Hope College Takes Action Against Plastic Pollution: Transforming Trash into Art

Envision walking along the beach at Holland State Park. You wind through the beach path and around the dunes. You look down, what do you see? Small pieces of plastic.

Beaches all around the globe are rife with plastic pollution, and West Michigan is no exception. Students at Hope College have decided to do something about it. Every year, Hope Advocates for Sustainability, a student-led team that works to promote and practice sustainable actions on campus and in the Holland community, organizes beach clean-ups as a part of the Lakeshore Cleanup Coalition. 

These beach clean-ups call students from all across campus to take ownership of our community’s natural resources. Hope Advocates for Sustainability hosts two cleanups each semester, and they’re always among the group’s most popular events–even when the weather doesn’t cooperate.  Most recently, on Saturday, Oct. 21, during what turned out to be a rainy morning, Hope students visited the State Park to clean and remove as much trash as possible.  In less than an hour, the team collected more than 12 pounds of trash, mostly snack wrappers and small broken pieces of plastic.  Plastic is especially a problem, because unlike many materials, really never decomposes.

Clean-ups like this help to remove pollution from the beach, but also help to show that all things end up somewhere, whether it is in a landfill or the environment. This year, the clean-up took on a special meaning as the trash became part of an art project. Hope Advocates for Sustainability, together with the college’s Kruizenga Art Museum, hosted a found-art collaborative art event as an additional way of showing that the plastic and trash we throw away or litter can end up on our beautiful West Michigan beaches.

Found-object art focuses on using upcycled materials, meaning re-used instead of recycled, to create an art piece with meaning. Gathered at the museum, Hope students had the chance to decorate a tile with pieces of recovered trash from the beach clean-up event. They were encouraged to get their creative juices flowing and decorate the tiles in any way they saw fit.

Throughout the day, more than 50 students participated in the collaboration. The tiles were then put together to create a large-scale abstract art piece. The piece will be on display in the Jim and Martie Bultman Student Center in the center of campus to remind students, staff, and faculty that the waste we put in our landfills and environment has a life long after we throw it away. It is time we start thinking about the waste we produce and where it ends up because some of it might just end up in a sand dune at Holland State Park.

About Author: Devin White is a senior at Hope College studying biology and a co-president of Hope Advocates for Sustainability

Environmental Justice Intern Article

Did you miss the 2023 Indigenous Peoples’ & Environmental Justice Lecture by Levi Rickert last month? If so do not worry! Our very own Hope Advocates for Sustainability Environmental Justice Intern, Lily Shergill, wrote this article in the Holland Sentinel! Follow the link below learn all about it. 

Link: https://www.hollandsentinel.com/story/news/columns/2023/10/29/misustainable-holland-native-history-still-relevant-today/71331156007/

Hope Connection Live! Sustainability -UPDATED

We hope you’ll join us for our Hope Connection Live! Sustainability Event. This is open to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the college working in a sustainability field or even just interested in it personally.

This will be a fun evening to talk about sustainability during our networking event and then hear from three awesome alumni working on sustainability.

This event is FREE but we do ask that you register in advance as it will help us with food and space planning. Alumni who don’t live in the area are encouraged to register for the VIRTUAL viewing. We’d love to still have you as part of the conversation!

Students register in HANDSHAKE.

All others please register at rsvp.hope.edu/october3

Learn more at: https://calendar.hope.edu/event/connect_sustainability

We can’t wait to have you join us!

Move-In Day Recycling

  • Move-in recycling numbers:
    • 3,240 pounds cardboard 
    • 125 pounds styrofoam 
    • 184 pounds plastic wrap/bags

Sending out a huge thank you to all of the students and staff that helped plan, coordinate, and support our campus move-in recycling effort! We were so excited to be able to expand our reach this year and it truly paid off.

Thank you Physical Plant, Green Hope, Hope Advocates for Sustainability, and Orientation staff/students!

“Saving Us” Book Discussion

“A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World.”

RSVP Link: https://bit.ly/savingusbook

Join us as we explore Dr. Katharine Hayhoe’s book “Saving Us.”

Discussions will be led by Michelle Seppala Gibbs, Hope College’s Director for the Office of Sustainability. Guest presentations will include Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger, Hope College’s Religion Department and Green Team Chair (June), Andrew Reynolds, Holland Board of Public Works’ Community Energy Services Manager (July), and Solar Faithful (August).

Please feel free to bring your lunch, light refreshments will be provided.

Books are not provided, but may be checked out from the library or purchased in advance.

RSVP‘s are not required, but are appreciated.

Prior to each meeting please read the following sections:

June 20 (Sections 1 & 2), July 18 (Sections 3 & 4), and August 15 (Section 5).

2022 Hope Advocates for Sustainability Annual Report

2022-2023 HAS Team


Presenting our 2022 Hope Advoates for Sustainability (HAS) Annual Report! Check out this snapshot of some of the amazing things our students did this year. Thank you to everyone who helped or participated in one of our events/activities. 

We are so excited to be on this sustainability journey with all of you!

#sustainablehope #hopesustains

Alumni Sustainability Affinity Group – April 2023 Newsletter

Happy Earth Month from the HopeSustains group!

Please click the link below to see our latest newsletter.

Learn more about our group here and sign up for our newsletter list.