Chapter 1: Becoming a Denver Local

Lately life has looked like saying yes to everything, taking advantage of every opportunity, and discovering new coffee orders. I am now spending too much money on iced lavender lattes with oat milk and have convinced myself that to be productive in any way I must have a coffee in order to do so. Being …

A New Chapter

Welcome back friends! This is titled A New Chapter because that is what I feel this experience will be for me. A fresh new perspective on myself, others, and the world. I’m happy you have decided to join me while I attempt to navigate life in the city!  Three words to describe my summer would …

Lessons from the Concrete Jungle

The New York Arts Program has flown by like a whirlwind. This whole experience felt like just a couple of weeks even though it was four months of living in the city. From the slightly chaotic start of figuring out my new life to settling into the city culture, NY has equipped me with new …

Central Park

One of my favorite places to go in New York was Central Park. One of the very few perks of COVID was that our program moved to different dorms located in the Upper East Side. This made Central Park only a short walk away from home, and I’m so grateful for that. Whenever I didn’t …

Artists Block

A message for my creatives.  Have you ever been through a creative desert? A place where inspiration and motivation seem to have dried up completely, but you still have the task of creating before you? Although constantly surrounded by art in NY, for some reason I felt more overwhelmed than inspired. Days and weeks roll …

Food Glorious Food

Walking down the streets of New York City your nose is bound to pick up some of the delicious smells wafting out of the restaurants lining the streets. These smells are a lovely break from the often overpowering smell of the trash and sewers, but hey you win some you lose some. Having spent about two …

Riverboat Tour

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to see the city from a different perspective. My friend Hannah and I signed up for a riverboat architectural tour of the city. If you are ever in Chicago and wondering what to do, I highly recommend this tour! We were able to sit back, relax, and learn …

How I get around the City

Public transportation was one of the many things that intimidated me the first few weeks in New York. From the bustle in the subways and busses to the fast-paced walking New Yorkers flooding the streets, getting around can seem like a mission! Although it was intimidating at first, it was actually very simple and fast …

Let’s Eat!

New Yorkers are known for a lot of things, but one thing that goes unnoticed is their love for eating out! In the Upper Eastside, it is hard to walk around without seeing New Yorkers enjoying a hot meal and socializing. One thing that I absolutely love about New York is its diverse selection of …

Finding Community

Although coming to a large city has opened a door for a lot of independence, it has also shown me how easy it is to feel isolated. With COVID-19 regulations and being in an environment where people don’t know me very well, isolation often feels inevitable. Especially if you are an introvert like me, initiating …