“At My Old School…”

I catch myself saying it all the time and it’s starting to get annoying. Sometimes I say it when the professor is ten minutes late for class. Sometimes it’s when I’m eating something new for breakfast. Sometimes it’s when I’m asked to hitch hike on campus. And sometimes I just say it:   “at my …

Let’s Go Fly a Kite

Being in India, it’s hard to remember that we are in the winter months; the average temperature here is 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius)! Even so, people all across India have been celebrating the passing of the winter solstice. Each state (or even each individual family) celebrates the end of winter differently so I …

No Meat, No Problem

I have been a vegetarian for most of my life. I’m not sure why—no one is—but it always seemed to suit me. In the last decade or so, as the diet has become more popular at home, being a vegetarian has become incredibly easy. Still, there are so many unnecessary stereotypes about vegetarians in the …

My First Assignment: Getting to Class

  Before I left for Hyderabad, India I did everything I could to brace myself for a good deal of culture shock. I was prepared for the food to be different, I was prepared to wear more conservative clothing, and I was even prepared for the wild traffic. What I was NOT prepared for, however, …

Gardens by the Bay

There is such a vast variety of places and things to do here in Singapore.  One of my favorite unique places here is Gardens by the Bay, which is a large nature park that combines city views with natural wonders.  Gardens by the Bay includes several outdoor gardens, two indoor conservatories, and the famous Supertrees. …

Holidays in Singapore

I’ve been in Singapore for several holidays, including Halloween, Deepavali, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  Here is a summary of how these holidays are celebrated here: Halloween: Traditionally, Halloween is not a holiday that has been celebrated in Singapore.  However, more recently, Halloween has become a bigger holiday here.  I was here to witness trick or treating in …

Angkor Wat

    Angkor…what?  When I first heard of Angkor Wat, I was clueless about this incredible place.  The Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  The whole site measures 402 acres and is the largest religious monument in the world, consisting of many temples both large and small. …

Thanksgiving in Cambodia

My Thanksgiving didn’t include turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes this year.  Instead, it included temples, tuk-tuks, and fried noodles!  My friend and fellow student teacher at Singapore American School decided to travel to Siem Reap, Cambodia, to spend our 4 day Thanksgiving break. Before arriving in Singapore, I knew essentially nothing about Cambodia and hadn’t …

“Where are you Going for the Break?”: A Culture of Travel

Before my 21st birthday, I had never left the United States and my travels in the country were not extensive.  Last May, I went to Vienna for the Vienna Summer School May term through Hope, and that was my very first airplane ride!  When I came to Singapore and started talking to people here, I …

Melaka, Malaysia

Last weekend, I had this huge desire to go somewhere on my own, to travel by myself.  I know my independence has grown during my time abroad, but especially since I am living with family, most of my time has been spent with other people and I rarely have had the chance to do anything …