Spring Break 2014 in California

Welcome back everyone! As mentioned in my last blog post, we just had Spring Break, which was greatly needed. This year I went home to California and brought my friend Lauren with me. Here’s a run-down of everything we did that week: We arrived in Southern California Friday night, and boy were we hungry since …

My Vacation Bucket List

Now that Spring Break is around the corner and most people are traveling home or to Florida, it made me starting thinking: If I could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would I go? Therefore, I thought I would dedicate this blog to the places that I would absolutely love to visit, …

My Birthday Week

It’s March! You know what that means, right? Spring is almost here and maybe Mother Nature will realize that it should start warming up and start melting all of this snow. Also, March means that my birthday is here! Usually birthdays aren’t a huge deal for me, but it was my 21st birthday this past …

Total Trek Quest

It’s finally the last week of February, everyone! This semester seems to be dragging along but also is going super fast at the same time. How is that even possible? Anyway, with the semester being halfway over, a program called Total Trek Quest is just beginning. What is Total Trek Quest? Well, let me tell …

The World of Ski Jumping

Happy Friday! Since last week was a super short week due to Mid-Winter Break, this past week seemed to go on forever. So many things were piled on me that I’m in desperate need of the weekend. One of those things included a presentation about ski jumping for my Biomechanics class. With the Olympics in …

Mid-Winter Break Adventures

This past weekend was mid-winter break as many of you know and it couldn’t have come at a better time. The previous week was extremely stressful, so having a weekend to not think about homework was really nice. Most of the people I talked to said they went home for this break, but I went …

My Favorite Super Bowl Commercials

Happy Friday everyone! As everyone’s aware, the Super Bowl was last Sunday, which draws two distinct crowds. There are those who are football fans and love the politics of the sport and then there’s the crowd that looks forward only towards the Super Bowl commercials. I fall into this latter group, so I thought it …

SCAR Internship

As some of you may know if you have read some of my earlier blogs, I am an Exercise Science major and hope to go to graduate school for physical therapy. Since I am on that path, I need quite a few observation hours before I can apply for school. Hope requires its students to …

Upcoming Semester Highlights

First semester is out of the way, so now there’s all of the fun stuff associated with second semester! Here is a list of some of the fun things going on the next few months: Basketball Hope Basketball is the best sport to watch in my opinion because we have the Dew Crew as well …

First Snow Days!

For all of you Michiganders who have experienced snow days in the past, this is monumental for me. I have never had a day off of school due to weather, so I was pretty excited when I received the text from Hope saying Tuesday and Wednesday classes were cancelled. Back in elementary school, we almost …