Dos días en México: Two days in Mexico

Español: Antes de partir a España tenía unas ansias de llegar ya a este nuevo país. Ya quería ver el país del cual la gente tanto me comentaba. Iba a ver el país de mayor influencia dentro de mi vida, porque había, en su momento, conquistado tanto a México como a parte del país donde hoy vivo. …

And Bob’s Your Uncle, I’ve Made Some Mistakes

I am the kind of person who doesn’t like to make mistakes. In fact, this is one of the reasons I chose to study in Scotland: because it is an English-speaking country and, not being multilingual, I figured that I would make a fool of myself in any country where English is not the main …

Emprendiendo Viajes: Starting Journeys

Español: Hoy llevo ya unos días aquí en Madrid. La verdad es que se me ha hecho mucho que procesar porque solo hace un par de días estaba en la ciudad de México y hace unos cuantos más en Austin, Tejas. Voy un poco atrasado en lo que he querido escribir sobre todo desde antes …

A Birthday In Spain

It all seemed so far off for so long – so distant – until that morning drive to the airport. I said goodbye to my dog, Charlie, to my sister, Caroline, and got in the car with my mother. She seemed to be a little distant, unable to acknowledge the ever-looming truth before us: her …

The Harley of Seville

Never again will I underestimate public transportation. It has saved me from being late to class on numerous occasions and from the dreaded shin splints. Normally, it takes 30 minutes to walk from my homestay to the University of Sevilla and 45 minutes to walk to the CIEE study center. In total, that is 1 …

Study in study abroad?

Wait, what? There’s studying in study abroad? Yes, there is! Let me assure you that school does not go away. However, even though I still have homework, projects, and exams, it is definitely different from Hope College. To begin, all of my classes are in Spanish. This was a big transition for me. During the …

The Time I Felt Like a Prince

I was on a balcony. I had a view. There were gardens, mountains, and pieces of art. A cool breeze was passing through. The only thing that was missing was my princely clothes and my crown. My visit to the monastery of El Escorial was like a fairy tale story. This giant monument is located …

Zoom Out

What is the best way to capture the life and grandness of Spain?” I would ask myself. I can almost visualize the days flying by to my departure from this treasured land. How can I make it last? How can I portray a general overview of this place that greets me with a load of …

Volunteering at Fighting Words

The social norms in Ireland are different than in America, even though there are still many similarities. For example, one thing I notice is that wherever I go there are numerous groups of individuals, whether Irish or of foreign descent, walking around. Many of them are tourists visiting the city, and when I pass by, …

The Artsy Giants

Attractive people, efficient public transportation system, surprises at every corner, and cool-sounding colloquial words are just some of the things I have liked most about my study abroad experience here in Spain. However, one of my favorite things has been the architecture. Even though I am not an expert that can identify the different kinds …