New OU Campus Assistance

We’re excited to announce two new resources available to individuals who develop, edit and maintain websites in OU Campus! Websmith Websmith is a new users group for people who maintain websites in OU Campus. We’ll use it to: Connect with OU Campus users in other departments and offices Participate in focused learning about OU Campus …

A beautiful website for a beautiful campus

The web team has spent the past 1.5 days at HighEdWeb Michigan 2016, a regional conference that tackles the latest and greatest in higher ed website strategy, management, design, marketing and technology. There’s so much that’s worth sharing (and even more that’s going to help us shape and refine how we work at Hope) but …

Against FAQs

1. How do you feel about FAQ pages? Funny you should ask. I’m not a big fan. With very few exceptions, including an FAQ on your site map or your website is a sign that something is wrong with your content strategy. 2. Don’t FAQ pages add value to a website? Not really. Most FAQ …

New Website Training Dates

With the fall semester nearly behind us, it’s time to get ready for working on your websites in the spring semester. New dates for both OU Campus User Training and Writing for the Web are now available — please sign up below using the links below. Although it may not seem like much has been …

About Those Site Maps

We’ve received a handful of questions about site maps — the third element in our requirements to officially kick off your office or department’s site construction — so I thought I’d take a minute to explain a little bit more about what we’re looking for. The best way to do this is to follow an …

Hope College Web Style Guide

Download the Hope College Web Content Style Guide. We’ve all been there: You’re working on your department website and you can’t remember how to spell that building name. And is it the Philosophy Department or the Department of Philosophy? How do I make one of those backward-facing apostrophes for taking the 1 and the 9 …

Training for OU Campus users

Ready to start working on your department or office website? So are we! This month, we will begin connecting with every area of the college to plan, build and launch new sections of the website throughout the academic year. Here are the steps required for your department or office to get started: Attend an OU …

Spotlighting our faculty and staff

Hope College has awesome people, and we want to tell their stories. All 768 of them. When planning the new website, we made sure it would showcase the great programs, facilities and students at Hope—but we also wanted to make sure we’re highlighting one of our greatest assets: The faculty and staff who make this …

Writing for the Web: Resources

We kicked off our Writing for the Web training today with the first of many presentations. More than 40 people attended (of the more than 100 who signed up), and we’re thrilled to see such an enthusiastic response from faculty and staff on campus. If you’re looking for extra copies for others in your department …