In the Swing of Things!

I can hardly believe it, but another semester is underway. Almost two full weeks of classes are in the books, and homework is piling up. However, being back at Hope is proving to be quite blessing! This year, unlike other years, has been a little different. Instead of living in on-campus housingĀ and eating on meal …

Looking Forward to Summer

How time flies! Crazy to think that tomorrow is the last day of classes for my junior year. In some ways I feel sad that the year is coming to an end. These past several months have been filled with so many great memories: Bible studies, exciting classes, date nights, new friendships, reuniting with old …

Making Memories

The past couple weeks at Hope have been full of new experiences and new memories. As always, I’m so thankful for the adventures with friends! However, at the same time, as the year comes to a close, I feel sad that the time with special friends is also coming to a close. Many of them …

College 101: Staying Organized

In college, it’ll make or break you. Your ability to stay organized as a student could be the difference from an A- to an A, or maybe even a B+ to an A in a class. And because of that reason (grades), and many others, it is really important to live an organized life. So …

Young Alumni Workshop

This past week, the Hope College Alumni Association, along with Career Services, sponsored two workshops for students and community members to attend. In addition, awards were given to the two speakers for the excellent achievements that have accomplished in their short careers. The two speakers, Matt Scogin (’02) and Maxine Gray (’04), have both done …

Life’s Simple Pleasures

This semester in my Leadership class, my professor has been challenging each student to reflect on a simple pleasure in life. He’s motive for encouraging us to reflect has been that everyone has a way to relax and recharge. Over the past week I’ve spent some time thinking about some of my simple pleasures and …

College 101: How to be a Good Roommate

Going away to college is an exciting time! New people to meet, classes to start, and independence to develop. However, while all those things are wonderful, there’s one new thing that not everyone is as natural at: being a roommate. So, because all of you reading this either currently have a roommate or will soon …

Michigan Weather Strikes Again

For those of you not from Michigan, you’re in for a real surprise when you arrive at Hope. So here’s the deal, the weather hereā€¦ it’s a little crazy! I’ve heard it said that “if you don’t like the weather, just wait for tomorrow.” But this year, that hasn’t been true. 2014 has been one …

Senior Seminar Reflections

This semester, even though I’m not technically a senior, I am fulfilling my final general education requirement: Senior Seminar. As a freshman, Hope College requires students to take First-Year Seminar, an introduction into life as a college student, Then, as a senior, students take senior seminar, which is an opportunity to reflect on life before, …

Everybody’s Got One, But Mine’s the Best!

January 24th is an important day in my life. Well, not my life specifically, but without a significant event on the 24th, my life would not be possible. January 24th is my mom’s birthday. As this title says, everybody’s got one (one meaning mom); however, I am convinced that my mom is the best! I …