back of Grace Coddington

On the topic of famous people, I did see a few. While waiting outside of the Jean Paul Gautier show Saturday night, I saw Rihanna for maybe a second before she was surrounded by paparazzi and very, very loud, screaming fans. I saw Grace Coddington, creative director of Vogue US, multiple times outside of shows. I saw well known fashion bloggers like Aimee Song and Susie Lau. I also saw lots of other people who I’m sure are famous in one way or another but whose names I don’t know. Unfortunately, I did not see Fashion Week’s most famous attendee, Anna Wintour. It is said that she receives invitations to every show but I heard of her presence at only the most exclusive shows.

My biggest take-away from the experience was getting to see first-hand how serious the Fashion Week is. Yes there is show, glitz and glam but at the end of the day Fashion Week is about an interconnected web of people doing their jobs for an industry they love. Buyers from stores must pay close attention to the collections so they can provide customers like you and me with clothes that we want to buy. Designers must reinvent themselves every season by creating well thought-out and on-trend collections that correlate with customer’s needs and wants. Writers and bloggers must find a way to translate this language of haute couture into everyday vernacular for readers who want to be trendy. It’s a complicated, glamourous business.

So many things happened during my few, short days in Paris and it is impossible for me to translate them all into words. However I do hope that I was able to show you a little bit of what Fashion Week is like from the inside and what I experienced. If you have any questions or comments feel free to tweet me or leave a message!

Until next time,


Rooming 101

Ok #Hope2018! As seen on the Hope Facebook app, people are committing to this wonderful school and are making their deposits. Naturally, the next thing to do is… find a roommate! Well, as students, we make make this a priority, but it’s important to remember a few things when it comes to rooming. Before I speak some more, here is a REALLY GREAT VIDEO on roommates I found on YouTube. Seriously, watch it. I watched it, and even made my apartment-mates watch it. This video is definitely worth your time, especially if you want to live in a good living situation!

Okay, so now that you’ve watched that, here are the requirements for Rooming 101 (RMG 101).

  1. Acceptance to Hope College
  2. Be in the class of 2018, or a transfer student!
  3. Have an open mind

Now that the cheesy part is out of the way, lets dive in right away. I have noticed that people want to get to know each other, which is super awesome. This is the first step in finding a roommate, I guess. As many of you know, Admitted Students Day (ASD) is April 12th. This would be a GREAT time to meet up with potential roommates, but more importantly, new friends! I strongly encourage you all to meet up over coffee, or just even chit chat for a little. A simple conversation is where it starts!

In rooming situations, it is important to look into the future, as having a roommate is a long-term kind of commitment, unless there is a pressing issue. This is why you should get to know potential individuals that could be your roommate. In my own opinion, choosing a roommate for your freshman year is just a little less adventurous. Given that you want to be surrounded with people you like and are comfortable with, you should take the time to explore!! I chose to go in “blind,” which is what many college students do. This entails that housing, based on your criteria, will match you with a roommate. And guess what, my roommate freshman year, Austin, and I are very close friends. You never now what might happen!

What I am saying is that when you are looking for a roommate, you should be picky to the point in which you know you can find someone. Second, if you do find someone to room with, make sure you communicate with each other. Talk about your interests, hobbies, and such, but also talk about the hard stuff – expectations, ground rules, etc. Another important thing to remember is that you are starting afresh. Be open! Step out of your comfort zone. Hope College housing does a phenomenal job with pairing you up with a roommate. It’s really awesome. If things are meant to be, they are meant to be. If not, then they’re not! Make sure you are flexible in your thinking. If a rooming situation does not work, it’s not the end of the world.

Lastly, as the video stated, stress between roommates is a critical issue. Stress in college is bound to exist somewhere, but trying to prevent this stress can really help you in school.  So, if you have met people trough Hope on Facebook for rooming, great! Make sure you make an effort into communicating and meeting them sometime soon. If you decide to go in blind, an adventure awaits!

I just wanted to post on rooming, because I felt that it was important to! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask! Shoot me a DM on Twitter at @HopeMarvin15! Or if you like using the Hope on Facebook page, shoot me a message that way! I hope this helps and prepares you for rooming!

It’s a Little Late, But…

It’s Thursday, and today marked freedom from higher education. In “normal” terms, it’s officially spring break for Hope College! #SB2K14! It’s quite an exciting time because all students deserve a nice long break, whether that is down south, or home, a break is a break. The weather may not be spring-like, but at least there is break! Alright, anyways, my break will consist of the following:

  • Sleeping
  • Hygiene
  • Eating
  • Homework
  • Work
  • Eating
  • Sleeping

Then you repeat that more for an extended period of time. Who knows, maybe I’ll throw in something spontaneous! Anyways, as many people will be relaxing and enjoying the sun and beach, I’ll be getting some serious work done. My motivation for so much work? The rest of my semester would be a smooth ride with little stress. Who doesn’t want a semester with little stress? So, that’s my prelude to spring break.

Here is more about what I did this past weekend and week!

WEEKEND: Dance Marathon was on Friday. I wasn’t there, but I was definitely supporting my friends who were there! Friday night was nice because I had time to myself, something that rarely happens. I truly enjoyed it. Then on Saturday, one of my best friends Joey and I went to Ann Arbor to watch the University of Michigan Wolverines play the Indiana Hoosiers in Michigan’s last regular season basketball game. Road trips are a blast, especially with awesome friends. This made the drive to Ann Arbor fun and fast. When Joey and I arrived, we ate at Noodles and Company, one of our favorite food joints. Then we walked to the Crisler Arena for the game. Want to know something cool? Joey and I tweeted a picture about the game, and it got on the jumbotron! I was SO excited. Here’s a picture of it!

Here we are on the jumbotron. What an honor it was!
Here we are on the jumbotron. What an honor it was!

That was just such a cool experience. The game had so much energy, and it was very close. But in the end, Michigan won! Go Blue! But again, don’t worry, I am an avid Michigan fan, but I am so glad that I go to Hope! My experiences here make me who I am today. If I went to Michigan, who knows where I would be in life! But Michigan is DEFINITELY my #1 option for grad school.

Go Blue!
Go Blue!

We drove back that night following the game, but before doing so, we hit up another great place to eat; Chipotle. Honestly, I do not understand why Holland does not have a Chipotle. Can we please get a petitioned signed to get one established? Sunday was a sleep-in, catch day on homework. Oh oh oh! And my favorite TV show, Revenge, returned. It was such a great day. To make things even better, my co-leader, Jess, from the immersion trip we lead to Washington D.C. last year visited Holland for the weekend. Obviously, she graduated last year, and now interns for Sojourners in Washington D.C. So cool! What a treat it was to be with her. Although it was super short, it was great to see her and catch up with her for a little bit!

Reunited with Jess! (and Erica and Joey of course)
Reunited with Jess! (and Erica and Joey of course).

To sum up my weekend, it was awesome, A+. Now this past week has been HECTIC. I felt as if everyday lasted one week. Both Monday and Tuesday, I had clinicals and was at Grand Rapids for them. I worked Tuesday night, then I had a large assignment due Thursday. All I did Tuesday and Wednesday night was homework, and by homework, I mean this assignment. Having so much work before any break is annoying, but it feels so good to have it done. It makes the smooth transition to Spring Break much easier!

Anyways, thats all on this post. I am in the works of posting another blog that I think you will all like. Stay tuned!!!