Nagoya Scenery

Hello, all! Guess what?! I saw Mt. Fuji!   ….Well, a model version of Mt. Fuji. On a high rise observatory machine. But still cool! I’ll back up a little bit for you: I actually recently came back from a trip to Nagoya! Nagoya is a city located in Aichi Prefecture, which is southwest of Tokyo. …

Starting off Right

Hi again! Life in Japan post number TWO. Here we go! As I mentioned in my previous post, my first few days in Japan were wonderful. Let me go into further detail about that here! I arrived in Japan on March 25th in the late afternoon. My flight was 13 hours long and I had …

First Impressions

Yes, yes, yes, I am alive and in Japan!!! Sorry if it seems like I’ve been M.I.A. lately! My first few days here were absolutely wonderful, and as much as I wanted to share my thoughts about the beginning of my journey, I  really wanted to just soak everything up by myself first. I didn’t …

The Waiting Game—Pre-Departure in All its Glory

Hello, everyone! So…in case anyone hasn’t noticed already…I haven’t posted anything on this blog until now. This is because I am not abroad yet, actually! Some students studying abroad have semesters on a similar schedule to Hope College, but in Japan, the spring semester is from April to July. This means I’ve had about a …

One night on the beach

One night I was on the beach It was a dream but I was in reality and You were speaking to my reality You said, “I am sovereign Look at the waves, my galloping horses of the sea See how mighty they come but they cannot surpass Me They cannot cross the line that I …


I love dreadlocks!                I wanted to lock my hair since I went natural four years ago. So when I arrived in South Africa and saw all the people with dreadlocks I figured why not get locks in Durban. Therefore on Saturday November 14, 2015 I woke up at …