
“You are studying in a giant political science lab.” That’s what my academic director said to us a few nights ago as we were sitting down eating dinner. Tunisia underwent a revolution in 2011 to become a democracy. Changes are happening all over the country, but change is also slow and democracy takes time. Throughout …

Packing, Panicking & Procrastinating

Packing, Panicking & Procrastinating, three words that describe the past two weeks of my life. As my internship came to a close, I found myself in an utter panic. I was leaving for Tunisia in two weeks and I was completely unprepared. To add to my panicked state was that fact that I was to …

Jordan: Meandering around the Middle East

It’s finally Spring Break at CYA!! For our week off, my friend Shea and I decided on a non-traditional spring break location and go to Jordan! Jordan might be the most beautiful, incredible place I have been so far, which is really saying something after traveling around Greece. The culture is very different here, which …