A Warm Welcome

In my last blog, I landed safely in Santiago and navigated my way through the airport. As I stepped outside, I welcomed the crisp breeze, a nice change from the stale airplane air. It is currently winter in Chile with temperatures ranging from 50° to 75° F. Although significantly warmer than winters in Michigan, indoor …

✈——Touch Down

Wow as you’re reading this, I’ve landed in Chile and have been here for a few weeks. While details about flights will be brief, more important is what I took away from this experience. My itinerary for the day was a two-hour flight from Chicago O’Hare Airport (ORD) to J. F. Kennedy Airport (JFK). A …

Hasta Luego

Hola a Todos, Welcome to my blog! I am thrilled and a bit nervous to begin my trip in just a few days. There is a lot I’m anticipating from this trip, and I’m excited to share that with you all. When I began looking into study abroad programs, I was overjoyed to discover the …

Chau, Hasta Luego

Spanish word of the day: Chau, hasta luego Translation: Goodbye, see you later With finals done and my departure coming up, I’ve been crossing final things off my bucket list and reflecting on my time here. So, for my last blog post, I leave you with this: 10 reasons I recommend Buenos Aires and Argentina …

The Theatre, the Theatre

Spanish word of the day: la sinfonía Translation: the symphony Teatro Colón is one of the most well established theatres in Argentina. It’s also known as one of the best lyrical theatres in the world, as it is renown for it’s operas. COVID temporarily shut down the guided tours, but luckily, they just opened up …

River Deep, Mountain High

Spanish word of the day: montañas Translation: mountains El Parque Nacional de Los Alerces is one of the most beautiful places I have been while staying here. It’s in the Patagonia region of Argentina, along the Andes mountains. The national park has many amazing views, snow-covered mountains, glaciers, and crystal clear rivers and lakes. It’s …

Welcome to the Jungle

Out of every park or natural view I’ve seen here, Iguazu Falls is by far the most memorable. Although it was pouring rain on one of the days that I was there, it was absolutely breathtaking. Iguazu Falls is known as one of the biggest waterfalls in the world. Located on the border of Argentina …


Bariloche is one of the main tourist towns in Argentina. It’s a major skiing town with breathtaking hikes and views. Best known for it’s craft beer, chocolate, and architecture, it’s often referred to as the Switzerland of Argentina. However, this claim, while not entirely false, is very misleading. Bariloche is also home to many communities …

The Batcave

Spanish Word of the day: Cueva Translation: Cave A few weekends ago, I had the pleasure of going on a really cool adventure. Me and a few friends took a loooong bus to Tornquist, a small town in the province of Buenos Aires. Tornquist is known for one of the oldest mountain ranges in Argentina, …

A Weekend Away

Spanish Word of the Day: Viajar Translation: To travel Many people don’t know this, but Buenos Aires is on one of the widest rivers in the world! Rio del Plata is on the border of Argentina and Uruguay, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. With just a river in the way, what is stopping me from …