Alumni Sustainability Affinity Group Spring 2024 Newsletter

Click the image below to see the full copy of the Spring 2024 Hope Sustains Newsletter. Are you a Hope College Alum working in the field of sustainability or simply interested in the topic? If so we’d love for you to join our affinity group! Click here .

2024 Creation Care Summer Book Read

Dr. Debra Rienstra’s book Refugia Faith 6/18, 7/16, and 8/2012:00pm-1:00pmLight Refreshments Provided. Discussion Leaders:6/18 – Dr. Thomas Boogaart, Western Theological Seminary, EmeritusIntro and Chapters 1-2 7/16 – Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger, Hope College, FacultyChapters 3-5 8/20 – Dr. Debra Rienstra, Refugia Faith Author and Calvin University, FacultyChapters 6-7 

2024 Sustainability Research Projects

In Holland, we believe that in order to become a vibrant, world-class community we must look at all aspects of our community.  This includes the “Triple Bottom Line” and the economic, social, and environmental impacts we all have. Our City of Holland Sustainability Committee created a seven-pillar framework with “lenses” to help us evaluate and make more sustainable …

Earth Month Can Drive

Friday, April 12 and Friday, April 19 the Hope Advocates for Sustainability will be hosting an Earth Month Can Drive to raise money for the Green Revolving Fund, which helps support sustainable projects on campus. Please consider donating your returnable cans or bottles to the bins located at the Physical Plant driveway that faces 10th …

Hope Celebrates Women Transforming the World Through Sustainability

By Carly Ervin and Lily Shergill – Hope Advocates for Sustainability Marking National Women’s History Month in March, Hope Advocates for Sustainability is taking time to celebrate a few women who have contributed to the work of environmental activism across the globe, including Wangari Maathai, Rachel Carson, Vandana Shiva, and Autumn Peltier.  For the rest …

Documentary Film Screening “The Erie Situation” Monday, March 18 7:30pm*MTcxMDc3MDMzOC40MzUuMS4xNzEwNzcxNzQ0LjQ0LjAuMA..

Conservation Competition: Hope vs. Calvin

Have you ever wanted to help win a competition against Calvin? Now is your chance! Hope Advocates for Sustainability has entered into an electricity and water conservation competition with Calvin. Click here to learn more and help us Kill-a-Watt!  January 16th-February 3rd We’d love to highlight ways different departments/groups are helping to reduce water/electricity usage, …