Off-Campus Study

Thoughts Before Takeoff

I can’t believe my semester abroad is coming on so quickly! In a few days, I will be on my flight to London to continue my degrees in English and theatre. I feel like I have to pinch myself to make it real. But it is! That being said, as I am procrastinating on the items I have left on my list of pre-departure to-do’s, I have come to terms with an upsetting conclusion: my prized chunky sweater collection that I live in during the colder months is not meant for traveling. I must leave some behind. A true tragedy.

Jokes aside, I’m so excited to start my new adventure. I can’t wait to do all the touristy things and to find some hidden gem spots. I love traveling through cities and discovering all the treasures the place has to offer. I am also buzzing about my courses because they all sound like so much fun. For example, I will get to see a theatre production once a week in one of my classes, and my literature classes are full of books that have been on my to-be-read list for ages! London is so rich with history in literature and theatre, and I am so freaking jazzed that I get to study both while I am there.

Emi in the Botanic Gardens

I have also been saying goodbye to my friends and family in the days leading up to my departure. While this doesn’t seem out of the ordinary as the school year starts, this time feels much grander than usual. Hope College is comfortable, and even though I’m not from there, Holland is home. Not returning to Hope this fall feels like a leap into the “real world” despite the fact that I am entering my senior year. However, it’s time to get out of my comfort zone and dive into new possibilities with both my love for theatre and my love for literature. Subscribe below and follow me through my semester!

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