Neat New Places

This semester, I did a lot of adventuring. It’s one of my new favorite things. I’ve been coming to Holland since I was 10 years old, but there’s always so much more to explore and discover! Here are some of my favorite places I went for the first time this semester!

Jumpin’ Java

Jumpin' Java
Enjoying a chai-der (and cheesin’ hard) at Jumpin’ Java!

Over Fall Break, I discovered a super cute coffeeshop in Grand Haven called Jumpin’ Java. I love everything I’ve ever ordered there and it’s so cute. It’s usually not too busy either, so it’s the perfect place to do homework.

Sanctuary Woods

Sanctuary Woods
Having some fun at Sanctuary Woods!

Somehow, I went all of last year without realizing how many awesome adventure spots Holland has. I loved visiting Sanctuary Woods this fall. It is so beautiful and such a relaxing place to take a hike!

The new Spring Sweet

Spring Sweet
Spring Sweet’s new storefront!

Spring Sweet, one of my favorite stores in downtown Holland, recently made the move onto 8th Street and I LOVE their new store! It’s so beautiful and right on the same street with all the other stores now. So nice!

Saugatuck Dunes State Park

Saugatuck Dunes
Slightly lost in the woods at Saugatuck Dunes State Park…
We found the lake eventually!

Saugatuck Dunes State Park is pretty neat. I had a ton of fun exploring there with my boyfriend Larry a few months ago!

Pro tip: Stay on the trails to prevent getting lost. Seems obvious, but…

Tunnel Park

Tunnel Park
Enjoying the beach at Tunnel Park with my best pal Allix!

This is a pretty well-known spot for Hope students, but I had never been there before RA training this fall! It is a beautiful beach and I really enjoyed spending an evening there with friends.

The Biscuit

The Biscuit
The Biscuit is an awesome spot for breakfast and lunch!

I’ve listened to my friends raving about The Biscuit for the past year, and I finally tried it this November! It was everything I hoped for and it is super cute inside. Such a perfect spot for a cozy midday meal.


Ditto is one of my favorite places to shop in Holland!

Ditto is another place I’ve been hearing about for a while but had just never made it to. It lives up to the hype! It’s an awesome upscale resale store at affordable prices. I’ve gotten awesome gently used clothes here from brands like J. Crew and Ralph Lauren, and the proceeds go to Holland Christian and Zeeland Christian schools. It’s such a great place!

Thanks for reading! Keep up with me on Twitter, Instagram, or send me an email at!

“He will feed his flock like a shepherd.

He will carry the lambs in his arms,

holding them close to his heart.

He will gently lead the mother sheep with

their young.”

– Isaiah 40:11

Vespers 2014 Recap!

Well everyone, I was supposed to sing in Christmas Vespers, but that didn’t happen due to my ongoing recuperation from a vocal chord nodule.

Then, I was supposed to go watch Vespers on Saturday night, but that didn’t happen due to a debilitating migraine that kept me in bed all day.

I guess Vespers and I just weren’t meant to be this year. Bummer, right?

However, I have heard nothing but great things from the people who were able to participate and go to watch! I wish I could have had a part in it, but luckily I have two more years ahead of me in choir to give me more chances to participate in this awesome Hope tradition.

A view of the whole chapel during Vespers! It looks so beautiful!

In case you don’t know, Vespers is Hope’s Christmas concert. It is a service made up of both traditional Christmas carols and less familiar anthems which come together to form an experience that celebrates the coming of the King and is an awesome way to start off the Christmas season! Many people come from far and wide to see Vespers each year, and it is a hallmark performance of Hope’s Symphonette, Chapel Choir, and College Chorus, along with other small musical ensembles and organists.

While I did not get to witness the performance in person, I have been listening to Chapel Choir rehearse all semester and there is no doubt in my mind that they sounded absolutely heavenly. They sang pieces that they sing each year (“O Come O Come Emmanuel” and “And the Child Grew”), familiar works (Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus”), and some pieces that were likely less familiar to most of the audience as well. It was an outstanding repertoire that I’m sure was a treat for each person to listen to.

Chapel Choir
Chapel Choir performing in the balcony of Dimnent Chapel!

I enjoyed being in Vespers as a member of College Chorus last year, and I am looking forward to more experiences with it in the future!

What are some of your favorite ways to open up the Christmas season? Let me know on Twitter, Instagram, or send me an email at! Thanks for reading!

“But the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!”

Luke 2:10-11

What is a Final

This is a final.

In order to procrastinate even further, I have taken a spontaneous study break to write you this lovely poem about finals week.


I’m looking at the pile of books stacked against the wall

A hundred shirts exploding from my upper dresser drawer

Starbursts, chips, and coffee are my selected foods of choice

Sleep is just a memory, and I’m starting to lose my voice

It’s Monday? I thought it was Tuesday.

Is there a dog that I can pet?

I’ll take a large triple espresso and a study guide for rent.

It’s 8am, then midnight, then 4am, then 5,

And I still have the same four pages that I’ve had

since the other night.

My Stats exam is cumulative

And I can’t remember 4 + 5,

But if I can catch two hours of sleep,

Tomorrow I’ll be fine.


Finals Week
Observe the notes, cell phone (for frantically contacting your classmates in regard to a question on a study guide), charger, and gum to relieve the stress. Happy studying!

Need a study break? Follow me @hopesophie17. Questions or comments, send me an email at

Study hard, eat a lot of food, sleep never.

My Last Fall Semester as an Undergraduate Student

That title really encompasses something we don’t have a lot of time. This semester has been really good to me, despite the challenges that I faced with my life, workload, and stress. Each semester brings something different, but this semester has been one of my most memorable. The experiences I had with my friends are going to be hard ones to forget and the opportunities I’ve had will make life hard because I’m not sure what I’ll be doing. So many great things happened this seamster, and I can’t wait to share some of these experiences with you.

Ann Arbor Trips!

For the fist five weeks of school, I was only at Hope for one weekend because I was at Ann Arbor watching Michigan Football games. Looking at it now, maybe it was a waste of my time because they played horribly this season. Don’t worry, Hope is still my favorite, though. One aspect that being at the University of Michigan I realized was that I am SO happy I did not go to a big school. Ultimately, it made me appreciate Hope more and to not take the Hope Community for granted.

SAC 2014

I have the honor and privilege to be a co-director of SAC (Student Activities Committee), one of Hope’s largest student organizations. One of my most memorable moments with SAC was our First Annual Retreat where we had the opportunity to learn about each other in less that 24 hours. This really made our team stronger, and it has been evident throughout the semester. I am forever thankful for the friendships I have with my team and the family community it harbors. Other fun memories with my team include working big events like the Homecoming Hoedown!

Vienna Reunion Dinner

Yeah, something as simple as a dinner can have a great impact on your semester. It was so fun to be at one location with those who went to Vienna this past summer. Telling our funny stories and reflecting on those experiences was just a blast. Plus, free food is always great, right?

Vienna Fam!
Vienna Fam!

Park2Park Half Marathon!

This past September, I did something that I thought I would never be able to do, run 13.11 miles. After much training and dedication, I successfully completed my first half marathon with my friends. Once I completed it, you bet I put my medal and bib number on display. How can you not? It’s such a great achievement. What this taught me: you can make an idea a reality by dedicating time to it. I am looking forward to running another one in the future!

MSU Nursing Graduate School Visit

Something that I really considered this semester was the option to pursue my doctoral studies. As a senior in college, it’s time to think about continuing graduation and life plans. I still think it’s crazy how I know what I want to do; I’m definitely in the minority when it comes to this situation. Visiting MSU showed me how feasible graduate school is, but you have to work hard for it! Now, I am currently in the process of applying, and it’s nerve-wracking. I just have to remember that it WILL be ok!

MSU Nursing Graduate School visit!
MSU Nursing Graduate School visit!

SACsgiving & Thanksgiving

This year, Thanksgiving was a special one. It’s always good to be thankful, but it was important this year for my sake. To celebrate, I had dinner with my SAC team and my family. It was great to be in each other’s presence and share great conversation. I mean the pictures below really speak for themselves.

SAC Christmas Party

Another SAC memory. Doesn’t it show how much I care and love the people and organization!? Again, it was great to be around my team to laugh and share the holiday spirit. We had a “white elephant” gift exchanged, which proved to be very very interesting. There were an array of gifts that were distributed, and that’s what made it really interesting. It’s going to be a different Spring Semester because some of my team members will be abroad and have internships. You will be missed friends!

SAC during our Christmas Party!
SAC during our Christmas Party!


Yes, this was a highlight. Why? BECAUSE I’M GOING BACK TO EUROPE! My friend Dimitrie and I are going to POLAND! I’m so excited. As of today, there are 92 days left. While in Poland we are going to Gdansk, Warsaw, and Krakow. And we are also making a pit stop in Copenhagen! I mean, look how excited we are!

These are the places I am visiting! The top is Gdansk, on the left is Warsaw, and the right is Krakow!
These are the places I am visiting! The top is Gdansk, on the left is Warsaw, and the right is Krakow!


This is going to sound nerdy of me, but yes. This semester, I had the opportunity to be involved in nursing research. It was one of my most memorable experiences this semester. I actually made a proposal to be turned into IRB! I also had the opportunity to present my research to others at a symposium-like environment. Next semester, I will be participating in another research project with a professor which I am very excited about. I mean, this is what I want to do with my life so I am happy I am starting now!

Research presentation!
Research presentation!


Last but not least, I performed in my last Hope College production of the Nutcracker this weekend. It’s hard to believe that it was my fourth year. Time really does fly. To finish with a bang, I was reunited my partner from sophomore year, Liz! It was so great to work again together. I also had the opportunity of working with Hannah who was my partner last year and Erica, who was a new partner this year! I had a blast working with the cast. It was bittersweet to perform in my last Nutcracker, but I’m glad its over!

Thank you all for reading about some one the highlights of my semester. Hope College is truly the best. The community it harbors with friends and professors have really shaped who I am today. You can’t get that anywhere else! Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts this week!

The Top Three Things College Has Taught Me So Far

I’ve only been here a semester, and I’m not saying that I’ve been around this block as many times as another college student, but college has taught me some pretty cool and important lessons so far. There have been way more than three pieces of advice that Hope has loaned me, but these are the top three and/or the ones that I thought of first.

First: It’s all about balance.

College is so many things. It is academics, friends, social life, faith, sports, etc. One of the most important things you can do is find a balance between all of these things. Not to scare you, but if you don’t reality is going to knock you upside the head (pretty quickly, I might add).

Second: Friends
it doesn’t happen overnight, or the semester.

I just assumed that since I was going to Hope that we’d all click instantaneously and have immediate friendships that were effortless, beautiful, and life-changing. ERGHH (That’s a buzzer noise), I was wrong. It turns out that creating meaningful relationships with people is actually something that you have to work on (oops, my bad), and it doesn’t just come naturally. Also, it’s not going to happen in the time span of one semester, and I’ve accepted that now; you don’t get to know someone that fast.

Another important thing I learned is that it’s awkward. All of it is awkward, and I am awkward, because life is just a little bit awkward sometimes. Embrace this, love it, because that means we’re in places where growth can occur; we’re in a new beginning, and beginnings are always awkward but oh-so-promising of a better future. Besides, it’ll be fun to look back and laugh on all of the awkward conversations in the end.

Third: The power in someone’s story.

Before you call me cliché, I just want you to know that I don’t care; this is important. The thing is, everyone comes from a different background. Everyone has experienced different situations and events that have helped bring them to the place they’re at today. After one semester, it’s pretty clear to me how dire it is to learn someone’s story before thinking that I know who they are.

While you may know that someone enjoys knitting, do you know why? Perhaps you were really bothered by their knitting habit. What if you found out that their grandma taught them to knit, and she passed away last year and it’s all that they have left of her. Knitting. Meanwhile, you love your grandparents to death, and suddenly you understand why she loves to knit so much; it all makes so much more sense to you and you can finally understand her, really get her.

That’s a weird, made up example, but it shows the process of it all. I encourage everyone to listen to others’ stories before making up your mind on them. It’s life changing to the point where hearing other peoples’ stories has become an insane piece of my own story.

Stories quote

So that’s it. That’s what one semester of college has gotten me. I’ve also learned a lot of academic things, but those aren’t often the first things that come to mind when I reflect back on the semester. It’s these changes in mentality that I reflect on and try to come to terms with.

If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Facebook, or my twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

This is Only the Beginning

When you leave Hope’s campus at the end of four years, your story isn’t over. I promise you, your journey won’t be finished. These four years are only the beginning. There is so much glory left to come.

If you walked these sidewalks, sat in the dining hall, attended class, or set foot on a stair,  when you leave, a part of you is left behind. You made an impact on someone, on a situation, on a plan, on a professor.

I guarantee that at the end of your four years, there will be someone left on campus who carries you in their heart in such a way that keeps a part of you here, keeps your presence near to the “hope” in this campus’ very name.

And for me, the person I carry near is Karen Harvey.

I met Karen through our Bible Study that she led through Hope College’s Campus Crusaders for Christ. There I was, a tiny, half-faith freshman, with the privilege to be led by a senior with a faith set on fire. With her permission, I write this as a testimony to the goodness of His love and mercy.

Karen is a May 2014 graduate of Hope, and will be leaving for Thailand in January 2015 to work with NightLight International Bangkok, ministering to women caught in the chains of prostitution and human trafficking through outreach in the red light district, childcare, administrative tasks, working in a coffee shop (how cool is that?!), and other opportunities available through the ministry.

Sweet, amazing Karen. She is a grace-led warrior, good fruit from the branch of God, and a light that cannot be quenched by darkness. She has inspired me by her faithfulness – ignited my soul – and I am overwhelmed with joy for her as she begins this part of her journey.

I remember a time last spring during May Term in which we were in her car, driving to the beach for an evening sunset. We both were at a point in our lives in which change abounded – for her, leaving Holland and trekking back to her home in Washington state for the summer, and for me, trying to discern the path in which God was leading me – and we were navigating God’s call for us, to be faithful, to give up our plans for His, the ones that we didn’t understand.

She asked me if I had heard about Steven Curtis Chapman’s new song, “The Glorious Unfolding,” and I replied that I hadn’t. Our conversation paused for a moment, and slowly, she turned up the radio. The song had just begun.

The lyrics that stand out most for me are as follows:

Lay your head down tonight
Take a rest from the fight
Don’t try to figure it out
Just listen to what I’m whispering to your heart
‘Cause I know this is not
Anything like you thought
The story of your life was gonna be
And it feels like the end has started closing in on you
But it’s just not true
There’s so much of the story that’s still yet to unfold


And this is going to be a glorious unfolding
Just you wait and see and you will be amazed
You’ve just got to believe the story is so far from over
So hold on to every promise God has made to us
And watch this glorious, glorious unfolding

I remember these lyrics hitting me right in the chest, stealing away my hurt, supplying me with His healing.

We arrived at the park, sat in the sand, and talked about life, Jesus, and all of His glory while we watched the sun set over the shore.

There are many days in which I wake up on campus wishing she was near, but I also know that she’s exactly where she is supposed to be, as am I. This fall, we’ve been pen-palling back and forth old-school style, which I love so very much.

May God bless her in the coming months as she prepares to leave and as she adjusts to life in Thailand, and protect her as she enters this space. I’m excited to learn where the Spirit will lead us – and I am hopeful that someday we’ll catch another sunset and a Beach Bum from Captain Sundae.

Want to hear more? Check out Karen’s blog here.

Keep up with me @hopesophie17, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me a note at

Peace, grace, and love. Abounding love.

10 Things to Add to Your Christmas List

HEY! Guess what?!?!? Christmas is just around the corner. So that means people are making their gift list. As the majority of you reading these blogs are pre-college, yet soon to enter into your freshman year, here are 10 possible ideas for things you may want to add to your Christmas wish list!

1. Laptop

cat animated GIF

A laptop is a must to survive in college. If you don’t have one yet, now may be the time to think of asking for one.

2. Longboard

My friends and I love to ride.

It is good to have fun things to do. Longboards aid in that fun.

3. Frisbee

hungry animated GIF
Used for frolf (Frisbee golf), tossing a Frisbee around, or a snack.

Not just any flimsy frisbee though, a nice one so that you can play the frolf course well.

4. Cell phone

That moment my phone took “Middle Part Friday” too literally.

This was actually a real thing for me as I didn’t get my first phone until May of my senior year. Also a necessity.

5. Hope Apparel

Gotta rep the school.

Hope apparel… both stylish and comfortable.

6. Lots of underwear

new girl animated GIF

Laundry costs money. How do you  do less laundry and thus save money? …more underwear. Boom.

7. Hammock

This is a picture of my friends utilizing their hammocks to the fullest.

A great place to nap, do homework, or just hang (see what I did there?)

8. TV/Speakers

cone animated GIF

These things are nice to have in the dorm, whether that is to relax and watch a movie or have a bumping dance party.

9. Water Bottle

Meet my water bottle. She is my sustainer.

I got a wattle bottle my first year and drink from it non-stop now.

10. A car! Haha just kidding…but really.

car animated GIF

It is a lovely thing to have a car while being a college.

Just some things to keep in mind as the Christmas season is approaching! One a different note, I have exam week this week, and then I am on break! Yippee!

For more about me, follow me on twitter @hopejohnluke17 or on Instagram at johnlukehawkins. Until next time!

Finals Week as Told by Goats

Finals week is here and these goats know exactly what you’re going through.

24/7 Quiet Hours have started but all you want to do is scream.

You now have to attempt to balance studying, food, studying, sleep, and more studying

And maybe find some time to shower.

You start thinking about which class you can slide by without studying too much.

Then you get mad at yourself for procrastinating

because Monday morning is looming ever closer.

Plus the late nights and hours staring at books are making you feel a little funny.

Nevertheless, don’t take it out on your roommate

Or let the stress knock you down.

Because making it through Finals Week is not as impossible as it seems.

You’re going to knock out your exams

And the semester is going to be over before you know it.

Hang in there and good luck! You’ve got this!

Twitter & Instagram

Studying Abroad in College

Prior to coming to Hope, I knew, just knew, that I was going to study abroad. I told my friends, family, and even teachers about it long before I even applied to colleges. I planted that idea of studying abroad in my head because I was following my well thought out plan:

  1. Apply to college.
  2. Be accepted to ____ college.
  3. Take French classes every semester (as well as the other required classes for my major, etc)
  4. Junior year: apply to study abroad in Paris!

I have been following said plan for the past four years now and it’s worked! I was accepted through Hope to study abroad, and I applied and was accepted through CIEE’s Contemporary French Studies program. This whole process has been one of the most exciting (yet nerve-wracking) experiences I have gone through, but it has been SO WORTH IT. If you are thinking about studying abroad while at Hope, but are still unsure, I am here to tell you all of the reasons why you should!

1. You will develop valuable skills you can’t learn in the classroom

Sure, you can learn about a different country and its culture in a classroom setting, but is it really the same as actually going to that country and experiencing what life is like? It’s definitely not the same, which is why studying abroad is worth taking that risk. This is my first time going to Europe, and although I may think I know all about French culture and society, I will realize how much I truly know when I get there! I know I will face challenges along the way, but that is only going to make this experience more valuable in the long run.

2. You get to immerse yourself in a new language

It’s one thing to study a language in a classroom setting and another to actually immerse yourself in learning a new language in a foreign country. You have to force yourself to take all that you’ve learned in the classroom and apply it to real world situations in a completely new and unknown setting! Being in France, for example, I will have to actually practice my French when I am around my host family, when I am talking to my peers or my professors, and of course, when I am exploring the city! The only way to truly grasp a better handle on a language is to not only practice, but also letting go of all your fears of saying something wrong and just fully immersing yourself in the language on a daily basis.

3. You get to travel!

This is probably the most exciting part about studying abroad and what I am most looking forward to! Being in a different country where you have never been to before can be a bit scary, but think of all of the places you can go and see while you are there that you wouldn’t be able to visit elsewhere. Another fun part about studying abroad is that through your program, you will be given the opportunity (or several) to go on group excursions in the country you are studying in.

4. Your worldview will be expanded

One of the things I was told during my study abroad orientation was this: “Take the time to catch up on world news, especially in the country you will going to.” I really didn’t take this into consideration until I thought about it much later. Often, we are too caught up in what is going on in our own country that we forget to educate ourselves on what is going on in other countries throughout the world. Their news is just as important as our news. Don’t be that person who doesn’t know a single thing about the current news of the country you are studying in.

5. You become more independent

When you study abroad in a foreign country, you are being pulled away from your normal routine that you are used to doing everyday. You don’t have your support system of your friends and family close to you. Although this may seem scary at first, you will eventually find your own routine and will get accustomed to it; it just takes time! Your friends and family are a phone or Skype call away, and use Facebook or a blog to keep everyone informed of what you are doing. During this experience you will come to be more responsible for yourself and your actions, both valuable skills you will use in the future!

Hopefully these reasons will guide you in your decision making as you continue to think about studying abroad! If you want to know more about the programs Hope offers, their study abroad website is a valuable resource for you to use.

I will be blogging about my experience in Paris, so feel free to check back starting in January or follow me on Twitter @HopeMarisela16!

Nursetalk: Deciphering Nurse Conversations

Do you have a nursing major roomie, or have friends who are nursing majors and you can’t seem to understand what they’re talking about? This the is blogpost for you. As a nursing major, I find myself using jargon that no one understands but nurses (and other healthcare professionals). At times, I feel bad because people don’t have a clue to what I’m talking about. Hopefully, this blog will help you understand some of the common lingo nurses here at Hope use; then you’ll know what we’re talking about.

Formal name: Practicum
Definition: Clinical/Practicum experiences are at several hospitals throughout the area. Nursing majors practice their skills and care for patients there. The various clinical/practicums are psychiatric nursing, OB nursing, pediatric nursing, adult nursing, gerontological nursing, community nursing, family nursing, and research practicum. You’ll hear us complaining about them often because they are 8 hours long, and many of us have to wake up 5:00 AM to go to the hospital.
Used in a sentence: Ugh, clinical was so busy today that I had no time to sit and chart anything!

Formal name: Nursing Process Worksheet
Definition: A worksheet nursing majors fill out about their patients at their clinical/practicum setting. These are extended and tedious, so you will hear this word come up. Most of the time, these end up being more than 10 pages, single-spaced.
Used in a sentence: Because clinical was so busy today, I had no time to sit and gather patient data for my NPW. I’m going to do so bad!

Formal name: Clinical/Practicum Break
Definition: This is a time in which a nursing major does not have a clinical/practicum class, lasting for 8 weeks. Despite the relaxation it brings, nursing majors find themselves bored because they have nothing to do.
Used in a sentence: I have psych this half semester! What clinical are you in? “Oh, I actually don’t have a clinical; I’m on break!”

Select “All That Apply”
Formal name: A test question type that all nursing majors dread
Definition: These questions are multiple choice questions with more than one right answer. At times, all options may be right, and at other times, only two options may be right despite the many answer options.
Used in a sentence: For the select all that apply question on page 3, which answers did you get? “I picked a, c, and d.”

Priority Questions
Formal name: A test question that all nursing majors also dread
Definition: These questions are multiple choice questions in which all the option are correct. Nursing majors just have to identify which of the options is MORE correct.
Used in a sentence: Did you see that priority question? I would do all of those options first!!

Formal name: Assessment Technologies Institute (yeah, we don’t use the formal name)
Definition: At the end of each clinical, nursing students take ATI’s regarding their clinical subject. Its goals are to measure skills in that nursing discipline in hopes to prepare students for the NCLEX-RN. Nursing majors think they are ridiculous. The results of this test are ranked by level 1, 2, or 3 with sub-levels of low, medium, and high. For example, my score for my psych ATI was a high level 2.
Used in a sentence: YOU GUYS! I got a level 2 on my adult ATI! I PASSED!

Last, but not least…

Formal name: National Council Licensure Examination – Registered Nurse
Definition: This is what all nursing majors are working towards and preparing for. A lot of use think that we are going to fail it, but in reality, the Nursing program at Hope prepares its students so well as evidenced by their high pass rates.
Used in a sentence: You guys, I’m really nervous for the NCLEX. There’s just too much information for me to remember!

Hopefully, this will give you the necessary base you need to understand nursing majors. There’s more lingo to learn, but I’ll save that for another day. Thanks for reading, friends!