Christmas Break (Part 1)

Tomorrow, December 18th, 2013, marks my first week of being on break. And let me tell you this, it’s already going by too fast. My brain is still recovering from the extensive studying from finals week; all I need right now is doing nothing, Regardless, it feels so good to be on break. Although I haven’t done much, I’ve been pretty productive around the house, and thats good enough for me. Since last Thursday, my parents have got me doing chores and running errands. Is it weird that I kind of enjoy doing them? It’s probably because it burns up just the right amount of time; I’m neither bored or overwhelmed with things to do. Our house is clean (thanks to me), the driveway is clear of snow (thanks to me), and my parents are happy. When my parents are happy, it’s always a good day!

SIDE NOTE: I just looked up my final grades on KnowHope Plus, and boy am I satisfied. I made it through my Junior fall semester, and in good academic standing! Give yourself a pat on the back, MARV!

Since being home, I had the opportunity to watch 2 of my little bro’s basketball games. He goes to Traverse City Central High School, and is on the freshman team. He is over 6 feet tall, and is baller to say the least. That dude can jump, block, shoot, you name it.

He is a giant.
He is a giant.

Here’s a picture of us! It’s hard for me to believe that he’s taller than me. At times, I feel like I’m taller because I’m older, or that could be my denial kicking in. Nonetheless, I hope that I can watch more of his basketball games while I’m home. The school district here has just two more days left until their Christmas break, so maybe just one more!

One thing that I have been doing, so far, during break is running and working out. I am so THANKFUL that we have a “mini” gym in our basement, so I can lift and such. We also have a treadmill, which is awesome. So far, the weather has been awful up here, so I’ve been running on my treadmill. It can get quite mundane, but it’s better than sitting around. Tomorrow, I’m planning to run outside; it would be my first winter run! I’m nervous, but I’ll take a picture for all of you!

That’s week 1 at a glance, friends! I will DEFINITELY post something again before this week ends. For you Hope students reading this, I hope your break is nice and relaxing; we deserve it! For those of you still in school, stick it out! There are only two more days left until break! By the way, here is a shout-out to all of the admitted students for the CLASS OF 2018! You all rock, and you made a GREAT decision by applying to Hope! If you haven’t already, follow me on twitter!

Before I leave, I just wanted to share one more tidbit. As Christmas approaches, we tend to get stuck in our “materialistic” ways, with buying presents, and shopping for ourselves. I am totally guilty of this. It is important for us to remember the reason for the season. Let’s put CHRIST back into CHRISTMAS, ok? Alright everyone, thanks for reading!



Cloudy with a Chance of Snow: What to do when travel plans change

There are few things about traveling home that are “easy” being an out-of-state student. But is it worth it?


Up until about 7 PM on Tuesday, my family was planning to make the 7-hour trip to Michigan to come and pick me up to being Christmas break. Then, with all the crazy weather happening up here in the Holland area, my mom called me up and said they wouldn’t be able to make it due to the snow. In which case, she booked me a flight from Grand Rapids to travel home today!

I re-packed my belongings into airport-friendly bags (I had previously packed half of my stuff into a clothing hamper!) and adapted my schedule a little bit to ride with my friend Mallory to the airport, because she was headed toward Grand Rapids today as well! I’m so thankful to have such great friends here at Hope. They’re always there when I need them.

Here I am, hanging out in the GR airport for a couple hours before my flight. Here’s some advice for out-of-state students (or anyone, really!) when travel plans change and you have to adapt quickly:

1. Don’t Stress.

Spur-of-the-moment plan changes seem a little stressful (especially during finals week!), but have no fear. Number one, remember that God has you in His hands and He is watching over you. Number two, remember that things are never as bad as they seem. 🙂

2. Send boxes home.

I went to the Bookstore, and they were generous to give me a GIANT box (for free!) so that I could pack some of my clothing and extra stuff I couldn’t fit into my duffel bag. I mailed that home from the mail room in DeWitt (the funniest part was that the box was so wide, it hardly fit through the mail room window… that was pretty hilarious) so that I could send some of my puffy stuff — like my ski coat and favorite blanket — so that I would have it over Christmas break.

2. Roll your clothes.

If you fold your clothes and then roll them (beach towel style), it saves a TON of space in a suitcase! My friend mentioned that to me as I was packing and it was unbelievable how much more I could pack.

4. Stay in contact with your parents.

Especially when the weather is bad, be sure to send them a call/text as you hit each “checkpoint” — such as a gas station, airport, or other location — to ensure that you’re safe and sound. The last thing you want them to do is to worry!

Overall, just remember to be flexible and embrace anything that comes your way. It’s important to remember that your worries are nothing in comparison to the amazing plan God has for you!

Safe travels over the holiday season, and best wishes! Enjoy this time with your family — it is the most wonderful time of the year!

Keep up with me @hopesophie17 or send me an email at

Ekballo Project: Be the Answer

When God calls you, would you say yes?

A few weeks ago, my Bible Study leader invited me to an event on Facebook called “The Ekballo Project: A Night of Testimony + Worship + Prayer. At first I thought, “Oh, that’s cool! Maybe I’ll check it out.”

Then today, since all my finals were done, I realized I should totally go check it out. My friend and I headed over to Graves Hall for the event, and it was absolutely amazing. Tyler Connell from the Ekballo Project shared his testimony of the mission work he has done in Nepal, India. He told us unbelievable stories about healing the blind and encouraged us to find our calling in Christ, whether it is across the world or in our own community.

Want more information about this amazing organization? Check out

What do you see as God’s calling for you? Whatever it is, embrace it. He’ll be faithful to you in your journey.

Keep up with me @hopesophie17. If you have questions or comments, feel free to drop me a note at

My Semester Highlights!

I can’t believe that my semester ends tomorrow. Well, I actually can. As my friend put it, the days drag on, but the weeks just fly by! My fifth semester of college has been nothing but a learning experience and fun. I learned more about God, myself, my relationship with Him, my friends, and my relationships with them. Obviously, I learned more about nursing, but I also had a fun semester on top of academia! I kept busy by being involved, working, and just doing school. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst semester and 10 being the best semester, I would give this semester an 8! That’s pretty good! I just want to share my top moments with you this semester!


When I learned that I was accepted to be a student blogger, I was nothing but excited. I love sharing my experiences with others, and I enjoy the effect that it can have on people. I hope (no pun intended) that my blog has nothing but an inspiration to you all who read it! I can’t wait to continue to blog next semester, but don’t worry. I’ll blog during break so you can keep up!


This semester, I started my nursing practicums. Now that I have started them, I am in it for the long run! Being in the hospital setting was great affirmation for me because I know this is what I wanted to do, and I LOVE IT. I am happy God put me on the nursing track. Along with my practicums, I had many opportunities to be involved within the program itself. I became a nursing TA for one of my favorite classes. I cannot wait to continue on with that as well!


Our college inaugurated the our 12th president! It was so cool to be a part of this experience, and it was definitely a historic event. I mean, when is the next time we will get a new president? In like, 10-15 years? You never know! Just being a part of this transition was awesome. On top of his inauguration, his involvement within the student body has been nothing but wonderful. On several occasions, he opened his patio for students to eat cookies, nachos, salsa, and drink punch. I mean, how cool is that!? And we also had the opportunity to talk with him and Mrs. Knapp! This college is simply UNIQUE!


Although I am Odd Year, The Pull was a pretty historic event for the Even Year, and I congratulate them! The Pull is always intense and awesome. One of my fellow nursing majors and friend was the pull rep for the Odd Year, so it was cool to ask him all about it! On the other hand, Odd Year won Nykerk, which was awesome. Hope traditions are seriously the best because there is so much student involvement in them. Not all schools has this!


I also had the awesome opportunity to serve on SAC (Student Activies Committee). As a core member, I had the opportunity to plan events for campus, which was a bunch of fun! Some big events include the Chicago Trip, and I planned that! SAC has been such a great experience. I was challenged as in individual, but I also grew, made new relationships, and gained new skills! For next year, I am a SAC DIRECTOR! I learned about this news just yesterday! I am so stoked to serve as a director for our campus next year! Expect awesome things, everyone!


In October, I had the opportunity to visit Hannah’s hometown of Green Lake. Hannah is one of my best friends, so it was just even more fun! This was the first time I have ever been to Wisconsin, and my priority was eating fried cheese. Did it happen? OF COURSE! And while in Wisconsin, Hannah and I met Bucky The Badger. How cool!?



On October 19th, my best friend Joey and I trekked to Ann Arbor for the weekend to watch a Michigan football game. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, and it was definitely on my bucket list. I am SO glad it is now checked off. We watched The Indiana Hoosiers play The Wolverines, and it was a great game to go to because MICHIGAN WON! If you have the opportunity to go to a big school to watch a football game, I recommend it.

Halftime photo
Halftime photo


This is always a highlight of any fall semester. There is just so much fun during the Hoedown, especially if you are with all of your awesome friends. My favorite part was eating the fall inspired food, and line dancing. It’s always a blast! Here is a picture!

Here are some of my favorite people; Erica and Joey!
Here are some of my favorite people; Erica and Joey!


This was something to put down for the books. President Knapp, his family, and Hope College started a new tradition of lighting a Christmas tree. It was SO cold at this event, but how could you miss it!? It was the first one, EVER. And now, I can say that, “Oh! I was at the first tree lighting 50 years ago!” when I’m older. But here is a picture!

Here is the lit tree with my candle. How cool!
Here is the lit tree with my candle. How cool!


For Thanksgiving Break this year, I had the opportunity to go visit and sightsee Las Vegas. It was so awesome!!! We saw shows like The Blue Man Group and Cirque du Soleil. We also went to all of the famous hotels, and toured around. We also went to The Hoover Dam and ate a lot of Filipino food. This is definitely a trip I will not forget!

Just living life off the edge...of the Hoover Dam!
Just living life off the edge…of the Hoover Dam!


Every year, Ballet Club puts on a ballet entitled, “The Nutcracker.” It is really famous, and is a classic ballet for the winter time. I performed the role of BOTH the Nutcracker and the Cavalier. Can you say exhausting, but fun!? My friends and family came and saw me perform. It truly was a blessing to have them in the audience. Here is a picture of my mom, brother, and me!

Here I am with my mom and brother!
Here I am with my mom and brother!


Really early in the semester, I applied for the Vienna May Term. Then as the semester was winding down, I decided I wanted to spend both May and June in Vienna. SO, I ended up applying for both. Just last week, I was informed I was accepted to both terms, received my first choice for classes, and RECEIVED A SCHOLARSHIP! So I am definitely going. This is just a picture of what I’ll be seeing so soon!

I'll be here for 2 MONTHS this summer!
I’ll be here for 2 MONTHS this summer!

WOW! A lot happened this semester. Writing about it was some good reminiscing. Now, just one exam and one day separates me from Christmas Break! I am so ready to be home with family and friends! I hope you all had great semester (for those of you on the semester system) and I hope you all had a great 1st trimester/part of your 2nd trimester (for those of you in the trimester system)! Stay updated with my break posts by following me on Twitter! God Bless everyone!


Stuff I just wanted to show you guys…

Can we just talk about this? Let’s just discuss the coolest thing that’s about to happen next month.

Ingrid Michaelson
Ingrid Michaelson is coming to Hope!

I LOVE Ingrid Michaelson. She is so talented and her music is right up my alley. Big applause for this one, Hope College. You are too good to me.

The Angel of Lower Wacker Drive

The Angel of Lower Wacker Drive (via the Chicago Tribune)

This story just warms my heart. Good people who unconditionally love others, even strangers, make me really happy. What a cool man.

Target Coupons

Target Coupons

I love Target, and I love to buy things for as little money as possible. How did I not know that Target had a special coupon site until now? So sweet. Plus, have you guys started using the Target Cartwheel app yet? Obsessed.

DIY Christmas Ornaments

DIY Polaroid Christmas Ornaments

How cute are these? I’m totally making some when I get home for break. These would even be cute just to put around your house or dorm!

Prayer changes us.

Such wise words from good old C.S. Lewis.

Sleeping at Last is one of my favorite musicians. This song is a classic, and he totally reworked it and made it 100% different and absolutely GORGEOUS. I love this so much.

Cora Peters

Cora’s CaringBridge

This beautiful girl is from the area I live in at home. She’s been battling cancer for over 4 years, far too long for someone so young with such a beautiful soul. Please, please join me in praying for her.

2 Corinthians 12:3

Motivating Words To Help You Through Finals

I think this stressful finals week calls for words from people who are a lot wiser than me. Here are a few of my favorites to help get you through! Good luck on finals, everyone! Whether you’re not worried at all or stressed to the max, only have one test or are facing exams in every class, are sleeping the days away or pulling all-nighters, YOU CAN DO IT! You’ll be so great!

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Now go ace those finals and juries and appointments and papers! You’ve got this! And no matter what happens, Jesus loves you and I think you’re pretty great too!

Wrapping This Semester Up

Hey there! Well, we’re into day two of finals, and the library is definitely packed! I’m sure I can speak for most people on campus that prioritizing everything is the biggest struggle right now. Which classes do I need to study the most for? Which ones can I skip out on studying for because others need more attention? When should I pack and check out of my apartment/dorm? These are the difficult questions running through mostly everybody’s minds right now. Even though this week is the most stressful week every semester, Hope has done a good job providing some stress-relief.

photo copy
These dogs are the cutest!
So much cuteness in one picture!

For instance, yesterday they provided some assistance dogs to play with to provide a distraction for students for a while. In addition, last night Phelps had a breakfast-for-dinner shindig to provide a break from studying. This is always so much fun because everybody around campus just sits around and enjoys human interaction while eating some French toast sticks, donuts, eggs and other breakfast foods. This is the second time that I’ve gone and seen the entire cafeteria sing “12 Days of Christmas.” This definitely puts a smile on everyone’s face because everybody sounds absolutely terrible, but it’s fun to belt out a popular holiday tune.

It’s so special to have these little events going on because everybody would go nuts if there wasn’t some sort of way to get rid of some tension. However, some people have more stress and anxiety built than others. I have friends that are starting to leave tomorrow, while my stress will be maintained for another three days because my last final is Friday morning. It’s always a gamble when you get to go home and it is especially difficult for people that have to fly or travel a good distance to get home because organizing flights around exam schedules can be tricky. Regardless, while I’m sitting in the library, I can predict that everyone sitting around me is thinking, “As long as I can get through these next few days, I’m good!” That’s the exact mentality I have. Everyone just needs to push through and focus on these darn finals and do their best and the awesome reward of going home for a few weeks will finally be here. However, it is easy to get distracted and daydream of break (I’m guilty of this), so staying focused is a pretty big obstacle. Well, on that note, I better go study for my other three finals. I hope everyone has a great and safe break and I will talk to you all later!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

House of Life

House Picture
House Picture

My wonderful housemate Lydia described beautifully our house this semester. She describes our house much better than I ever could. I am thankful for the journey our has has been through this semester, and I’m thankful I will get one more with these amazing girls.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
– Proverbs 27:17

This year has been an unpredicted blessing.

I live with 6 other girls, totaling 7, in a house that seems to be a never-ending rectangle. It’s unattractive from the outside and many times humorous when you’re inside because of the awkward outlets and random space; but the treasures that live within in it could never be exchanged.

God knew their hearts, and He knew how much I needed them.

Words will never be able to express all that they have taught me and continue to teach me every single day. I have stepped into a house full of life, full of love, and full of friends that speak truth and compassion to each other every open opportunity.  Every chance they have to build one another up, they take it.

What I also love… they aren’t afraid to feel. They aren’t afraid to let their guards down around each other, and if they are having a bad day they are unafraid to confront it. They are real. They are honest. They have taught me to live, to be vulnerable, to seek, to search, to enter into grace, to be patient, and most importantly they have taught me about Jesus and why He gave us friends to help us through the victories and pains of this life.

They have sharpened me.

I pray that each and every one of you will encounter friends that I have been blessed to gain. A friend that calls you out when they know that you were made for more, a friend that laughs with you through life’s hilarious encounters, and cries with you through the trenches. A friend that listens – that plays with your hair as you speak out words that are scattered and don’t make sense. A friend that lets you ask questions and doesn’t always have to give you the answers. A friend that always points you back to Jesus, even when you thought the distance seemed too far.

I pray that each of you will have a friend like these friends.
We all need them.

Now, I must share a brief story about tonight. Tonight is the night before Finals Week, a week when heads are spinning and delirious mindsets seem to override all sanity.  Our house wanted to have one more dinner all together to celebrate the end of the year, and our first semester with each other. We wanted to be together one last time before Christmas break came and one of our dear sisters and housemates moved to Chicago for the following semester. As we were sitting around El Rancho (a delicious Mexican restaurant around here) we decided to go around and say one word that we thought described each person. Cheesy? Maybe. Necessary? Always. After we went around we “up-ed” the encouragement factor and went around again to state what we have learned from each person this semester.

Speechless. The table felt like a golden banquet. Kind word after kind word swept across the room and grin upon grin swept across every face. There were laughs, there were tears, and there were accidental noises in between. It was beautiful. It was memorable. It was awesome.

Why is it that affirming others, and receiving those affirmations seems to be so distant, uncomfortable, and foreign to us? We all need to encourage people more. Share with them that one word that could pierce their heart and that one lesson that they never knew they were teaching. What if we made this the norm? Not in a way that cheapened the meaning or made it something that we expected, but something that was just… easy, easy to slip from our lips and easy for our hearts to receive.

This house of unexpected friends has comforted my darkest hours and celebrated my greatest victories. Let us, as one body, be this house to each other.

Tonight was beautiful. Tonight I realized that although the craziness of finals and life seems to be so present, that this is what we are truly going to carry with us through our lives – the people that sharpen us, the relationships that hold us, and the memories that shape us.

I pray that your friends become your iron sharpeners, and I dare you to do what we did around the table tonight. You would be surprised the freedom and life one word and/or lesson learned can bring.

College is not only about the learning in the classroom, but it also encompasses building lasting relationships and memories. I have learned more about myself during these past four years from the people who surround me. My advice for all of you incoming freshman, be prepared to be humbled. Always keep an open mind and heart. It is easy to become annoyed with people who you live with 24/7, but keep in mind the bigger picture. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on the good in people and learn from them.

Words cannot describe my thankfulness for such wonderful housemates and the Hope community.

God Bless,


Some Fun Things to Look Forward To

Happy December! Well, it’s that time of year again when the snow is falling and classes are over, which means those evil finals are just around the corner. Even though these exams are the worst things ever, there are some positives as well. First of all, finals just mean that there is no more homework, only studying for tests. Also, it means that classes are over so you only have to meet with your class one more time until Christmas break. Finally, it means that we are only a week away from going home and munching on Christmas cookies and enjoying being away from school and the stress that goes along with it.

For me, I’m excited to go home since I haven’t been home since August. I’m definitely looking forward to my family and friends, but also the warm California rays. Ahhh, rough winter back there! In addition, I’m especially excited this semester is coming to a close because classes were the most difficult they have ever been, but there are a few things that I’m looking forward to in the upcoming weeks and months. For starters, I have an internship lined up over Christmas break to get some more physical therapy shadowing hours in. I’m especially excited because I’ve been there before and the people are really welcoming and nice. I will be shadowing at a place called SCAR that specializes in sports rehabilitation, which is what I’m most interested at this point. Beyond that, I’m really looking forward to possibly volunteering at Project Ponytails next semester (if you don’t know what that is, I talked about it a couple blogs ago). This will be an awesome experience branching outside of the Hope bubble I’m in and getting to know the community a bit more while being around one of my favorite animals.

Finally, the main reason I’m glad that this semester is almost over is that I am so much closer to May. Why May? Well, that means this year will be over and it’s summer, but more importantly, I will be in VIENNA! I just found out this past week that I got a position to be in the Summer May Term to Vienna!!!! I had a friend that went last year and she had only good things to say about it and wishes she could go back. I’ve only been outside of the country once, so I’m beyond thrilled that I get to go back to Europe and explore a new area and be submerged in a new culture! Anyway, we have to get through finals first, right? I guess that means everyone needs to get back to studying. Talk to you all later!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

A Christmas-Themed Study Playlist

Studying is hard. Studying at the end of the semester is really hard. Studying at the end of the semester right before Christmas is really, really hard. To make the task a little less painful, I made a playlist of some mellow, festive tunes that you can play in the background while you study in your room, the library, or anywhere else. Some of my favorite artists are on this playlist, including Norah Jones, The Head and the Heart, She and Him, Sara Bareillis, and Hope grad Sufjan Stevens. I make playlists all the time but I think this is one of my all-time favorites. Enjoy, and happy studying!

Christmas Study Tunes
