Good Morning Varanasi

Last week I had the privilege of traveling to the amazing city of Varanasi. This city is like nothing I have ever seen before and it was captivating. The purpose of this excursion was to travel in small groups and learn about a specific NGO. I visited the NGO Kiran Village that works differently abled …

Living in Delhi

I have noticed recently that all of my blogs have to do with traveling outside of Delhi. Although that does consist of over half of my program, I should probably also talk about what happens when I am in Delhi. Long story short, when in Delhi, I do a lot of homework, meaning I don’t …

Lost in Jaipur

This past weekend was a “free” weekend where there were no classes or trips scheduled through the program so we were able to travel outside of Delhi on our own if we wanted. Some of us in my program decided that this would be a great weekend to travel to Jaipur. Jaipur is a great …

Bucket List #12

Happy Holi!!! Today was the day I have looked forward to since I made the decision to come to India. When I started to tell people of my plans to come here and they asked why I would want to I always answered with “Well, I’ll be there for Holi.” Meaning I will be in …

Study Abroad Europe?

This past week my program took another excursion outside of Delhi. This time we went to the incredible tourist city of Udaipur located in Rajistan. Udaipur is known as the city of lakes and therefore is a big destination. Many of the people in my program joked that this is the closest we will come …

Life Outside of Delhi

One of the many things that attracted me to do a program with SIT is the excursions planned with every program. Before I left it was hard to explain to people that even though my program is based in Delhi, I would only be spending about half of my time there. The rest of the …

An Introduction to India

India has been my new home for less than a week now and I am already falling in love with it. Most of my first week was spent in orientation. One of the things we did during orientation week was going out and buying traditional Indian clothes. In Delhi most women in their 20’s wear …

Jordan: Meandering around the Middle East

It’s finally Spring Break at CYA!! For our week off, my friend Shea and I decided on a non-traditional spring break location and go to Jordan! Jordan might be the most beautiful, incredible place I have been so far, which is really saying something after traveling around Greece. The culture is very different here, which …

Bayram Adventures

Last week classes started back up at Koç after a long and relaxing 10-day break :). As I had mentioned in my previous post, my friend Keelia and I planned to go to a couple of different places in Turkey during the break; we actually had two other CIEE friends join us, Avery and Jordan. …

Kars Kars Kars!

This past weekend we had the opportunity to go on an organized trip with CIEE to Kars, a small city in Northeastern Turkey. By the title of this post, you can already tell I loved it! 🙂 It was definitely interesting to see a completely different side of Turkey: the community Kars finds itself in …