A Full Circle Moment

If you decide to go to a country where you have been learning the language, you may just have a moment like this! I have been hoping to come to Japan ever since I was a little kid. I remember when I first started listening to the language, listening to Japanese music and watching children’s …

A Day at The Zoo

Since coming back from being up North, I have had some time to rest before preparing to head off to Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka for a couple of days (a jam-packed couple of days!). However, that doesn’t mean I have been without some soft adventures. I recently went to the zoo with a friend. Despite …

A Week in Istanbul

When I was learning about Constantinople in my tenth-grade world history class, I never in a million years thought that I would actually step foot in this incredibly historic city. And yet somehow I ended up there last week! I think it was only slightly less shocking than if I had landed in an actual …

A Month in Tanohata

The last month has changed me to my very core. Life in the countryside of Japan is completely different than life in Tokyo. My program (Japan Study through Earlham) requires that year-long students go on a “cultural internship” to a more rural setting in Japan for a month. I decided to go to Tanohata, a …

Trip to Pulau Ubin

Hi all! It is past midterms and I have so many stories to tell about my time here in Singapore! I will start with one of the first trips we took! On the 4th day in Singapore, we had a trip to an island off of Singapore called Pulau Ubin. We had a tour guide …

Shway Shway

In my first ever blog post, I promised that I would make a “Learn Arabic” playlist. For all the folks who’ve been waiting on the edge of their seats (joke), it’s finally here! I’ve been working hard on my Arabic, and in this post I want to give you a little glimpse of the craziness …

Living with a Host Family

!مرحبا (marhaba—hi!) I’ve been in Amman for almost a month now: wow, is time moving fast! (If only my Arabic skills were moving at the same rate—learning vocabulary is taking me forever.) My amazing host family has played a huge role in making my experience so far such a positive one. Their hospitality and kindness …


I prepared for the major cultural differences before coming to Jordan. I knew that I would have to dress more conservatively than I do in the U.S., and I expected to struggle to communicate in Arabic. There are bunches of little cultural differences that are impossible to prepare for, though. Jordanian beds usually don’t have …

Discovering Amman

“Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past.” Eliot, T.S. “Burnt Norton.” Four Quartets, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1971. The English major in me will always want to add poetry to my blog posts, but I chose this specific quote because I got to …

Optimum Culture Shock

Hi friends! I’m typing this from Amman, Jordan, and I’m finally starting to believe that I might actually be studying abroad this semester. It feels like a dream. Apologies in advance for the photo quality—I took tons of pictures, but I’m a horrible photographer so you’ll have to use your imagination to fill in the …