Alumni Sustainability Affinity Group Spring 2024 Newsletter

Click the image below to see the full copy of the Spring 2024 Hope Sustains Newsletter. Are you a Hope College Alum working in the field of sustainability or simply interested in the topic? If so we’d love for you to join our affinity group! Click here .

2024 Sustainability Research Projects

In Holland, we believe that in order to become a vibrant, world-class community we must look at all aspects of our community.  This includes the “Triple Bottom Line” and the economic, social, and environmental impacts we all have. Our City of Holland Sustainability Committee created a seven-pillar framework with “lenses” to help us evaluate and make more sustainable …

Hope Celebrates Women Transforming the World Through Sustainability

By Carly Ervin and Lily Shergill – Hope Advocates for Sustainability Marking National Women’s History Month in March, Hope Advocates for Sustainability is taking time to celebrate a few women who have contributed to the work of environmental activism across the globe, including Wangari Maathai, Rachel Carson, Vandana Shiva, and Autumn Peltier.  For the rest …

Documentary Film Screening “The Erie Situation” Monday, March 18 7:30pm*MTcxMDc3MDMzOC40MzUuMS4xNzEwNzcxNzQ0LjQ0LjAuMA..

Hope College Takes Action Against Plastic Pollution: Transforming Trash into Art

Envision walking along the beach at Holland State Park. You wind through the beach path and around the dunes. You look down, what do you see? Small pieces of plastic. Beaches all around the globe are rife with plastic pollution, and West Michigan is no exception. Students at Hope College have decided to do something …

Hope Connection Live! Sustainability -UPDATED

We hope you’ll join us for our Hope Connection Live! Sustainability Event. This is open to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the college working in a sustainability field or even just interested in it personally. This will be a fun evening to talk about sustainability during our networking event and then hear from …

Move-In Day Recycling

Sending out a huge thank you to all of the students and staff that helped plan, coordinate, and support our campus move-in recycling effort! We were so excited to be able to expand our reach this year and it truly paid off. Thank you Physical Plant, Green Hope, Hope Advocates for Sustainability, and Orientation staff/students!