Image Licensing Reminder

A friendly reminder to Hope bloggers that you should never simply download an image from a web search and use it in your blog, on your social media platforms, or on the college website. Most images are copyrighted and require licensing to be used on Hope’s digital platforms — and we can get in legal …

Website Audit Checklist

It’s been a few years since we launched Hope’s new website, and some of the corners are starting to collect dust. It’s time to freshen things up a bit! So, we’re asking every department, office and program at Hope to take a close look at their websites and make sure everything is shipshape. We’ve put …

Using Featured Person Components in OU Campus

Assets and snippets are two types of reusable content we use on our websites. If you already find the difference confusing, hang tight because we’re making a third type of reusable content available to everyone. We really do think you’ll like it because it will truly make your work easier. Components will allow you to generate …

New options for website news content

In addition to our behind-the-scenes change to improve Open Graph tags, we also made a more noticeable change that some of you may have already seen on your websites. As you may remember, Hope’s web pages have had the option to display in the right sidebar the most recent press release associated with a …

NEW: OU Campus Help Videos

Did you forget how to find the login screen? Still not quite sure if you’re placing images correctly? Need to make a new page, but you’ve never started one from scratch before? Believe it or not, you’re not the only one with these (and other) questions. You’re not alone. And help is here! We compiled a list …

Kill Your Jargon

This post provides a brief overview of how to enhance problem-based experiences within a meaning-centered paradigm while strategizing metacognitive decision-making across cognitive and affective domains. By the time you reach the end, you’ll understand how to disaggregate assessment-driven manipulatives for our 21st century learners. No, I don’t know what any of that means. In fact, …

Changes to OU Campus workflow

From the very beginning of the relaunch, I’ve had two main priorities for web content: 1. Update and maintain live web content 2. Develop and launch new websites These priorities aren’t changing, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to balance (juggle?) them. In short, it’s taking me far too long to move …

OU Open Labs: Spring Semester

Open Lab sessions are back by popular demand! We’ve blocked out time in a computer lab for you to drop in and ask questions, get help or simply work on your website with fewer interruptions. I’ll be working in the lab the whole time to answer your questions or help solve problems. There’s no need …

Letting go is never easy

One of our goals in transitioning to our new website is to make Hope’s website smaller. There was too much information on our old site, and that just makes it harder for our users to find what they’re looking for. It’s time to slim down. But that isn’t always easy to do. We’ve gotten used …

Introducing Websmith

A while back we launched Websmith, a new users’ group for people who actively manage web content in OU Campus. For those of you who couldn’t make our first meeting, here’s a quick introduction to what we’re trying to accomplish. Please join us at an upcoming meeting! You can sign up online to express interest. …