Preparing for Exams…What is it Like?

By: Andie Alsgaard Everyone approaches Exam Week a little differently in college. It depends on where you like to study, how you like to study and what you’re doing for your final grade. As a STEM major, specifically an engineer, I rarely write papers. Instead, I’m studying for final exams. Exam Week is a unique …

Step Up Your Grub Game, Part 2

Well everyone, I hope you’re ready to take a well deserved few days off, as tomorrow begins Winter Break. You all deserve it, you’ve worked hard so far this semester! Thanks for coming back for part 2 of discovering all that Phelps has to offer! Without further adieu, lets get started! 1. Chips and Dip/Salsa. …

Student Vs. Food Hamburger eating contest

So today has been an incredible day so far. It started off great when I ate lunch in Phelps with the Mexico mission trip group. The day continued to get better when I my hour and a half jazz class ended an hour early. Since my class ended early, I was able to finish up …