Away From Hope

Has it ever occurred to you that you can earn credits for course requirements off Hope’s campus? Have you heard someone talking about studying abroad? From a first-hand perspective I can tell you to go. Go out. Explore the world studying abroad. Take a month, two months, or if you are zealous, take an entire …

Art is a Lifestyle

“Artists have the hardest time finding a stable career.” People would tell me that I would not be successful until later in life if I studied in the arts. “Who studies art?” “What is there to learn about the arts in a classroom? Can’t you teach yourself with a Youtube video?” These are all questions …

My Top 5 For Hope

Why did I chose Hope College? What lead me to making this final decision that would control where the next four years of my life would go? I have personally done some self-reflection and came up with 5 reasons as to why I chose Hope. Size As someone who loves meeting new people as well …

Transformation at a College Level

How have I changed as a person due to the college that I chose? Have I been transformed at all? What is transformation? Tackle the Big Question Have I changed at all? Without any self-reflection I would have said “no.” I might have laughed too. Similar to high school, I am who I am and …

There’s Nothing Like Setting Foot on a Campus

Reasons to Visit a College “Why do I need to visit a college when I can do all my research online and get virtual tours?” A valid question, yet, I can promise everyone with this idea that there is absolutely nothing like setting a foot onto a campus sidewalk. Engaging with students enrolled and shaking …

Where You Belong; Getting Involved at Hope

Where to Begin When you enter Hope College’s beautiful campus you are first blown away by the welcoming feeling. Then, you decide to get more involved. So you pull up the clubs and organizations website and are instantly overwhelmed. There are so many. Where do you even begin? Begin with merely glancing through and taking …

Making the Decision to Choose Hope

Big Decision When you are a senior in high school the last thing you want to worry about is where you are going to go after you graduate. You are more worried about graduation itself, what your friends are doing after school, and your grades. Why worry over next year? Yet, there is a tug …

“Living Away From Home”; the words of someone who lives 20 minutes away.

Growing Up I am from Zeeland, MI. A town only 20 minutes away from Hope College. I go home every other weekend to do my laundry for free and can call my parents whenever I need help with anything. In conversations with friends I have been informed that, “I do not have the right to …