The First Glimpse

I have been in Romania for a little over one week now and it feels like so much has happened already! This past week has been filled with all sorts of emotions. As I am still soaking up the new environment and trying to settle into my new routine, I found it helpful to organize …

Veritas Open House Day!!

On Thursday, September 19, Veritas celebrated its second annual Open House Day. This day was the official “Welcome Back” party and fundraiser for the students involved in the Kindergarten and the after-school Kid’s Club and Teen’s Club programs. There were lots of games for the children to play, and there were even fun activities for …

Finally.. My First Post!!

I can’t believe I have been in Granada for almost two weeks already!! My journey started in Chicago on September 2nd, where I sat on a seven hour flight directly to Madrid. Surprisingly, I wasn’t sad about leaving my family or friends back home and I sat in my seat smiling. I was counting down …

Let the Adventures Begin…

In THREE days I am leaving for Sighisoara, Romania, and I could not be more excited! Last week, I had a final meeting with Professor Sturtevant, the professor and chair of the department of social work and sociology at Hope, and Jill, my friend and fellow Hope social work student who will also participate in …

It is a Bittersweet Symphony this life.

Well, this is probably the last time I will be writing about how fun my studying abroad experience was unless I will write about how it feel to be in USA (which I will not do). It has been a really great semester and right now I am in London which is my last stop …

The End is not near, it is here.

So, it is almost the end. I have two days before I leave Freiburg and with that I will leave a totally new part of my life not knowing when I will get back to it. It sounds very sad but when I think of all that I have done in the past four months, …

Morocco – a Country in Transition

Three weeks ago, I traveled with a great trip organized by my study –abroad program to Morocco. I have waited to write about it for this long so I could process the trip a bit more before sharing it with y’all. The reason it was so great was because they were very focused on us …

Spain Surprises

My parents visited me here in Spain, and there are a few things that surprised/entertained/ shocked them, so I thought all y’all might be interested too: Wee- fee: This is how Spainards say wifi. In the eloquent words of my mother, “It sounds like pee pee!” Table heater:  Because of the lack of central heating, …

Winding Down?

In one week I’ll be done with the classroom portion of my time abroad… nuts!  I’m staying in Europe for the majority of the summer to travel and volunteer a bit, and so ready for a change of pace and fresh adventure!   Recently I had the opportunity to go to Paris!  With all the …

How far I have come.

What comes to anyone’s mind when they hear Germany? Beer, football, sausages, etc. As much as I would be one of the people who tries to see through stereotypes, this past weekend was probably the most German experience I have had so far. Obviously that is considering the stereotype experiences. I and almost ten other …