Shedd Aquarium

Chicago is starting to open up! This past week I was able to visit Shedd Aquarium with some of my fellow nursing students. This trip was on the top of my list of must-see things in Chicago. Animals make me happy, so this trip was a great break from my homework and internship. To add …

Rockin’ Around Rockefeller Center

I recently went on my first solo adventure in New York and thought I would share. For my adventure, I decided to go exploring around Rockefeller Center. This was partially because I had been desperately trying to figure out if Saturday Night Live was doing live audiences (30 Rock is where their studio is), but …

Coffee Please

While I don’t consider myself a coffee connoisseur, I was able to immerse myself in the world of coffee this past week. Upon entering the world’s largest Starbucks off of Michigan Ave. I was immediately surrounded by the comforting rich aroma of roasting coffee beans. Exploring all four levels revealed a restaurant, coffee bar, and …

Navigating Transition

The topic of mental health has always been daunting to me, especially when it pertains to my personal life. I have always been open to supporting where I can, but this topic never seemed to be something I wanted to confront for myself. Maybe it was because I was raised in an Asian African household …

New York At Last

First moments in New York “Are you going to LaGuardia airport?” This question startled me as I stared blankly into the plastic screen that divided the driver and me. I had just gotten off my Delta flight at JFK airport and was now waiting in a black van to get to my apartment. “Excuse me?” …

How a Small Town Girl Got to the Big Apple (Cliché I Know)

Deciding to spend a semester in New York was not an easy decision. I spent a lot of last semester stressing over it, in addition to all the regular stress of classes and homework. What I’m trying to say is, I spent a lot of time crying. I met with so many different people in …

First Week In the Windy City

After three night-shifts at the hospital, two classes, commuting through a blizzard, and a celebratory pizza run, I’m happy to say my first official week in Chicago was a success! When beginning anything new, there can be a mix of both excitement and apprehension. Earlier this week, I found myself having excitement for the opportunity …

A Day in the Life as an IJM Intern

As an intern or employee in the somewhat-traditional professional world, I often get the question: “What do you, like, do each day?” So, in this blog post, I’ll try my best to outline what a normal day looks like for me. First, I wake up to my 7:00 a.m. alarm, get into my business casual …

The Exhilarating (and Scary!) Onboarding of My Dream Internship

As some of you may know, my off-campus study experience in D.C. was primarily motivated by my life-long dream to work with the non-profit International Justice Mission. International Justice Mission is the largest anti-human trafficking non-profit, existing with the singular mission of protecting the poor from violence. It beautifully and effectively works by building relationships …

The Women’s March: Protesting While Experiencing the Spirit of Washington

One of the best parts about entering the nation’s political hub is definitely getting to watch democracy transpire all around you. Any day, you can witness think tanks updating curious citizens about the details of international tension or maybe faith in politics. Museums outlining the creation of our country and its following issues are open …