A Typical Weekday

I cannot believe I’ve been in Paris for over a month; the time has flown by and there is still so much to see. This post is long overdue thanks to cold and flu season. Thankfully I got by with lots of hot tea and Ricola cough drops, and my cold is finally gone. Since …

Meteora: understanding beauty in the middle of the sky

Hello readers! If you have ever seen a tourism brochure of Greece, the cover was probably a picture of stunning rock formations, like the ones you will see in the photos below. On Thursday evening my roommates and I decided we would like to see this place for ourselves, so we planned our visit to …

Museums in Madrid

On Saturday, IES sponsored a day trip to Madrid to visit the museums. We arrived around 10:30am and immediately went to El Museo del Prado, one of the most important art museums in the world. We went on a guided tour to see the most important works of art, including art by El Greco, Francisco de …

The Week of Heavy Things

If you have been following this blog faithfully (hi mom!) you are probably hoping to see stunning panoramics of the Acropolis by now; I regret to inform you the Acropolis was closed by the time my group got there, so those photos will have to wait for another day. Instead of a panoramic photograph, allow …

Studying Abroad (Emphasis on Study)

Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity to meet new people, see new places, and learn new things about how the world works. It’s also still a semester of college classes. This week was my first week of classes and it was similar to any other first week of school. Each of my classes loosely followed …

A weekend trip to…the dentist?

Yia sas, readers! As the weekend quickly approaches I thought it is necessary to put down a few words about the happenings of last weekend and the first week of classes before they become eclipsed by the upcoming weekend escapades. As the title of this blog already revealed, I spent Friday afternoon in a dentist …

Châteaux of the Loire Valley

Because no visit to France would be complete without visiting a château, our first IES excursion was to the Loire Valley. This region of France is known for it’s vineyards, orchards, and historic architecture. Several excursions are included in  IES tuition and it was great to enjoy this trip before classes officially began First we …

Exploring Segovia, Toro, & Zamora

As a part of the two week orientation in Salamanca, the IES group takes a trip to Segovia and another trip to Zamora and Toro. Segovia is a small city to the east of Salamanca that is an attraction for its history and monuments. Immediately when we arrived we saw the Roman Aqueducts which run from …

Yia sas from Greece

γεια σας (hello all!) from the Pangrati neighborhood in Athens, Greece. It has been a whirlwind since I landed yesterday afternoon, but I am feeling more settled each moment as my first full day draws to a close. My apartment is a two minute walk from the CYA academic center. The academic center is next door neighbors …

Bienvenue à Paris!

Today marks the end of my first week in Paris with the IES French Studies program. I left for France a few days before the program started to travel with my sister who studies in Menton. After three flights and a bus ride, we arrived in Menton on Saturday,  January 14. Menton is close to …