Learning Patience.

For a long time, I have known that patience is not one of my gifts. I live an extremely fast-paced lifestyle. I move through everything I am in control of as quickly as possible. I get frustrated when things don’t happen in my timing. I want to know the right answers, and I want to know them now. I hate waiting in line. I hate having to do things over when they could have been done right the first time. I drive fast. I type fast. I walk fast. I am almost always on a mission.


I’m a huge dreamer, I’m impatient, I’m a planner, I’m a hopeless romantic, and I’m a doer. So when God calls me to rest and wait, it’s pretty much the last thing I want to do. I’m always ready to go do something! I never want to wait and see what God has planned next, I just want to know now and go live that. I want to go work on the things and the passions that he is laying on my heart and serve him. And I want to do it all NOW. 

But what good is any of this if God is telling me to chill? What purpose am I serving if God is telling me to rest and wait and instead I’m rushing around doing my own thing? Let me tell you, that’s not serving an eternal purpose. That’s serving a ME, KATHRYN, RIGHT NOW purpose. That’s not glorifying to God. That’s an attempt to be glorifying to myself. Galatians 5:24 tells us, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.” If I am going to serve only Christ as I want to, I can’t serve myself as well. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:24 that “No one can serve two masters.” Case closed.

So how do I step back, rest in God’s plan, and endeavor to always serve him instead of myself? How do I learn to wait when all I know how to do is rush through life? Well… I don’t know. To be honest, so far, it hasn’t been easy, but I know that God is going to reveal himself little by little throughout this time (even if it’s not at the exact moments when I want him to!). He has provided in ways that I didn’t expect, like incredible new friends, reconnections with old friends, an awesome family, and encouraging words from those who don’t even know how much life God is speaking into me through what they’re saying! God is good and he always, always provides for us, even when we don’t see it right away. Even though learning to rest and wait is such a challenge for me, I know that it will pay off when I finally see what God is doing. We serve an INCREDIBLE God!

Where do you see God leading you in your life right now? Leave a comment, email me at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, or tweet @hopekathryn17! Thanks for reading!

“And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.” – 1 Peter 2:5

Finishing Up Junior Year

Tomorrow is the last day of Junior Year!!!! I seriously cannot believe I am nearly a senior now. I still feel like I’m just finishing up freshman year and moving out of Dykstra. When people say college goes by fast, they were NOT kidding. This past year has brought on some serious struggles and frustration, but it was also a year of growth. Just like in high school, junior year is always expected to be the most difficult and it definitely pushed me beyond my limits at times, but it also allowed for a lot of late nights and complaining with fellow classmates when things got difficult. Everybody is in the same boat, so it’s comforting that I’m not alone in all of the stress going on.

Anyway, tomorrow is my last final and then it’s finally summer!!! Even though the year is winding down, there are still quite a few things going on. For instance, I have my TTQ (Total Trek Quest) race on Saturday, I’m leaving for Vienna this next Tuesday for a May Term and Tulip Time is also going on. I just really hope the weather improves so Tulip Time is enjoyable and warm…last year was perfect so I hope Mother Nature turns around and gives us some warm days instead of these gloomy ones we’ve been having.

It’s always bittersweet leaving Hope for the summer because part of you is so happy classes are over and you get to go home and see friends. However, at the same time you don’t get to see your college friends (unless they live close to you) and that can be really difficult too. Now that I’m finishing up Junior Year, I have a couple friends that are graduating so it’s even hard leaving this time because I know I won’t see those familiar faces anytime soon. I don’t think it has really hit me quite yet because my attention is on a lot of other things but it will certainly be strange coming back in the fall and not having those friends around anymore. I always try not to think about it because it really bums me out and makes me all nostalgic. Regardless, I’m super excited for those friends who either got into graduate school or have landed a job after graduation because it shows they are really pursuing their careers and getting ready for the real world.

Speaking of that, I’m only a year from graduating, meaning that I have to get my life figured out and decide where I want to go to graduate school. YIKES! This summer is going to be filled with memories from Vienna but will be packed with studying for the GRE, applying to graduate school and shadowing physical therapists while also working. Summers are supposed to be relaxing, right? Welp, not anymore! This is my last summer being “free” from stress but it ironically, is going to be the most stressful summer I experience. However, I’m definitely ready to tackle that after this difficult past year. I honestly believe that everybody had a challenging year and people need a break from everything and recharge before this next fall. Summer could not have come at a better time! Well, this is my last blog until next year so I wish everybody luck on finals (if you still have them) and have a relaxing, safe, memorable and exciting summer with friends and family and great opportunities!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

More Than Just Textbooks: Freshman Year Recap

I am writing this post from my couch at home, where I finally arrived about two hours ago. It hasn’t really hit me yet that I have finished a whole year of college. I know a lot of this is probably going to sound cliché, but it’s all so true. It doesn’t seem like that long ago that I was moving into my dorm room with no idea who I would become friends with, what my classes would be like, how I would adjust, or what I would become involved in. I was nervous about making friends, stressed about how to fit my ridiculous amount of belongings into the little room I was sharing with someone I had never actually met, completely self-conscious for approximately 100% of every day, and super excited for this new phase in my life. I knew that a lot of things would change and that I would do likewise, but, for the most part, I had no idea in what ways.

One thing that I can say definitely stayed constant is God’s patient pursuit of me. As I learned about myself and others and how to love people, I began to understand more and more what God’s love is really like. He pours it out on us so extravagantly each day, and while the love I have to give is but a fraction of his, I have spent the last 8 months learning how to give it away. Love is one thing we have in this world that doesn’t run out; The more you give, the more you want to keep giving (and often the more you get in return!).

I have started learning to spot God’s love in the small things he gives us daily: The early wake-up call so we can see the sunrise, the song someone suggests to us that fits our life perfectly, the impeccably-timed chocolate bar in your mailbox, the new friend just when you really needed one, and even the fresh snow he gives us in March and April that we all lament, but fail to realize that it serves to cover up the old, dirty, ugly snow! I have learned that so much of my attitude is largely dependent upon my perspective. I have learned to trust that God’s plan WILL be absolutely incredible if I do what he’s calling me to, even if I don’t necessarily want to do it at the time.

I have learned what a gamelan is and how to calculate the amount of money which enters the economy when the government conducts open-market operations. I have learned what it looks like to create a musical environment that is glorifying to God and truly helps to foster an environment where others can worship him fully. I have started to learn that sometimes when we’re sitting back and asking God why he’s letting things happen that we don’t like, He’s saying, “I already did something about it. I sent you.” I have learned that although we as humans consistently fail to keep our promises, God’s are true. He promises to make us new, and that’s something that I have seen him working on in my life throughout this year. I have learned the value of a late-night conversation with a friend about school, their struggles, their story, their faith, their dreams, or just what they had for lunch. I have memorized basically every word spoken or sung in Frozen. I have met 8th graders far wiser than I am who have impacted me in such huge ways (who I already miss dearly!). I have learned how to say “mononucleosis” in German (Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber!) and how to resolve a secondary dominant chord. I have learned how to better use the gifts that God has given me and gained more of a desire to use those for his glory (still something I’m working on!). I have realized that what matters in this life isn’t how I dress or what my grades are or how many activities I can be involved in or what my reputation is or how many Italian arias I have memorized, but what truly matters is what I can do for the Kingdom of God and finding how I can serve him and others to the best of my ability. I have realized that the sentence, “I’m proud of you,” is one of the most powerful things you can say. I have learned that sometimes you just need to make several cups of coffee and get things done… Even if it’s 3 in the morning. I have also learned that it’s possible to get through a year of college without pulling an all-nighter (WAHOO! I love to sleep!). I have come to realize how different the world would be if we all pursued the things that God lays on our hearts instead of just doing what we think we “can” do. I have learned that God will strengthen us to do whatever he is calling us to. I have learned that my worth doesn’t lie in how many likes I get on Instagram, but in the fact that I am a daughter of the King. I have learned that life is incredibly short and that I truly can’t let a day go by that I don’t make valuable in some way. I have realized that the smallest words can have the biggest impact. I have come to understand further how powerful prayer truly is. I have come to realize that sometimes crying is actually necessary, and that’s okay. I discovered that I can live without Dr. Pepper, frozen yogurt, and secular music. I realized that I don’t really want to live without Dr. Pepper. I started to believe that I don’t have to do things just because other people expect me to. I changed my major about 58 times. I contemplated adding about every single minor that Hope College offers. I learned that you can have a good time without having to post about it on social media. I learned that sometimes my first impressions of people are 1000000% wrong, and that that is truly a gift, because otherwise I would never have built relationships with some of the people that are now some of my closest friends. I saw God at work in so many different ways. It has truly been an incredible year.

Here are some photos from this year. Making this was very time consuming, but it’s been such a cool way for me to look back at what an incredible year I had. I put music in this video as well, but it’s not working, so if you guys want, you can look up “Scandal of Grace” by Hillsong United and listen to it while you watch this. That is completely acceptable. Here it is!

What has God been doing in your life this school year? Leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email kathryn.krieger@hope.edu! Thank you so much for reading! Have a great summer! 🙂

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

– Proverbs 16:9

Spring Semester Highlights

Okay, friends. This is my last post for the semester 🙁 It’s crazy to think that at this time tomorrow, I will be unpacking my stuff at home and I’ll be getting ready for Vienna. My junior year just flew by, and in less than 24 hours, I’ll be officially a senior. Life, STOP! Well, to end my blogging “reign,” I want to close with some of my semester highlights!


This was just awesome. And by awesome, I mean having so many days of class canceled because that is very rare for Hope College! This past winter, Holland had more than 100 inches of snow. Lake Michigan was completely frozen, we had crazy arctic winds, and temperatures were LITERALLY below zero. But in the midst of all the winter storms, here is one picture that captures God’s awesome creation.

Here's a snapshot of the beauty of winter at Hope College.
Here’s a snapshot of the beauty of winter at Hope College.


Yes. This semester, everything for Vienna was taken care of. Tuition, flights, and even my little vacation to Rome for one weekend. I remember when going to Vienna was just a thought. Now, it’s a reality and I’m leaving in 5 days! I can’t emphasize enough how fast time flies. Not even kidding! I’ll be here in no time!

Just a short 5 more days!
Just a short 5 more days!


Olympics are seriously the best time. The world gathers as one (doesn’t matter whether countries have bad relations with other countries) and competes in several disciplines. Being that the olympics were in Russia, they were quite controversial. But regardless, it was so much fun to watch. I wish I could do what olympians do, but I’m happy at Hope too!

The Olympic Rings
The Olympic Rings


Yeah yeah yeah, I know I go to Hope. But the University of Michigan is cool, too. My family is an avid fan. Last semester, I went to a football game there, so I thought I’d give basketball a try as well. When Joey and I were there, we did the typical Ann Arbor stuff, eat, walk around, look at how huge campus is, and obviously watched the game. It was so cool through because I tweeted, and my tweet showed up on their jumbotron. It was just so cool! Don’t remember? Here’s a pic!

Look! It's Joey and me on the JUMBOTRON!
Look! It’s Joey and me on the JUMBOTRON!


So last year, I had the opportunity to lead an immersion trip with my good friend Jess. But here’s the problem, I was just a sophomore and she was a senior, so she graduated! She had the awesome opportunity to intern at Sojourners in Washington D.C., where our immersion trip was. Naturally, she moved there to take this awesome opportunity. But this past March, she also had the opportunity to go back to her beloved school where she could see her beloved friends! Although it was a short time, it was just so awesome to have her in our presence!

Jess visits Hope!
Jess visits Hope!


Yep, the title says it all. I’m not usually public about these things, but this will be okay. Well yeah, meet my girlfriend Brooke. She is a bunch of fun and I enjoy being around her because I always smile! Yeah, I know that sounds cheesy but it’s the truth. This is definitely a HUGE highlight of my semester. Here’s a picture of us at the Bowl!

Here we are!
Here we are!


Being on SAC this year, I had the opportunity to plan several events for our campus. Last semester, my largest project was Chicago. This semester, it was Spring Fling, a celebration of the last day of classes! Another thing I am excited about it my director position for SAC next year. I am so incredibly blessed and excited to be working with some amazing individuals to make our campus a better place. Speaking of directors, here is my co-director and myself at Spring Fling!

Here are your new SAC directors for the 2014-2015 School Year!
Here are your new SAC directors for the 2014-2015 School Year!

Third Year: CHECK. I am basically 3/4 done with my college career. I still can’t wrap my mind around that. Thank you so so so so so so much friends for reading my blogs this past year. It means so much. I am happy that I can serve you all. I’ll probably be blogging while in Europe, so look forward to those. But as this school year comes to a close for me, I just want to say your time at Hope is coming class of 2018! Cherish every moment you have here. Before you know it, you’ll be a senior. Take the opportunities to face challenges and try new things. Your college experience and value will increase without a doubt. If you haven’t already, follow me on Twitter at @HopeMarvin15 and follow me on Instagram at MarvSolberg. Thanks again, and I can’t wait to see the class of 2018 on Hope’s campus shortly!

Your Final Dear Abby Post

Hey friends! I know it’s been a while since I posted a “Dear Abby” post. Here is your last one. Many of you sent really interesting questions, and I had to think hard about these answers, but I know it’s enough to give you guidance. It’s unreal how tomorrow is the closing day of the entire semester. One more year of college under my belt. But before I get into Dear Abby, look out for my final post either tonight or tomorrow. It’s good.

Dear Abby, I am looking forward to going to Hope, but I feel as if I am not mature in my faith yet. Any suggestions?

Great great great question. I was once at your place, and many students who go here are still in this position! So first things first, don’t feel uncomfortable, you’re not the only one! For me, I’ve always identified myself as a Christian. I went to church, sang hymns, was in youth group, you name it. It wasn’t until I came to Hope that I realized what faith was, and where I was in it. It helped that I had friends that were already a good distance in their walk with Christ, so they were truly there for me and supported me. Let me tell you, even with their help, my journey was rough.

One of the defining factors that led me to Hope was Chapel and Gathering. But believe it or not, I only went to a few services because I was way too deep in my homework. That’s all I thought there was. I mean, I did well, but all I did was study. I wasn’t always a social butterfly, and my religion had gone down in my priority. But one Sunday, I had an epiphany at the Gathering. I realized that I was at Hope to become a nurse not for myself, but for God. As I continued conversations with my friends and continually attended Chapel and the Gathering, I noticed that I was happier and more productive. It was awesome to say the least. But moral of the story is that no one is at the same spot with their journey with God. Realize that you’re not the only in that position. Hope offers so many great resources to help you with your journey, such as Campus Ministries. Oh man, they do wonders!

Dear Abby, I heard Michigan winters are brutal. Coming from Southern Cali, how should I prepare?

Brutal is an understatement, for non-Michiganders at least! I mean, you’d think Michiganders would be used to the winters, but nope. Sometimes, I swear its like people haven’t seen snow. But you should be prepared to see how beautiful it is. Honestly, the snowfall and especially on this campus is STUNNING and out of this world. So, do that. Then I’d suggest a heavy and comfortable winter coat. Everyone has one, it’s like a requirement unless you want to freeze. This past winter, temperatures were sub-zero, and Holland was colder than Antarctica plenty of times. No joke. With your coat, you should probably have warm gloves if you are going to play in the snow, and thinner gloves for functional purposes (like driving, or going to class). A hat is also recommended. Although I don’t have one, many do. I typically use my hood and it works. Another important thing to something to keep your neck warm, like a scarf. Trust me, you’ll want one. It’s just practical. Lastly, boots boots boots. Do you want to walk in snow with canvas shoes? I think not (unless you want frostbite). If you’re prepared for the winter, you won’t mind it. A lot of students go out to Lake Michigan to walk on the lake frozen. It’s actually really neat! I can’t wait for you to experience it!

Dear Abby, I am really nervous I won’t find friends. Well, not even that, I’m just anxious to meet new people!

Thanks for that. Everyone needs to know that every freshman is going to be anxious. It’s a HUGE transition, no matter where you come from. Being on the finishing up end of my college, it’s actually interesting to reflect on how I met my core group of friends! You will meet so so so many people from your residence halls, classes, and organizations! Hope College does a great life in integrating the social aspect to your college life, because it’s essential! We’re humans, we are social!

My recommendation for you, and any of you who are anxious about meeting others; be open! College is your chance to branch out from your norm. Take advantage of this because it can help you out in life! For example, make connections with your professors and elders. One day, you might be filling out a job or internship appellation, and you can use them as your reference! Another example, if you are used to having that “one friend group” like you did in high school, forget that! Although you may have a group of core buddies, you are going to have so many more bubbles in your social life, which is even better. That way, you won’t get annoyed with your friends!!! My largest piece of advice for you all is to invest your time in this. If no time is invested, nothing will happen! So, 1) invest and 2) be open!

Dear Abby, JP’s or LJ’s?

Classic, haha. JP’s for homework and LJ’s for socializing. Both coffee shops rock. My freshman year, I was always at JP’s. My sophomore year, I was at both, and this past year, I was more at LJ’s. Their pastries (my favorite is the raspberry bran muffin, followed by almond green tea, and then honey bran) are TO DIE FOR. And they also sell my favorite cookie, the snickerdoodle. So, that’s why I’m there a lot. Both places have great student discounts at times and coupons. Being a college student, I’d recommend taking advantage of these deals!

Dear Abby, PC or Mac?

Another interesting question. For myself, I have a Mac, and I love it. I used to use PCs, but I’ve gotten used to Mac and actually accustomed to it. I actually have difficult time using a PC. But hey, it’s all personal preference. Many students have Macs, but many students also have PCs; personal preference! The important thing to remember is that you just need a laptop so you can do homework and type papers. And I guess Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, you name it!


Dear Abby, did you ever get homesick?

Growing up, I was always busy during the summers, whether that’s working or going to summer camps. I’ve been accustomed to being independent and not being home, but it’s totally different for everyone. I think I was homesick twice during my freshman year. The first time I called home was a week into school when college slapped me in the face. And by that, I mean having to do so much homework. It was just different because instead of coming home to my family, I came home to my roommate, which is nice too don’t get me wrong! Just different. Everyone adjusts to college differently. I felt as if I adjusted quickly, but others may take longer and that’s okay. Hope has awesome resources though if you are experiencing homesickness, like CAPS (counseling and psychological services). They do wonders! 100% confidential, supportive, and there for you! Also, your RA and your friends are also great resources. Hope this helps!

Ok Hope 2018. That’s all I have for you! It’s been great answering your questions and I hope they help you with your transition to college! I can’t wait to meet some of you on campus!

Bountiful Blessings

Hey friends! It has totally been such a long time since I’ve posted. I guess that reflects how busy the last week of class and exam week is…? Anyways, what matters is that I’m posting now! I just want to share how my last week of class as a junior was, and how my exam week is going. It’s crazy for me to believe that I am leaving Hope in 3 days, and I am flying to Europe in less than a week. Seriously, time flies when you’re having fun and are busy. I’m going to be senior in a short 3 days. THAT’S CRAZY. I’m going to start with my Easter weekend, so you can get the whole picture.

EASTER: Easter break was the “calm” before the storm. In the sense that the last week of class was going to be so very hectic. But Easter was wonderful. I spent time with my family, and family time is always a good time. I’m so glad that I saw my cousins, and most of them too! We’re all busy, and just coming together for a short couple of hours was perfect. Here is a picture of my crazy cousins!

Here are some of my cousins!
Here are some of my cousins!

After Easter dinner, I drove back to Holland to face one of my craziest weeks out of my entire semester. Why, you might ask? Well, I had two finals for two of my nursing classes. I came back a little early so I could get a head-start on studying. But before I studied, I went out to dinner with some of my best friends. It was awesome because 1) it was very warm that Sunday, and 2) we took my friends car and the top goes down. So essentially,i it was a convertible thingy. All that matters is that I started looking forward to summer even more!

MONDAY: Last Monday, I had my last Adult Nursing lecture. YES. The only thing that was frustrating was that we still had so much material to cover for our exam that same week. Typical nursing though. After our 4-ish hours of lecture, it was time to grab a bite to eat, then study all night. And by all night, until 2:00 a.m. I know, sounds pretty fun right!?

TUESDAY: Tuesday morning, I had my practicum evaluation with my nursing professor. The purpose of the evaluations was to identify my strengths and areas for growth, and for me to know how well I did in the clinical setting. And let me tell you, I can’t complain! Evaluations, no matter from which clinical and professor is affirming for me. I know every time that I go into an evaluation that I want to be a nurse, regardless how stressful our days are! After, I just studied, for the rest of the day until late in the morning. Another pretty eventful day (sarcasm).

WEDNESDAY: Wednesdays are always busy. In the morning, I had my Advanced Adult exam, and I was just happy to get that out of the way. Following that exam, I studied more and prepared for my classes that day. In our nursing research class, we had presentations (I did mine last week) and we just listened peer proposals for research. Let me tell you, a lot of students do not like this class, but as the nerd I am, I really enjoyed it. This is something I want to do with my life, research!! After my long day of class, it was time to study again, for the third day in a row. WOO. But before I could do that, I had my first SAC meeting for the 2014-2015 school year as a director. I’m SO EXCITED for SAC next year!

THURSDAY: I studied all week, so Thursday was the day to prove to myself, as well as my professor, that I know my material. And I did. All of my hard work paid off. I got an excellent grade on a nursing exam. And it’s a nursing exam, so that’s saying something! After my exam, it was straight to bed because I only got 4 hours of sleep the night before. When I woke up from my extended nap, I had the opportunity to participate in a focus group regarding nursing central stations. It was a great experience! In the end, those who participated received a gift cards to Lemonjello’s. SCORE, coffee for DAYS. After the focus group, I watched Parks and Rec to help me wind my week down.

FRIDAY: So much to talk about! On the last Friday of class, Hope College SAC has an event called Spring Fling. And oh my goodness, what a perfect way to celebrate after one school year! Spring Fling had a special value for me this year because I, along with 3 other SAC members planned the event. And it was just so rewarding to see everyone having fun and celebrating. You can’t beat smiles!! Here is a slideshow of pictures of some of my fellow SAC members and friends at Spring Fling!

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Okay friends, that’s all for now. I still have so much to tell you all before the year comes to a close! Be on the look out! Thanks again!

Lots of “Lasts”

Well, this past month has been packed with so many fun events so I thought I would just show some of the highlights with pictures. Second semester senior year is filled with a lot of “lasts.” Last Spring fling, Chapel, Gathering, Classes, etc…. Even though it is sad to think that we will all be leaving this place in just a few short days it makes me want to soak everything in and love people I am around. I want to embrace my last week here at Hope and treasure these valuable experiences, because I know life will be very different after college. I think it is safe to say I will miss the people and community most about Hope. I absolutely love my friends, and we always seem to have a great time when we are together. It was a lot of fun seeing Hope College at Spring Fling in the Pine Grove and enjoying some sunshine, food, music, rides, and friends all in one place.

Well I’m off to the Last Gathering! I’m ready to soak in my last week at Hope College with the people I love.

Went home for Easter and hung out with my dog :]
Went home for Easter and hung out with my dog :]
Spring Fling with Lydia and Jannessah
Spring Fling with Lydia and Jannessah
Concert outside the dorms
Concert outside the dorms
Girls Night Out in Saugatuck
Girls Night Out in Saugatuck
Love these friends
Love these friends
The "Lincoln Land Saloon"  at Monique's Bridal Shower
The “Lincoln Land Saloon” at Monique’s Bridal Shower
Celebrating Susan's 22nd Birthday!
Celebrating Susan’s 22nd Birthday!
Bike To Uganda for Building Tomorrow, which helps build schools in Uganda
Bike To Uganda for Building Tomorrow, which helps build schools in Uganda
My housemate Amy teaching me to hug...
My housemate Amy teaching me to hug…

Senior Wisdom and Insight

Wow one week from today I will be graduating from Hope College! I’m currently writing this post from JP’s Coffee downtown and thinking back on all of the memories I have had here. Hope College has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I have met some incredible people and lifelong friends. I asked some of my senior best friends for their wisdom and insight for upcoming freshmen. They have brought so much wisdom, joy, perspective, and encouragement into my life so I hope you find some their wisdom useful for you…

1) Remember that God is the only one that will stay the same. So much will change in your time in college: your relationships, dreams, fears, plans, and circumstances. Yet, He will remain the same no matter what, faithful until the end.
2) Don’t let expectations guide your experiences. Don’t have the pressure of these years being “the best years of your life” or immediately having the most incredible friends on the planet or finding the love of your life in the first week! Your experience in college may be amazing but will likely be different than you currently picture. Try to be expectant and hopeful without pressured by specific ideas.
3) Try to live free from comparison. You will meet absolutely incredible, talented, attractive, wealthy, intelligent people. Celebrate how great they are, but don’t try to be just like them. You don’t have to change yourself for the people around you, and will develop much better friendships if you do not let comparison rule your relationships.

-Monique Meck

Find your identity in Christ. Do not compare yourself to others and do not try to seek affirmation from others. Seek affirmation in The Lord and be you. Never stop challenging yourself. Do not put God’s abilities in a box because you have no idea what The Lord has in store for your life. 

-Sarah Zielinski

Take advantage of the many activities and traditions Hope has to offer. College is a time to explore and find what interests you and helps you grow in positive ways. If something if not influencing your life in a positive way, find another activity to participate in. If a friend is no longer building you up, start spending more time with people who do. You want to make memories with people you love doing things you love to do. 

-Hannah Boshoven

Never be afraid to embrace a place and its people so much, that it hurts to leave. Time is a valuable thing; get to know what it’s all about as much as you can. Pursue your dreams, pursue this life, and smile at the little things. “Both faith and fear ask you to believe something that has not happened yet, choose faith.” Always choose faith.

-Lydia Wathen

Try everything. Talk to everyone. Join any student organization. Study abroad. Go on May Terms. Have adventures. Have the time of your life. Don’t let fear, comparison, doubt, negativity, judgement, or any other wonder killer stifle you out of what will surely be a wild and beautiful season of your life. 

-Kimberly Collins

Be who you are, and only you. If you are not sure who you are yet, be the person you want to be and the journey along the way will be ultimately fulfilling. 

-Lauren Kokum

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
Pure Beauty in Holland, Michigan

2013 – 2014 Highlights

We have one more day of classes! This school year has gone by so fast. I cannot believe that in a week I’ll be home! I asked some people what the highlight of this year has been for them and here’s what they had to say!

“The highlight of this year has been meeting so many amazing people and making best friends here! A surprising highlight for me was how amazing chapel and The Gathering were!”


“Cluster worship!”


“Meeting all my friends and my cluster!”


“Freshman year truly blew away any expectations I had about what college would be like. I have made incredible friends, seen the love of Jesus at work, and have had quite a bit of fun while doing it. Living the good life! :)”


“Hanging out in my ENO in the Pine Grove!”


“It’s a never-ending list!”


“Bonding with my clustermates, whether that be studying in the basement together, watching the sunset on the beach, or even 2 A.M. euchre tournaments! I can’t believe all the memories I have made here at Hope already and it’s only been one year! I can’t wait to make even more in the next three years to come.”


“Meeting all of my new lifelong friends and all the crazy memories we made!”


“Groovin’ in the Grove and making new friendships!”


“Dance 40!”


“Meeting new people and getting involved with a bunch of stuff, especially band! I wouldn’t have really pictured myself being where I am now if you would have asked me last year at this time. I just tried a bunch of new things and I’ve enjoyed it!”


“Nykerk and meeting friends in the most random places because everyone is willing to strike up a conversation with you!”

It has been a truly unforgettable year and I can’t wait to share the next three with even more people! Hope College is such a blessing and I am reassured every day that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. God is so, so good!

What has been the highlight of your school year? I’d love to hear about it! Leave me a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email me at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu! Thanks for reading! 🙂

“But he knows where I am going.
    And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.”

– Job 23:10

Looking Forward to Summer

How time flies! Crazy to think that tomorrow is the last day of classes for my junior year. In some ways I feel sad that the year is coming to an end. These past several months have been filled with so many great memories: Bible studies, exciting classes, date nights, new friendships, reuniting with old friends, IM games to watch, a proposal, and laughter. While I know that I will miss all of these great times during the summer, there are also things to be excited for in the coming months:

  1. Rest and Relaxation: Being at college is pretty fun; however, being at college is exhausting. All those nights staying up late studying or hanging out with friends catches up to you. So, it’s wonderful to go home and enjoy some rest, Netflix, or a good book!
  2. Chick-Fil-A: While Michigan is a pretty great place, they don’t have Chick-Fil-A. And, being from Texas, I have a slight addiction to CFA iced tea and nuggets. So, let me tell you, I can’t wait to be home and eating at my favorite place again!
  3. Time with Family: It is true, Hope College is like one big family, but sometimes you just need to go home and see your parents (enjoy mom’s cooking).
  4. Baseball Games: I know that the Rangers aren’t the popular team in Michigan, but, you’ve got to admit, there’s nothing like spending a summer night at the baseball field.
  5. Internship/Research Opportunities: Hope College does a great job of helping students apply for, and accept, internships or research positions. For example, this summer, I have been offered a research position where I will work with one professor to complete a project.
  6. Pets: As I’ve sad, college really is great, but one downfall of college is you can’t take your dog. I love going home and playing with my puppy. She’s always full of energy…sometimes a little too much energy!
  7. Motivation to Come Back: Summer is great, but I know that I get a little bored after a couple weeks. Around July, you’ll be shocked at how excited you are to return to school.

I hope all of you finish out the school year strong! Good luck during exam week! Study hard and once you’re home, enjoy your summer break!