Dos días en México: Two days in Mexico

Español: Antes de partir a España tenía unas ansias de llegar ya a este nuevo país. Ya quería ver el país del cual la gente tanto me comentaba. Iba a ver el país de mayor influencia dentro de mi vida, porque había, en su momento, conquistado tanto a México como a parte del país donde hoy vivo. …

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Hola Compañeros, As I mention in my bio I was not originally looking to come to a university in a large city; now I am very happy I did. Not only because Puebla is a beautiful, lively city and UPAEP is a very welcoming university, but also because of how this experience is helping me mature as a …

So far…

As I continue with my stay here in the city of Guanajuato, I realize that I am getting more and more used to the lifestyle here. I am getting much closer to my host family, they are very caring. It is interesting to think that there are many Mexicos, not only one. With that I …

First Day of Class

I was quite nervous for today – it was my first day of class! I didn’t know what to expect or how it would be. Would I feel strange? Would I be an outsider among my own people? Would I be accepted? Would people be able to tell that I have lived 14 years in …

Chichimeca the indigenous people of San Luis de la Paz

Yesterday was one of the greatest experiences of my life. As a group we visited a Chichimeca indigenous reservation in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato. We were accompanied by bilingual teacher Emmanuel. The Chichimeca are one of the only indigenous people who were not conquered by the Spanish. Emmanuel is Chichimeca, he speaks Chichimeca …

The city of Guanajuato

The city of Guanajuato is beautiful, it is my first time in the city. The host family that I was put into is very warm and open. My host family’s home is in the hills of Guanajuato; which is why I can see the city of Guanajuato from the terrace. I actually have to walk 20 minutes …